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Gabriele Stähler on Vitamin D3
Live onstage interview with Gabriele Stähler
Brussels Groundcrew Conference, October 2009

Livestream from the Conference

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Bill Ryan (BR): [laughing with Gabriele Stähler] The wonders of technology. Okay, I think we’ve got everyone in the room who we’re going to get in the room. So, let’s make a start. I want to introduce you, and here, I don’t even know you well enough to know how to pronounce your name. It is Gabriele Stähler, am I correct about that?

Gabriele Stähler (GS): Yeah, you’re right. You’re doing fine. [laughs]

BR: [laughs] That’s a good start. And, let me tell you, first of all, what I’m doing up here, because I’m not the star of the show. Gabriele is the star of her own presentation. And when I was talking to her yesterday about her material, which is basically about the benefits of Vitamin D, she was showing me her plans for what looked to me to be a bewilderingly complex presentation that was very impressive in its scope and possibly at the right level for a group of very intelligent medical students.

I said to her, ‘You know what? There are some people here who might not actually be able to follow this, because I was having trouble following it.’ And I made the suggestion, that ‘You know what we need to do,’ based on what little I know about Gabriele, because I don’t know her very well. ‘You’d actually be better off just talking to someone about what you know,’ and she said, ‘Sure.’ So I said, ‘You know what? I’ll interview you.’ And you said...

GS: That was a great decision to do...

BR: [laughs]

GS: ...because I work much better when I can talk freely. The knowledge is just wired in my brain. And I just go about whatever the question is. And it just, he will noodle it out of me, and then you will get all you need to know for the practical side of it, because, basically what I wanted is, I wanted to educate a little bit about the chemistry behind it so that everybody knows a little bit more, but that’s more for the scientific community maybe. And so I make it very easy that everybody knows how much to take for what reason, because that was always the question. Is it Vitamin D2? It is Vitamin D3? How much do you take? Is it toxic, and all these kind of things. So that’s, we keep it very simple and I hope I’m not going into the medical terminology. So if I do, maybe Bill can help me and stop me. Okay?

BR: That’s right. My job is to say, ‘You know what? I don’t understand what you’re talking about...’

GS: [laughs]

BR: ‘Can you back up here a little bit?’

GS: Okay.

BR: So, first of all, who are you? [laughs]

GS: [laughs]

BR: I don’t even know that myself.

GS: Well, that’s an intriguing question to elaborate on. But I guess what you want to know is, what my background is, right?

BR: Exactly, yeah.

GS: Okay. So in Germany, I’m what is called Heilpraktiker. That is something that’s not exactly translatable, because that profession only exists in Germany. You have physical doctors and then you have next followed by Heilpraktiker, because Heilpraktiker is allowed to have their doctor’s office as a physician also. We are allowed also to give injections. We’re allowed to work as doctors and we’re even, by law – and it’s a funny thing – we’re even allowed to do brain surgery if we don’t use anesthesia, unless we can... That’s true! You can look it up in the law! If we learn by bush doctor to do brain surgery, we can do that. We’re only allowed to anesthesia where you can do it by acupuncture or something like that. Okay? It’s funny. So, we have a lot of rights in Germany to help people. We’re not allowed to treat venereal disease and we’re not allowed to prescribe antibiotics. From then on, we can do almost everything that a doctor can do. So, that doesn’t exist in any other country as, for the information.

BR: But that’s not whole scope of your experience. My understanding from talking with you, is that you’re also much more of a holistic healer, and you use some intuitive abilities and you use some interpretive abilities, and you put this all together in a big sort of gestalt which you work with your clients with. Is this anywhere close to being correct?

GS: That is true. Our profession tries to look at a holistic approach to help people with their health issues, not like the doctors usually... I don’t want to... put anybody down there. But we really have a holistic approach, and we try as much as we can to work with natural remedies as much as we can. Okay? So that to that. Of course, there are other abilities that are there, but I don’t think I have to talk about these, really. I think we’d better go on the Vitamin D. [laughs]

BR: Okay. So, my question to you, and it’s a really live interview here, because I don’t know the answer to any of these questions at all, is, given your holistic approach. And what I assume is a lot of experience working with clients or patients or whatever term you want to use. Why is it that what you wanted to talk about was this specialist single thing which is Vitamin D, rather than all the other things that you could talk about.

GS: Well, Vitamin D is very, very special. It’s totally something different than any kind of other thing you call a vitamin. It is so multifunctional and also, within the last eight years there has been a lot of research, research that has stunning results. And it’s so easy. This is why I want to talk about it. It’s so easy to use for everybody. It’s a single little pill, and you can use it for so, so, so many things. You can buy it. It’s not so much that you have to go for a prescription. So you can really help yourself with it. And especially, it’s the new results that the researchers found within the last eight years, why I want to talk about it. And because it really can act on many, many areas.

So here, you know that Vitamin D usually is connected to bones, to calcium uptake in your bones, and if you have Vitamin D you don’t get osteoporosis, and that’s the stuff that almost everybody knows. But then there are so many more items. There are sixteen cancer types that partly can be prevented to 83 percent by just taking these little vitamins. And there has not been much interest in furthering that kind of research, funding it or any, because Vitamin D is so easy to extract, and to make this little pill it doesn’t cost much. So there is not much earned by the pharmaceutical companies. So nobody really wants to fund the research for that. So now we are lucky we have researchers that worked on that for eight to ten years, and now we have the results.

So, it acts on bone health, anyway. That’s known. But it acts on sixteen cancer types. It acts on infections and inflammations. It goes into your nerves and the brain. Okay? So, how does it go into your bones and how does it go into your brain? It helps MS. It helps the immune system. There are a lot of new finds for the immune system. All you can see there... tuberculosis. You can easily combat it with Vitamin D. If you have something going on, inflammation in your mouth for the older generation [laughs] [inaudible]. You can use it there. It’s very beneficial for diabetes. So...

BR: Let me back up just a moment, if you don’t mind it.

GS: Yes.

BR: Because one of the reasons why I was interested in talking with you about this subject, is that our insider contact Henry Deacon – and I think you met him in Amsterdam – ever since we’ve known him, he was saying to us over and over again, you got to take Vitamin D3, you got to take D3. He was specifying the doses. He was writing these things on internet forums. And he was anxious that people should understand this information and, clearly, you share his perspective about how important this is, and how unknown or misunderstood this is. And I want to back up and ask you the question, because this is the first question I asked Henry. What is the difference between Vitamin D and Vitamin D3? Most people don’t even know things like that.

GS: This is exactly the point why I am doing this. I want people to understand that. See, the thing is, first of all, this thing is called vitamin. It’s called Vitamin D and here it starts. It has different forms. It starts to be a pro-vitamin. It’s made in the skin, I’m going to explain that a little bit later, and then it starts turning through some kind of metabolism in your body into a very active form, and when it is in this active form, then it really can work in the body and then it is a hormone. And a hormone works totally different than just any kind of other substance. A hormone can go onto your genes. A lot of cascades of actions, of regulations in your body.

For example, it can suppress renin, which means that your blood pressure goes down, that you’re not so much likely to get a stroke. It regulates all sort of processes. And the amazing thing about Vitamin D that they found was, there are receptors for that vitamin in all of your body cells. And this is the answer to why it acts on your lungs, on your bones, on your brain, on... you name it. They haven’t known this before.

BR: Okay.

GS: Okay?

BR: So, what you’re saying here, is it has a very broad spectrum of benefits, which are not necessarily well-understood by people.

GS: Yes. It is very important that you know the different forms of Vitamin D. It is important for you to tell your doctor, because the thing is, doctors, if you go to them, most of them, they don’t know what to test for. You say, ‘I want a Vitamin D test,’ and the doctor goes and looks: what test of the two tests it can make is most expensive, and then he says to the laboratory, ‘Okay. You’re going to have this test.’ But there are two ways that you can test, and one way is only valuable for you to know what your blood levels are. And also, to get Vitamin D test, it’s not very expensive. It doesn’t cost much.

BR: Is this something that people need to do? I mean, I’ve never been to a doctor to have my vitamin levels tested for anything in all of my life. I just kind of... go by my own intuition or by what I’ve read in a book or by what a friend recommends, or sometimes by Kinesiology, muscle testing or whatever. But I’ve never been to a doctor to say, ‘Hey, test me out for my vitamins.’

GS: Yes. It... you can go, like he can, or he does, if you have that intuition for your body, you can. You can try that out, but you never know, did you really raise your level or not? Also, it can get very expensive [to] keep on shoveling Vitamin D in your body... [laughs] thinking you need that much. In reality, you just have to do it for a while only. Maybe for four, five months. You raise your dose, and I will talk about the dosage, and then afterwards, you need only a little bit to maintain that dose. And so, it doesn’t get so expensive for you.

BR: Okay.

GS: And then there are also factors that can really hinder the Vitamin D uptake. So...

BR: What’s the difference between D and D3? This is the first question I asked Henry.

GS: D and D3. I can show you. We have first this D3, and the D3 is something that’s made in the skin. And for that production of D3 in the skin, it is crucial that you’re out in the sun. Just be out in the sun like a happy child and playing outside. That’s all it needs for your skin to make the form of Vitamin D3. And that is just the precursor to the active form. Okay? So, now, what’s the next form? The next form is Calcitriol. The first form is made in your skin, as you can see. The second form is made here in your liver. And still, that’s stuff that’s made in the liver. It’s called, and that you got to know. And...

BR: Is that what my liver looks like?

GS: Mm-hm. It’s on a plate there... in the picture. [laughs] So, you have a... You get some appetite. You can eat liver and you get a lot of Vitamin D. That’s true. Any kind of liver has that. So, I have to... bother you a little bit with that Calcitriol, and the Calcitriol, here, has a formula. And I cannot point to it now, because I don’t have a pointer. But it says here, it’s 25 and then it has an ‘OH’ and then it has a D3 behind it. And that’s the substance you really need to keep in mind, because that is exactly what is measured in the blood. Where you can see your real blood levels from. That stuff from the liver gets transported into your bloodstream and is just cruising around there. So, the next step. It is then transported into your kidneys. And then in the kidneys it is metabolized or it’s hydroxylized, whatever you want to call it. It’s changed into Calcitriol. And the Calcitriol has a little 1.25 there. So, these are the two things that a doctor can measure your blood. The 25 OH D3 and the 125 Dihydroxy... Vitamin D.

BR: What you’re saying here is that there’s a kind of cycle of absorption which naturally starts with the sun. And as it goes through various stages in the cycle in the body it actually changes its form, and that’s the different names which are applied to it.

GS: Exactly. And this is also the answer to what is D3 and what is D2. Now, we have here...

BR: So... why should we take D3, which is the substitute for the sun on the skin, rather than going straight to the end product, which is Vitamin D, or have I misunderstood that?

GS: No. You haven’t misunderstood that, but the body has to make it itself, okay? You can only take, you can only extract the precursor and put it in a little pill. I mean, you can also do the other one that... but that’s much more difficult. And then – I have to say something, please – the D2 that you see in the very bottom. That is a Vitamin D that’s derived from plants. Everything that is called Vitamin D3 comes from animals. But don’t be afraid. It’s not like you have to poke the animal and take a skin out or take the liver out and extract it. It is made out of the lanolin, out of the little grease that’s in the hair of the sheep. Okay? And that’s so easy to produce, and that is put in this little pill. So when you see D3...

Now, really, some scientists say D3 works as well as this one that you can get from the plants. From what I have seen in the studies, it’s not true. You can support a person with a D2, but if you put D2 from the plants in your system, it just declines real fast. After some months, there’s nothing much left. When you do the same dose of Vitamin D3, it gets stored in your body. And that is also important. Vitamin D3 gets stored in your fatty tissue in the body. After a certain amount.

BR: Okay. So, what I think you’re saying, then, is that if you’re confused about what form of D to take, take D3 because it’s the most natural substitute because you’re going straight to the source of where it all comes from, which is the sun. And if you’re in the winter time, in the 'flu season, for example, or in some different climate where you’re not going to get a lot of sun or in a job but you don’t get a lot of sun, then D3 is going to be the best possible substitute for that. And then your body knows what to do with it. Is that right?

GS: That is true. That is absolutely correct. The thing about Vitamin D is also, why I’m so enthused about it, it’s also an antibiotic. The thing is, that your immune cells have receptors for Vitamin D. So as soon as this D3 floats along in your blood and hits one of these receptors in your cell, your cell immediately starts changing it into the active form, locally, on the point where it’s needed. And that has not been known before in the scientific community. It’s ranging amongst the 15 hottest items in the nutritional community, this Vitamin D, and this is also why I’m talking about it.

BR: Now just now, you said it was a natural antibiotic, and at this point, this is one of these medical words that a lot of people will understand. And, I want to ask you... [laughs]

GS: They had to fight with antibiotics. To tell you the truth, they’re getting stuffed with that stuff by the doctors usually, you know.

BR: Oh. For sure. Absolutely. And there’s a whole thing about antibiotics where you can go about the damage that they do, and I understand that. But is it also – and this is very relevant for the topic of the day – is it also an antiviral?

GS: Yes. Yes. It is both. It is an antibacterial and it is an antiviral. It depends if the virus is encapsulated or not. If it’s an encapsulated virus, and we have that with this influenza. It’s an encapsulated virus. And this is why I’m also talking about it, because if you take relatively high doses at the onset of an influenza, you can really catch it. Besides, Vitamin D makes a really good mood. You know when the sun is up and you get in a good mood? The same happens, at least personally, to me, when I take a Vitamin D at a certain level.

BR: When you mean you can really catch it, you mean you can really knock it out?

GS: [laughs] Yeah. You can... Well, I don’t want to say that too loud. You can knock a lot of things out with it, to be honest.

BR: Is it one of these things that doctors aren’t allowed to say?

GS: [laughs] Doctors can say that, but I want us to have Vitamin D for a long, long time, without anybody taking it away from us. Because now, going back to the other question, it was like, what are the dosages. The thing is, when you look into laws or the Drug and Food Administration, or these kind of people, they tell you, you need only 200 units per day for all age classes. From infant on until you’re about 60 or something like that. And your common sense says, that can’t be. An infant is a little body. It needs less than a grown-up. And now I want to tell you what the real doses are.

The doses that scientifically are proven to really impact or go back to... if we take only 400 units per day – and I will show you on the slides when I’ve got the slide – then we can almost move nothing. There were 400 units of Vitamin D given to breast cancer women. And the control group they had, did get nothing. Okay? And then they checked the blood levels. And by 400 units of Vitamin D, the blood levels didn’t move up at all. So, what’s happening with Vitamin D, it really depends on the dosage. How much of the illness you can prevent or how much of what you’ve got, you can help with that. So the dosage is crucial. We have something, for example, in Germany, you’re allowed to have only products that show you 200 to 400 units of Vitamin D.

BR: That was my next question, that in Europe here, and in England, I’ve only seen Vitamin D sold in up to 200 or 400 international units, and then you look at the instructions for the dosage, and it just says take one per day, or something like that. But you’re saying that this is not nearly enough to be effective for what it can do. Is that right?

GS: That’s right. That’s right. And what I say is really based on many, many... I don’t know how many studies I have worked through, to see that the scientists say, that has all to be up-regulated, because the thing is... [clears her throat]. I tell you what, if you’re out in the sun. And let’s assume you’re in your bikini or your swim or bathing pants, and you expose your body only for ten to fifteen minutes to the sun. Only. Okay? Your body makes 10,000 to 20,000 units of Vitamin D. Sounds a lot. But that’s what your body makes naturally. So you can get Vitamin D free without paying anything, if you really walk into the sun.

BR: So, part of the problem here, and as a holistic practitioner, of course you will recognize this, which is that it’s our lifestyle which is part of the problem. Because we’re working in offices, we’re working indoors, we’re staying at home all day. The children aren’t going into the garden to play... and all of a sudden we’re deprived of what is a natural heritage, like a form of free energy. It’s all coming there from the sun all the time, and we’re not even going out there. Is that...?

GS: Yeah. That’s correct. And there are many, many factors that block off the sun, and to tell you the truth, about 60... 65 to 95 percent of the whole world population is deficient in Vitamin D, and we see the consequences. Vitamin D really has to do with all the illnesses like heart diseases and cancers and diabetes and all that. And we wonder why...

BR: All the things that are on the increase.

GS: Yeah. And we wonder why does it increase. And yet, we’re really, as Bill is saying, you’re sitting in these offices. We’re not exposing our skin to the sun, and then we would have really everything. And I told you, 15 to 20 minutes only, but full body exposure, not just your face. Not just your hands of any of it. Your full body. And then you can have all you need in the summertime.

BR: But we’re told that we’ve got to cover ourselves with sun block to make sure we don’t get skin cancer. What does that do to the...

GS: That’s true. See, a lot of the problem we have are really due to us being brainwashed by a lot of different sayings. One saying is, ‘Oh, don’t put your child out into the sun unless you have your sun block’ or something. And now we coming to a crucial theme here. We have to understand a little bit about the sun, because the sun is, what we have been told is very misunderstood. The sun has a lot of different rays that it just puts beneficially down on us. Okay? It has x-rays, it has a part of visible light that we can see. It has an infrared part on the right side, okay? So, the infrared part, you know these little lamps that you can put on when you have a cold or something, with the infrared light, it puts heats out, and that’s very important also, for the formation of the Vitamin D. So, we have ultraviolet light, and in this light, there is something important. We have three different categories, and you have to understand that, because then you look into maybe getting the suntan from your tanning studios or something like that. And you got to know one thing here. In the ultraviolet light, we have three different forms: the UVC light ray. We have the UVB light ray and we have the UVA. So, now, what’s going to happen? They have a little bit different wave length, and so they penetrate our body in a different way. The UVC is absorbed by the ozone layer right away. We don’t have to deal with that.

BR: Except that the ozone layer is getting thinner. This is a problem...

GS: That’s true, and that it’s getting a problem for us also. As we heard yesterday, and now this thing... skin can burn from that. And now we have something, what is really dangerous for your skin. What makes your skin wrinkle and old. It’s the UVA. It’s a very aggressive kind of ray. It goes deep into your skin. It changes something on your cells, under your skin, the melanocytes, and that is harmful. That we want to block out, okay? If we can. Now, there’s something else I want to convey. For example, these offices, they’re built so that the sunlight can come in. They’re built out of glass. You have window. But the window filters out the UVB that we really need, and lets through the UVA. So we’re basically baking in our offices under the wrong ray.

BR: Are you saying that it’s the UVB that’s beneficial.

GS: The UVB is beneficial, and we’re going into that. See, the UVB is beneficial because that helps to convert something that comes from a cholesterol that’s sitting in your skin into the precursor for the Vitamin D3 that you really need.

BR: So, our modern lifestyle is, for some reason, conspiring against us to get what we really need. And here I am thinking, ‘Well, why should we be surprised at that?’ But, it’s just another way, in which, metaphorically speaking, our modern society is shooting ourselves in the foot here. We’re not being supported in the way that we could be.

GS: Not at all. We are also told. See, we’re really told that if we don’t use sun blockers, we’re going to get skin cancer. It’s all that thing. There are wonderful scientists out there in the America, that show, by scientific proof, that you rather get melanomas when you’re not out in the sun. Why is that? If you don’t go out into the sun, your body is not making Vitamin D, and when you have D3 in your body, working in it, it is going against cancer. It’s going against skin cancer. So when you have a very light skin, of course, you be careful. You go out in the sun maybe for two minutes, and then you raise the exposure of your body in the sun. Always a little bit more, until your skin gets a little bit red but not more. Okay? So, when your skin tans, it is also a protection against the aggressive waves of the sun. See the thing. You need a little bit protection, but not as much that the sun cannot go through and make the Vitamin D.

BR: So, I just had a little question-and-answer with myself here, because I was going to say, ‘Well, where do we get our Vitamin D from, then?’ And then I realized your answer would be, ‘Well, actually, we don’t.”

GS: That’s true. And that’s the problem. There are actually only four sources you can get Vitamin D from, and the first and the happy [answer] is this: you just jump out in nature and you expose your body and just really let your body be flooded with the sun. That’s the first.

The second one: you really do have to supplement. Because, who of you can be out in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes? Or who knew it? That they had to it? Or who knew that they could do it in their lunch break, maybe. And that only pertains to summer.

Then we have food, but there is very, very little Vitamin D in your food. You have it in fatty fish. Okay? You have it in salmon, and you have it in the fresh wild salmon. Much higher doses than in the farmed salmon. So you have to look for the fresh stuff. But it’s not enough.

BR: So, the connection that that’s just made with me... then this is another reason why the Eskimos, the Inuit, are so healthy. It’s not just because they’re eating the fish oil, but it’s because they’re getting the Vitamin D3 even though they don’t expose themselves to the sun.

GS: That’s true.

BR: That’s interesting.

GS: That’s in the first place, and here is our government that says, ‘Oh, 200 units only.’ And we’re starving. With 200 units in your blood, you can almost not prevent what we call rickets, when the bones get soft in children and they get these ‘O’ shaped legs and they’re very ill. This is what you maybe can prevent with that. And here, I just have the foods up where you can see how much you can get. And it’s almost nothing. You would have to eat so much fatty fish and so much salmon that you get sick in the evening, and you wouldn’t have enough of the Vitamin D that you would need. So food is a little bit you can get it from, but not much.

BR: You’d have to eat half a kilogram of wild salmon every day in order to protect yourself against the swine flu.

GS: [laughs] No. For the swine flu, you need more.

BR: Okay.

GS: You need more. Vitamin D is really dose depending. I mean, it depends on how much you put into your body in order to raise your blood level. Here it is, what I said to you. 15 to 20 minutes. 10,000 to 20,000 units Vitamin D are made naturally in your body. So here’s the food and nutrition board. It says 200 units per day for all people. And when you’re 50 to 70 years, then you’re allowed to eat 400 per day.

BR: Now just pause there because it’s important to understand what you said. That’s not your recommendation. That’s the official recommendation, and you’re saying this is way too low to be useful.

GS: Yes. It’s not only me saying this. It’s just, like the scientific community has proved it over and over and over again. I have brought here a list where you can see how much your blood levels have to up to prevent diabetes, to prevent cancer. I will show that to you a little bit later. So now, when you look at toxicity, there are people around that their only duty is to tell everybody, food is poison, this is poison and that is poison. You can get toxic from it. You can die from it. Okay? And here added something. 40,000 units of Vitamin D can kill a rat. 40,000 units, and you have to really find that anywhere. But then, equivalently, for a human being, that’s 75 kilos big. You need 7 million units and that’s nowhere. I mean, you would have to eat so much to kill yourself, it’s almost impossible.

BR: That’s proportional by body weight.

GS: That’s proportional by body weight. Okay? And that’s what I want to convey. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be of afraid of taking normal doses. There is no threat. If you, even taking up to 30,000 units. Ten to thirty thousand units, there is no threat for you. Okay? That’s proven. And here, I did a little bit, something for you, saying, or to keep in mind: how much, for whom, and for what reason.

Babies – it’s a very important issue – and maybe I say a little about pregnancy, and maybe you have friends that are pregnant or yourself. It’s very, very important, because a lot of your health that you have in later years accompanying through your life is set and programmed during pregnancy. And if the mother is deficient, the baby doesn’t get enough while it’s forming its nerves. And there is, in mice or in rats, a study has been done. If you feed a bunch of rats about some units of Vitamin D, and the other group you don’t feed with it. The babies of the rats that were not fed with Vitamin D during the pregnancy of the mama rat. These little rats had diabetes pretty soon. So, that’s what’s happening.

It takes a little while until the illnesses show, but they’re really laid down in pregnancy, the pattern for the health that you’re going to have. So, please tell everybody that’s pregnant, they have to take up to 6,000 units per day. I know my friends that are pregnant. They’re full-time working pregnant women behind these glass windows, and they don’t get any sun too much. And then you have to know something later, when the baby is there. Where does the baby get the Vitamin D from? Before it has been dependent that the mother feeds herself correctly. But then when it’s out, where does it get it?

So now, in Germany, we have in the hospitals, the doctors say, ‘Well, we have to supplement the babies.’ And they do. And this is why normally babies are less [self-]sufficient than anybody else, but only in the start of their life. Only in the first year maybe. They say, when the baby is born in summer, feed it through the winter with Vitamin D for a year and that’s it. Kind of like that. And you have to know, when a mother makes milk, and in this milk, only 30 percent of the concentration of the Vitamin D that’s in the mother’s blood goes to the baby. Only 30 percent. So when the mother is down with her Vitamin D level in the blood, the baby isn’t getting much.

BR: Okay. So, what caught my attention there with that slide. It says, ‘If you live at 30 degrees latitude or higher...’ That’s because the higher latitudes get less sunlight, right?

GS: That’s correct, yeah.

BR: And I have no idea what 30 degrees latitude is. Where is that in...?

GS: Okay. We know when you look at your Earth, you have these little things running down, latitudes and longitudes. And we have the equator. If you go up north from the equator, about 42 degrees and that I just know by heart. 42 degrees latitude you go up north. Munich is located there. Then you have not enough sun. So everybody that lives further away from the equator, like from the 30th or 40th latitude on, really needs to supplement Vitamin D.

BR: So what you’re really saying is everyone in Europe.

GS: Everyone in Europe, anyway. Everybody in Boston, everybody up north.

BR: Or everyone on Australia. If you’re... Okay.

GS: Also... Also. Yes. That’s important because we don’t have that much sun.

BR: Well... [laughs]

GS: And then there’s also a problem. You think black people, they absorb a lot. Black people... they’re good... they’re made for being in the sun. And now black people, they’re working everywhere in the world. They’re working in Norway. They’re working as workers somewhere in Canada. And these people have the lowest level of Vitamin D. And they’re the most sufficient... the most deficient in Vitamin D. Because, I told you before, the darker the skin is, the more your skin and your system is protected from the sun rays, the less the sun goes into their skins, because they’re so dark. They’re not making much Vitamin D.

BR: It’s a natural sun block.

GS: It’s a natural sun block. The darker your skin is. So that has two sides. On one part, it really helps you from the aggressive rays of the sun. On the other side, it doesn’t let the UVB rays into your skin to produce Vitamin D.

BR: Okay.

GS: Okay?

BR: This is interesting stuff to me. Okay. I have a really interesting question about the... but you may choose to answer it later.

GS: Go ahead.

BR: One of the things that’s going through my mind is the connection between the modern 'plagues' almost, of diabetes, cancer and heart disease, and it would be very interesting to plot the rise of that against some kind of measure of our decreased natural exposure to sunlight as a result of our changing 20th century and 21st century lifestyle.

GS: Run that by me again?

BR: Okay. I’m correlating...

GS: Okay.

BR: ...the increases in diabetes, heart disease and cancer, with our decreasing exposure to the sun in the course of our daily lives, as our lives have changed since we were all working in the fields, working in our gardens back in the 19th century, for those of us who were around there. And, I hadn’t made that correlation with the sun. I had made that correlation with a bunch of other things, like sugar in the diet. This is another correlation that’s been made. But maybe this is a more general holistic question. Maybe you want to pick that up later, because I know you want to give some more information about the dimen...

GS: No, the thing is, I need another presentation. I don’t know how to change here in these windows. And this is why there are some slides that I really want to show, are not there. And now, I can do it without the slide also, which I’m going to do now, because what I want to relate, really, is how much we really damage our sun intake by what we do, and how we live, and not only by what we do, but also what the weather does, what the latitude does. So...

Now, here we go. If we block... the sun is blocked by many, many things, and then you will understand how come that also I say, most of you are deficient. If you really would look into your blood levels, you would see that. And I go into what is a healthy blood level also, because I think it’s important to know. For those people who want to be responsible and just check their blood levels and see how much they should really take - unless you go just take it, you can - There are safe doses you can take, and I can tell you what they are, and then you can go ahead and buy it and take it. Take it for five months, and then go and get your blood levels checked.

So, what blocks our sun? Naturally, clouds. Okay? Clouds. In winter, it’s snowing. There’s no sun coming down. So in winter it’s very important for us to supplement it. And this is also why the correlation is, why are there so much colds in winter? We are warm. We have warm clothes. We’re not freezing. And yet we have the colds in the cold season, and not in the summer so much. There are some 'flus that you get in the summer, but not that much.

BR: That’s an obvious, intuitive link between sunlight and flu, isn’t it?

GS: That’s true. That’s true. Okay? Then there’s something else . What I notice, because I’m out a lot, And then, soon, I don’t know if you know, probably you will know, what chemtrails are?

BR: Chemtrails. Tell us about chemtrails.

GS: Okay. I’m not going to talk about chemtrails. There’s so much more to say to that. But if you look up in the sky and you see the airplanes going, and then after... behind the airplanes there is this white kind of trail, and in earlier days, my father showed that to me. In earlier days they’d immediately dissolve behind the airplane. As the airplane was flying, the white stuff dissolved behind it, and now when I look up, it doesn’t dissolve. It makes patterns in the air. And these white streaks in the air start getting bigger and bigger...

BR: And it stays there all day.

GS: ...and then it stays there all day, because I notice, I’m a sun freak. I love the sun, and when I look out of my window and I see the mountains, and I see the sun, and I think, ‘Oh, that would be a good day to go out in the mountains.’ And when I’m up at 8:00am and I see that, and then I just delay a little bit and do this and do that, and it gets to 11 o’clock. Then I looked out and I saw that all of a sudden there was a film of some kind of funny grayish cloud there, or not really a cloud. Just a film. And immediately, the sun was blocked. So I said, ‘Oh, I’m not going to go on the mountains because it’s gone.’

But I watched that now for many, many years. And I thought something is wrong with that, and that’s what’s called chemtrails. It’s put out in the air and I guess you know what this is. There is a barium salt in it and there is aluminum in it, and they do it by intent to block the sun rays. And you see it immediately when you’re out – and I had this experience just recently – when you’re out and the sun is shining, you’re happy the sun gets on your skin. And all of a sudden there flies this airplane. It takes only, and I photographed it, it takes only a few minutes, and the sun is blocked, and your body feels cold and you starts freezing, even though the sun is shining. That was my recent experience when I was out, and I was amazed how much chemtrails really block off the sun.

So we have something new here that we didn’t have not twenty years ago, which is very, very important. I mean, chemtrails are a theme by themselves, so we’re not going to go into that. You can just Google it and see what it is. But that’s something. Then we have pollution on top of all that blocks our sun. So then, finally come summer, okay, we can go out into the sun and what are we going to do? We’re going to put sun blockers on us. And the funny thing is, there are also studies, the moment the industry put sun blockers out and the sun blockers changed chemically, not only that there’s poison in the sun blockers, but it blocks out, as I said before, the wrong rays. The beneficial ones they block off, and the aggressive ones they let through.

There are very many different kind of sun blockers, and it really shows that the melanoma rate rose exactly with the millions that the industry earned with these sun blockers, selling them to people. Okay? So, now we have summer. We have the sun. We put sun blockers on. Some people say we don’t go out in the sun because we can get melanoma. That’s why I said, "being brainwashed" and our lifestyle, as Bill said before. So that contributes greatly. We have also a few other things that are happening in our bodies, which is important. We have conditions, health conditions, that also are not very beneficial to absorb Vitamin D or D3, because we need to have a healthy kidney and we need to have a healthy liver.

BR: Because it goes from the skin to the liver, to the kidneys.

GS: To the kidneys, as I showed. And so we have to have these healthy. There are people that don’t have that healthy. People that drink. You know they have problems with the liver. So the liver doesn’t make the Vitamin D. So, then we have a colon that might not be healthy. All the diseases like Crohn’s Disease. All the inflammational diseases that you can have in your colon hinder also the Vitamin D action. And the calcium absorption, and then you get brittley bones. So, there are these things, illnesses that you can have.

And then also, there is something else. And I have to look deeper into that. There is a certain kind of medication, when you get it prescribed from your doctor, it blocks off the intake of Vitamin D also. And especially anti-seizure, and so, anti-epileptic prescriptions or drugs. When you have somebody that has that, it’s very difficult for them to get enough Vitamin D. You have to supplement differently or a little bit more, or glucocorticoids and things like that. Also, during chemotherapy, there is something funny. They supplemented people who were having chemotherapy and these people couldn’t take up Vitamin D as well as people that also had cancer and didn’t have chemotherapy. So, these are things also to look into.

BR: A conspiracy theorist would think that maybe somebody wanted to make us ill. [laughs]

GS: [laughs] Well, I’m not going to answer to this really and elaborate on that because we can sit hours here... [laughs] to go into that.

BR: Okay. Back to simple, practical advice for people, because this has been... I mean, I’m assuming that the people in the audience, both here in the room and on the internet, have been learning as much as I have here, because I didn’t know this stuff. And, I’m back to that question that here in Europe you can only get Vitamin D3, as far as I’m aware, in bottles full of 400 international unit size capsules or pills...

GS: Well...

BR: ...but you’re saying this isn’t even enough. You’d be rattling, because you’re having to take ten or twenty pills a day, and most people don’t do that, because it feels wrong. Where do you get your Vitamin D from, if you don’t go out in the sunshine every day?

GS: First of all, I go out into the sunlight a lot. That’s my prime Vitamin D source, to keep healthy and happy. And, of course, I’m supplementing, and there are sources where you can get it with a higher dose. The doses you have to take basically, which is safe for you, it’s a lower limit of being safe with Vitamin D if you’re ever afraid. Okay? You don’t have to.

Up to 10,000, 30,000 units to take per day, nothing is going to happen. Your blood is not getting hypercalcemic. You don’t get too much calcium in your body when you do 10,000 units per day, but the safe lower limit is 2,000 units per day. Okay? But that, when your levels are low, is not enough. What I would suggest, go onto 5,000 units per day, and take that for five months, because it takes a long time until you can raise your blood levels. When you do it only a month, your blood level will not raise much. You have to do it for about four to five months, really fill your batteries.

BR: Because you’re making up for a backlog.

GS: You’re making up for a backlog, yes. And later, when your levels are at normal, which I want to look into, or at least, to a beneficial level that you can keep yourself healthy and prevent all these cancer things that you can get. Breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes and all this kind of stuff. When you’re at a level where you can prevent that, it will take you only 2,000 units per day to keep it up, and that doesn’t cost much. It costs you between, I don’t know, 15 and 20 Euros, depending on what it is, for a bottle that lasts you for quite a long time. And in summer, you can leave these 2,000 units out, completely, when you expose yourself to sun.

BR: This is so interesting for me again, just as I said at the start of this little presentation. This is exactly what Henry Deacon, who is an electronics specialist working deeply on the inside, but he’s a very, very smart, well-informed man. He has being telling this so many times. I can’t remember how many emails he had sent us about Vitamin D3.

GS: That’s true.

BR: And what may be pertinent for this audience here, and I suspect – I have no idea what time it is, but I suspect we’re probably coming to the end of this quite soon – is, in the context of a possible epidemic, pandemic of something, whether it’s a mild H1N1, or whether they put some pepper in the soup and maybe it ends up with something that’s a little more serious, what levels should people be taking then? Are you suggesting that waiting until you wake up one morning, feeling bad, and then going out to get the D3, that’s too late. Is this what you’re saying?

GS: Of course not. First of all, why I’m also sitting here is, I want to remind you to really start now. Getting your levels up prevents a lot. Really start now. Start now while you still can get this. While you still can get these dosages of Vitamin D. You can get it in 2,000 units in a bottle, in one pill. You can get it in 5,000 units. You can get it in America, but also there are sources here. If you’re interested, I can name some for you. I will be here. You can ask, how to possibly get some of these things. And then when there’s really an onset of something, you feel you’re getting the flu or something, then really start dosing it high. Start dosing it at 5,000 units and then you go another hour, and take another 5,000 units, and then you wait an hour, you take another 5,000 units. So that makes up to 15,000 units.

BR: Hmm.

GS: I told you before, the body makes, naturally, 10,000 to 20,000, so don’t be afraid. People that are lifeguards out on the coast, they’re sitting in the sun day by day. Okay? Their skin doesn’t burn any more, and they make these amounts of Vitamin D in their blood naturally. How can nature be more toxic than the dose of 5,000 units?

BR: Now, as an antiviral which is, as you explained it is. Will it work as effectively against something mild, like swine 'flu is mild, or something much more serious like avian 'flu. God forbid if that should hit us. Is the effect of the Vitamin D as an antiviral as effective against all these viruses, or, for instance, if there is a serious pandemic of something very nasty, do you need even more? How does it work?

GS: I would suggest you take more. I mean, I personally would do it. I’m very careful with anybody else. See, the thing is, if somebody comes as a patient to my office, I will have them, first of all, take the Vitamin D, but also, rather, I would like to test them first. I talk to my laboratory, and what I do, is a screening. I don’t only test the Vitamin D level, but I have a screening that shows me three values if your kidneys are working. It shows me three values if your calcium uptake is okay or not. So I do that for my patients, then I know exactly, is everything working fine. What is your exact blood level? Do I have to give you 10,000 units per day to make you just have enough for the start, or do I have to give you only 5,000 units. It’s a safer way. Okay? If I measure the blood levels.

BR: But what you’re saying is that you can’t overdose on this without eating a polar bear every day, right?

GS: That’s correct. You can’t. Basically, the values of intake we’re talking about here, you cannot overdose it. There is no chance. There was given, there was a study, and there was given 100,000 units in one shot to one person, I mean, to a group of people a day, and the blood levels rose, but then they got stuck somewhere. And then it took about three months until the curve declined to a blood level where it was a little bit low again. So, it had the benefit when you have people that are in psychiatric hospitals and you don’t want to feed them Vitamin D every day. It’s kind of, they don’t want to take it or it’s too much of a problem, you give them a very high dose. And, as I said, it’s getting stored. And then slowly, the body takes out of what it needs until in three months it runs down. And I said, the dosage was 100,000 units. That’s a lot. And they showed no signs of toxicity.

BR: Okay.

GS: That’s a proven fact by some scientists.

BR: So the summary – and let me risk a summary and run it past you – what I think I learned here, is that we’re all likely to be deficient in Vitamin D3.

GS: Correct.

BR: If we’re concerned, especially as we’re heading into a period of lower sunlight, and the fact that we’re in Europe and not living on the equator, therefore we should be supplementing ourselves. And if we’re supplementing ourselves, we should be supplementing ourselves at at least 5,000 units a day.

GS: The lower safe limit is 2,000 for you guys and then, usually, you should take up to 5,000 per day. And then it would be correct.

BR: And we don’t want to wait until people are surrounding us with 'flu. We need to be able to, we need to start now, to build up this protection, because we’re probably building up a backlog. And if we want to get a hold of this stuff, just now I heard you say that you can give some advice to people that come up to you privately.

GS: Yes.

BR: I imagine there’s a long line of 50 people who are going to try and find you after this presentation, but you can order it on the internet from America and deliver into Europe, is this correct?

GS: You could also do that. Possibly you could also do that, yes. But then also you have to check on the quality that you’re getting and they have to make sure it’s the D3. And this is why I like to work with certain people together that have a fine quality of Vitamin D. Where does it come from? What are the sheep like? What do they feed them with?

BR: Okay.

GS: I’m looking for quality. I’m... as we heard, Germans have quality, and that’s something that I really look deeply into. What kind of supplements? This supplement is not the same as that supplement. That’s why I refer to a particular source where you can get it easily, and that’s what I do.

BR: That’s interesting. Actually here this is something that you didn’t know about me, probably. I’m a trained Kinesiologist. I’ve never actually practised, but I remember studying, a long time ago, that when you’re testing using Kinesiology, which is muscle testing for different kinds of vitamins. You can test completely differently on five or six different bottles, and they’ve all got Vitamin C on the side, or they’ve all got Vitamin D on the side. They’re made in different factories from different sources. The body treats them very, very differently. It’s not just what it says on the label, and I do know that.

GS: Yes. That’s correct. I know that also. I know that deeply. And this is why I look so deeply into supplements. I look... almost all the stuff I look up, and I check it on my own body, and I see what it does. And I really do it over a month to find out what it really does, because I’m pretty sensitive in my body and I can find out what it does the moment I put the substance into my body and let it run in my body for two to three hours. So then I know. You can produce a lot of these vitamins artificially. You can produce Vitamin B artificially, just in the laboratory. It’s not the same as when you extract it out of plants. And besides, some of the products that I would suggest also have a little bit of Vitamin E in it, and that is important, because Vitamin D is fat-soluble. So you have to have a little bit cholesterol in your blood, like it or not, because otherwise you cannot make the Vitamin D form that you need.

BR: And, as a naturopath, I would expect you also to be saying, learn to listen to your body, because it’s probably trying to tell you what it needs, if only you would listen. Would you agree with that?

GS: Mm-hm. I agree with that, but then what would I say, or what would your body say? When the sun comes out, you just leave your job? And you say, ‘Oh, I’m going to go out in the sun' and 'I don’t want to work any longer because my body needs sun'.

BR: Sometimes we don’t have the choice, that’s right. But, I guess, I mean, I know that I don’t listen to my body enough, and the reason for that is because there’s so much other noise.

GS: That’s true. [laughs]

BR: There’s a lot of noise in my head. There’s a lot of noise in the world. I’ve got a lot of problems in my life, blah blah blah. And we don’t listen to this little persistent voice that says, ‘I need this’ or ‘I need a glass of water’ or ‘I need some fresh vegetables’ or...

GS: Well, there...

BR: We’ve learned that ability. We’ve unlearned that ability. We’ve lost that ability. I think a lot of that.

GS: That is true, but that is another theme. That is a big theme.

BR: Another theme. Another seminar.

GS: That’s another seminar. It’s another psychological thing, how we’re programmed by our parents not to get what we really want, not to honor ourselves, for what we really need. Or then you have a husband or wife that says, ‘What do you need that crap for?’ And you shrug your shoulders and you don’t dare. And many people out there like that, dominated by other people and not being able to really fulfill what they really need for themselves and to be respectful towards themselves. And then how can they be respectful towards others and the needs of other people that say, ‘Oh, I need to go out in the sun’ and say, ‘Oh, you’re lazy. What do you have to go out in the sun for?’

BR: Hmm.

GS: That’s a lot of... that’s another story, where all these things come from. And...

BR: Okay.

GS: Yeah, there’s one thing I want to say. It goes a little bit back to the matter which is important. See, I said that Vitamin D is stored in the fatty tissue. So then, all the people that have a little bit more fat on their body say, ‘Oh, this is great. I have a lot of Vitamin D in my body. My body can really take it from my fat cells.’ But I tell you one thing. The bigger your fatty tissue is, the more the Vitamin D gets stuck in the fat, and the people, the bigger they are, they have very little serum levels of Vitamin D, because it gets stuck in the fat and it doesn’t go out in the blood. So, obese people have, on top of all the problems they have, the problem they don’t get enough Vitamin D, and I thought that it was important to say, so get all your friends that are a little bit too big to down... [laughs]

BR: [laughs]

GS: ...down their risks of getting ill.

BR: Okay. So, I found that really interesting. Thank you. I hope everybody else did as well. And, it’s part of the big picture of how we should be thinking, preparing ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually for whatever it is that may be in store for us over the next few years, and that’s a wonderful contribution. Thank you.

GS: Mm-hm. Thank you very much.

[applause from audience]

GS: Thank you. [applause from audience dies down] I want to say one more thing. One more last thing. And it came into my mind yesterday, when we heard that your skin can get burned and we maybe have to disappear in some caves and under the earth, and I don’t know what. You know? Then I thought, well store your Vitamin D up, because when you’re in the cave, you’re not getting any sun, you know? [laughs] That was just my last idea to yesterday. Okay. Thank you very much.

BR: Those guys in the underground bases are going to get pretty sick, maybe. [laughs and audience laughs also]

GS: [laughs] Maybe, if they don’t have any equivalent lights. Yeah. Thank you.

[applause from audience]


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