重要なお知らせ 2010年3月3日
この現在のサイトは次の2~3日以内に発表される プロジェクト・キャメロット ポータル のサイトの一部となります。 現在のプロジェクト・キャメロット
イト( https://projectcamelot.org )は、キャメロット・ライブラリーとなり、以降の変更や追加は行われません。
しかし、現在までに掲載されている情報の英文原稿および翻訳原稿は引き続きライブラリーに、どんどん追加されていきます。 現在のサイトから、以下の3つの新しい サイトへの移行完了まで、もうしばらくお待ちください。 我々のサイトは次の3つの主なサイトへ 分かれます : 1. キャメロット・ライブラリー - アーカイブに入れられる現在ご覧になっているサイト 2. ビルのサイト 3. ケリーのサイト さらに、ビルのサイトからはThe
Avalon Forum(アヴァロン・フォーラム)へのリンク、 今回の新しい分岐により、我々のそれ
験者"そして"研究者"たちのインタビューは、総合ポータル上と、我々ふたりの個人サイト上にどちらが制作したかによって仕分けされ掲載される予定です。 これまでのみなさまのご支援と暖かい励 ましに心から感謝しています。 -- ケリー |
2010 年2月20日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 アングロサクソン・ミッション(The Anglo-Saxon Mission) : ビル・ライアン(Bill Ryan)によるプレゼンテーション 2010 年2月19日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 アングロサクソン・ミッション(The Anglo-Saxon Mission) : 証言者のオーディオ
インタビュー シンシア・クロフォード(Cynthia Crawford): コンタクティのワークショップ 2010 年2月18日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 ビル・ライアン(Bill Ryan) フリーダム・セントラルによるインタビュー キャメロット コンファレンス in LA - ドクター アルフレッド・ウェブルー(Dr. Alfred Webre) キャメロット コンファレンス in LA - マーシャ・シェーファー(Marcia Schafer) 2010 年2月17日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 キャメロット コンファレンス in LA - ミリアム・デリカド(Miriam Delicado) 2010 年2月5日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 ジョーダン・マックスウェル(Jordan Maxwell) : 惑星地球の乗っ取り 2010 年2月3日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 パトリック・ジェ リ ル(Patrick Geryl): 2012年の地球の大変動 2010 年1月27日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 キャ メロット コンファレンス in LA - デビッド・ウィルコック(David Wilcock) 2010 年1月24日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 キャメロット コ ンファレンス in LA - ボブ・ディーン(Bob Dean) キャ メロット コンファレンス in LA - リチャード・ドーラン(Richard Dolan) フュー チャー・トーク5: ボブ・ディーン(Bob Dean), ヘンリー・ディーコン(Henry Deacon), アルフレッド・ウェブリー(Alfred Webre) 2010 年1月23日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 ジェーン・バーガーマイスター(Jane Bürgermeister): ダビデとゴリアテ 2010 年1月22日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 キャメ ロット コンファレンス in LA - アレックス・コリアー(Alex Collier) 2010
年1月20日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 キャ メロット コンファレンス in LA - ジョーダン・マックスウェル(Jordan Maxwell) キャ メロット コンファレンス in LA - ダンカン・オフィニアン(Duncan O'Finioan)/デビッド・コルソー(David Corso) ドクター ピート・ピーターソン(Dr.Pete Peterson) - パート 2 - デビット・ウィルコック(David Wilcock) ドクター ピート・ピーターソン(Dr.Pete Peterson) - パート 3 - ケリー・キャシディ(Kerry Cassidy) 2010 年1月18日 • 2~3日前にドクター ビル・ディーグルのラジオ番組 ニュートリメディカル・リポート(The Nutrimedical Report) に出演した際の、我々と彼との興味深い会話を聴くには ここ
をクリック してください。ケリーは間もなく行われる二人の新しい”告発者”との
した。どうぞお楽しみください... 2010年1月 14日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 ドクター ピート・ピーターソン(Pete Peterson) - パート 1 - ビル・ライアン(Bill Ryan) 2010年1月13日 • 新しいインタビュー原稿 現在溜まっている未処理のインタビュー原稿はだんだんと処理されつつあります。そしてもう
すぐすべてが公開されるでしょう。下記のものが、新しくリリースされたものです : 2009年12月21日 • フリーダム・セントラルによる、ビル・ライアン(Bill Ryan)へのパーソナル・インタビューが ユーチュー
ブビデオ でご覧いただけます。 また、MP4ビデオをダウンロードするには ここ を、MP3オーディアをダウンロードするには ここ をクリックしてください。 このインタビューのオリジナル版は、 フリーダム・セントラル
のリックとメラニーによって、10月10日にブリュッセルで撮影されました。(その時はケリーと私の両方がカメラに写りました。) 2009 年12月14日 • 我々のサイトの、ウォルター・ボワートの古典本
Mind Control') へのリンクがエラーになるという指摘がありました。(下記の12月2日を参照ください。) ダウンロードする
は、 ここをクリック
または ここをクリック してください。これらのリンクは、今、この更新時点ではうまくつながっていま
す。 2009 年12月12日 • 11月27日に我々は、ルーマー・ミル・ラジオ局 (Rumor Mill Radio) のレイラン・アラン(Rayelan Allan)によるインタビューを受けました。 こ こにそのリンクを追加しました 。この番組は3時間です。かなり出来のよい収録になりました。興味深い話がたくさん出てきます。 2009 年12月7日 • 多くの方からのご要望にお応えして、このページの先頭 に、プロジェクト・キャメロット ウェブサイトの活用の仕方 セクションを追加しました。(注:2010年2月時点では、すでに削除されています。) インタビュー証言者たちのコラージュ写真は、我 々の友人でもあり、素晴らしい雑誌 ドット・コネクター の編集者である多才なポール・バンダロフスキー(Paul Bondarovski)氏が、寛大にも無料で我々のために製作してくれたものです。 2009 年12月2日 • ジェームズ・マルチネス(James
Martinez) の語る、『オペレーション・マインド・コントロール』の著者ウォルター・ボワート(Walter Bowart)の人生と彼の仕事について、の オー
ディオ・インタビュー (本のダウンロードは ここをクリック
または ここをクリック
)をすでにお聴きになられた方は、ボワードの書いたある未出版の”概説本”のことを私が話したのを思い出されるでしょう。 2009 年12月1日 • ジェームズ・マルチネス(James
してください。彼は、世に多大な影響を及ぼした決定的な1978年の本 オペレーション・マインド・コントロール('Operation Mind Control')
Bowart) の同僚・親友でした。ウォルターは2年前に亡くなっています。我々はこのインタビューの視聴
をぜひお勧めいたします。 2009 年11月29日 • 11月20日のベンジャミン・フルフォード (Benjamin Fulford)との電話インタビュー(下記参照)の インタビュー原稿 がリリースされました。 電話インタビューのオーディオの質が良くないため、この原稿が、内容の理解に役立つかもしれません。 また、たくさんの重要な原稿がもうすぐ出来上がりま
す。現在、掲載前の最終チェックの段階にあります。それらには、ドクター ピート・ピーターソンとのインタビュー、ドクター
スティーブン・グリアとのインタビューを含んでいます。 2009 年11月21日 • ここをクリック for an impromptu phone update with Benjamin Fulford. I, Kerry, reached him very late at night my time (12 am) and took the opportunity to get his take on the global economic situation among other things. Our conversation began with the following Skype text exchange, where I posted some info we had received and asked Benjamin for his response. He got back to me right away and then agreed to do a quick interview. Note: We apologize for the audio quality... there was a lot of interference during the call. Introductory Skype conversation:
注記 : このオーディオの質が悪いため、我々の原稿起こしチームによってできるだけ早く、原稿が起こされると有り難いと思います。 • 2つの新しいビデオのリリース : プロジェク ト・キャメロット in アムステルダム(8月1日収録。我々2人によるプレゼンテーションです。11月の現時点でも、かなり関連性の高い話が出 てきます。): 10月10日、11日のブリュッセル コンファレンスのビル・ライアンにより ガブリエラ・シュテラー(Gabriele Stähler )のインタビュー が行われ、彼女はビタミンD3について話しました。ビタミンD3は、自然のもので、強力な抗ウィルス力を持ちます。このビデオでは、このしばしば見過ごさ れがちな、あなたの免疫組織を自然の力で強化するビタミンD3について知るべきことすべてを網羅してあります。: とにかく かなりの量の 情報が紹介されています。また関連情報として... (D3について、ガブリエラに連絡をしたい方は ここをクリック してください。) 2009 年11月18日 • 長らくお待たせいたしました、クレイ(Clay)と ショーン・ピカリング(Shawn Pickering)兄弟のインタビューは ここをクリック してください : 今ではそのインタビューは3時間半にまとめ上げられましたが、それでもなお、これは並はずれた途方もない内容のものです。この件に関する我々の第一報を読 むには、アーカイブ7に ある11月3日のブログをご覧ください。 このインタビュー全体をお聴きになりたいかどうかの判断材料として、また関心をさらにお持ちいただ くため ここをクリック して3分間だけ視聴してみてください。ショーンとクレイが、2種類のレプティリアンの話を生々しく述べています。そのうちの一種類は、米海軍所属の情報提 供者が極秘プログラムの中でこれまで直接に個人的にやりとりを行ってきたレプティリアンで、この極秘プログラムのことは、このインタビューの中で -どうにかこうにか- 完全に暴露されることとなりました。ご視聴をお楽しみください。 2009 年11月16日 • ドクター ビル・ディーグル(Dr Bill Deagle) の包括的な、新しいインタビューは、ここをクリック してください。(約94分) 彼の話はこの宇宙のあらゆることがらに及びます。例えば:豚インフルエンザ、2012年問題、地下基地、地球の変動、イルミナティ、アヌンナキ、イラク、 イラン、その他。魅力的な話で、しかも重要な題材のものばかりです。ぜひ視聴をお勧めいたします。お聴き逃しのないように。 27 October 2009 - update • Click here for a new page featuring the eight new Camelot video interviews from the 10-11 October Brussels Conference (see below). 27 October 2009 • At the recent 10-11 October Brussels Groundcrew Conference, we were privileged to talk with Gerald Celente, Ed Mitchell, Stan Deyo, Matthew Stein, Lloyd Pye - and again to Jane Bürgermeister and George Green - all by remote videolink. These interviews are each archived on Ustream, although video quality is not the best, and some of them are hard to find: we will be posting all the links on a new page soon. The interview with Gerald Celente - editor of Trends Journal - is particularly passionate, energetic and entertaining. We have extracted the audio, which is available here (35 minutes). For a 5 minute extract (well worth listening to in its own right), click here. The audio of the other interviews will be published here over the next few days. Enjoy. 26 October 2009 • Click here for Miriam Delicado's LA Conference presentation: • We have added a tribute page for the highly respected British UFO investigator Tony Dodd, who died earlier this year. Two years ago he contacted Project Camelot with information that was so "hot" that he felt he could not put his name to it, but encouraged us to publish it - warning that it could be dangerous to do so. Click here to read the report, published under the pseudonym John Robie. 7 October 2009 • Our radio show archives have now been [mostly] cleaned up of the commercial breaks - and are all available for free download on our Audio Interviews page. The quality is highly variable, ranging from unintentional (sometimes very funny) comedy to high quality on-the-spot information, with some marvelous contributions from our guests. Some interviews were extremely good - including (but not limited to) Bill Deagle, Miriam Delicado, Richard Dolan, James Gilliland, Len Horowitz, George LoBuono, Richard Sauder, Michael Tellinger, and David Wilcock. The discussion we had about the Steven Greer video - where I (Bill) interviewed Kerry - was also a very good show, and may be valuable/helpful for some to hear if they've not already done so. Enjoy! • Bob Dean's LA Conference presentation - in which he again presents and comments on classified NASA images, and is as inspiring, dignified, and entertaining as ever - is now edited and uploaded. Next up will be David Wilcock, and within 24 hours we'll be releasing our interviews with Patrick Geryl [this one only after some consideration: see 5 October opposite] and Dr Paul LaViolette - soon followed by Jordan Maxwell's epic interview. Please be patient: as can be seen, we've been working round the clock to handle the backlog before we travel to speak at the Brussels Conference this weekend. 2009 年10月6日 • Click here for a 22 minute audio interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, recorded by radio host Rebecca Jernigan at the close of the recent Los Angeles Conference. Bill and Kerry talk with Rebecca about the conference itself, the magical process behind the scenes, the growth of Project Camelot, the groundswell of public activism and involvement - and where it may all be going. This wonderful little interview is energetic, animated, and a great deal of fun - and we can't recommend it too highly. 2009年10月5 日 • Rich Dolan's presentation at LA Conference - on his outstanding book UFOs and the National Security State - is now edited and uploaded. 2009年10月4 日 • Click here for Duncan O'Finioan and David Corso's powerful presentation at the Los Angeles Conference. Duncan can be contacted through his new website Here. He and we are aware [see also his 13 April 2009 audio interview Here that there are many hundreds - if not thousands - of others who have been the unwilling victims of the same or similar programs, and Duncan and other colleagues are gathering together a substantial support group. We encourage and support you to contact Duncan personally if you feel you may have something to contribute, or to discover about your own military past which for some reason you cannot remember. 2009年10月3 日 • Click here for a new page that will feature all the videos from the 19-20 September Los Angeles Conference in high quality. First up are Alex Collier and Jordan Maxwell. Duncan O'Finioan will follow within 24 hours, and more will be uploaded over the next week. 2009年9月21 日
2009年9月10 日 • Click here for a Futuretalk with Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann), Bob Dean, Alfred Webre, and Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot - recorded at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit on 26 July.
![]() 2009年9月4日 • "We really need to step things up. We need to step things up as a community. We need to step things up in unity - and make our voices a lot stronger than they have been." Click here for this 20 minute video message from Miriam Delicado recorded by Kerry Cassidy on 21 August, a few days after Miriam's auto accident (from which she has recovered well). 2009 年9月3日 • Click here for a short video interview done by Kerry Cassidy with Dr Len Horowitz, when he spoke with Dr Masaru Emoto at the Live H2O event at Laguna Beach in June. 2009年8月31 日 • Click here for a transcript of Bob dean's Barcelona presentation, which includes links to high-resolution images of all the NASA photos that Bob revealed, and at the end of which Henry Deacon joined Bob on stage to confirm the existence of the Mars base. We encourage you to watch the video to get the true impact of this historical event...Bob Dean at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit. For visitors unfamiliar with the Henry Deacon material, one option is to Click here for the video conversation with David Wilcock - Jumproom to Mars : highly recommended. Henry has since explained that this device is actually known as The Corridor, and resembles a large goods elevator. 2009年8月30 日 - Updated • Click here for a transcript of Bill Ryan's keynote presentation at the Zurich Conference. The alternating German translation is edited out, and the result is a smooth, continuous (and sometimes humorous) account of Project Camelot's view of the state of the human race in 2009. It makes for a good read, and we recommend it.
地球の今 我々のキャメロット・ポータルは、今夜、新しく生まれ変わります... プロジェクト・キャメロット ポータル : この総合ポータルは、下記のリンクすべてを含みます。このページをブックマークして、これらのリンク への入り口としてご活用ください : https://projectcamelotportal.com このポータルからリンクされるものとして : ケリーのサイト : https://projectcamelotproductions.com ビルのサイト と Avalon Forum(ビル主宰の、アヴァロン・フォーラム) : プロジェクト・キャメロット ライブラリー(現在ご覧になっているこのサイト) : Project Light Warrior(ケリー主宰の、光の戦士プロジェクト): https://projectlightwarrior.com 寄付について : 上記の『移行期のキャメロット』メッセージにありますように、
れ、現在の共同管理口座は新・総合ポータルが稼働後は廃止されます。 2010年3月3日 私ケリーはこのような悪質のいたずらをする人間や潜入者、また ケリー(私)や他の誰かのふりをしてこのような悪質な情報を流す人間には全く我慢がならない、ということをみなさんはもうお気づきだと思います。 以下をクリックしてください : https://youtube.com/user/ProjectCameIot To see an imposter channel set up to promote the claims of Jonathan Reed. Our name, logo and profile have all been hijacked. THIS IS NOT THE PROJECT CAMELOT CHANNEL. The real Camelot channel is jagbodhi: https://youtube.com/user/jagbodhi I've registered a formal complaint to YouTube. Please do the same here. After it disappears, click here to see the archived page: Spread this far and wide. This has been going on for WAY too long. I don't know if the perpetrator was Jonathan Reed himself. It's likely that it was him or someone close to him. I've been personally sure for a long time that the Reed story is a hoax and this is further very strong evidence of this. --Bill 2010年2月28日 • The Camelot Portal is being designed to encompass all sites and will go online shortly. • Camelot Radio from Feb 25th now available for free here. Part two, is Dr. John Waterman talking about the background to the Anglo-saxon Mission. 2010年2月27日 • Various items from Bill: -- The Svali archives are back online at suite101.com. Click here. Note that a warning may be in order: this is disturbing material, about Illuminati ritual abuse and other allied subjects. It's heavy stuff. -- There's a new torrent of all our video interviews from 2006 to the end of 2009. Click here. -- I have video updates from Jane Bürgermeister, Jim Humble and Klaus Dona to edit and post. The interview we did with Igor Witkowski on the 'Nazi Bell' has been delayed due to data loss problems but should be released in a few weeks' time. -- I'm editing a comprehensive audio interview with Dr Bill Deagle which confirms the reality of The Anglo-Saxon Mission and adds more to the background of the scenario. This will be released soonest. -- The video commentary on the Anglo-Saxon Mission itself will be re-uploaded to YouTube next week. The Anglo-Saxon Mission will be made available on torrent once it has been re-edited. -- Our volunteer translation team now numbers 190 people, and is still growing at a rapid rate. We salute you all - you're doing a heroic job to make Project Camelot a major international resource. Your hard work is critically important. -- To assist in your language, please contact John, the translation team co-ordinator, here. Please note that this is not the same John as Kerry referenced on 13 and 15 February below, 'the distinguished Aussie with the cane', whose Facebook page - which I'd not seen before Kerry posted it - publicly states that his friends include Gordon Brown, Hugo Chavez and the Sultan of Brunei, and that he is a supporter of the Likud Party. (If you suspect that I may be making a subtle point here, I am.) -- Project Avalon, which for the last year has existed only as the Avalon and Camelot Forum, is going to be extensively re-designed as a major new information and inspiration portal, a proud sister site to Project Camelot embodying all our ideals, values and mission as originally envisioned and stated, and which I personally pledge will remain free from interference, infiltration or commercialization. -- I'd like to ask for the generous donation of a YouTube channel with an old-style Director's account: the kind which allows for unlimited lengths of video to be posted. The suggestion comes from a sponsor who is willing to make a substantial donation to someone who may be in a position to offer support in this way. Please contact me about this at bill@projectcamelot.org. Very many thanks. --Bill 2010年2月25日 • ドクター ジョン・ホール を迎えての 2 月18日放送のラジオ番組のオーディオ・ファイル をラジオ・アーカイブに掲載しました。マインド・コントロールと人工衛星による監視についての素晴らしい話がお聴きいただけます。 今夜のラジオ放送は、緊急ゲストとして ドクター ジョン・ウォーターマン そして レベッカ・ジャーニガン のお二人をお迎えして、レベッカの行った最近の数々のインタビューについて取り上げ、また、パラダイム・チェンジについて、彼女と魅力的な話を繰り広げた いと思います。 第2時限目は、ドクター ジョン・ウォーターマンが、アングロサクソン・ミッション(the Anglo-Saxon mission)についての非常にタイムリーなバックグランウンド情報を提供してくれる予定です。この放送もすぐにアーカイブに掲載されることになってい ます! •
メールアドレスまで。(件名に "Free Music" と書いて送信してください) • 私、ケリーは、ラーフィンUFO会議(Laughlin UFO Congress)から戻ってきたところです。そこで私はドロレス・キャノン(Dolores Cannon) と ボブ・ディーン( Bob Dean)にインタビューを行いました。 ボブは、ジェイク・シンプソン(Jake Simpson)とヘンリー・ディーコン(Henry Deacon)の証言を裏付けるさらに決定的な情報を公開しました。... 私は今、編集待ちの最近のインタビューの長いリストをかかえています。どうぞもう少しだけお待ちください。それらはできるだけ迅速にリリースされる予定で す。 2010年2月20日 • ビ ル・ライアン(Bill Ryan)によるプレゼンテーション:アングロサクソン・ミッション(the Anglo-Saxon Mission) インタビューへの解説、のビデオとそのオーディオは、音楽著作権法のため、一時的に取り 除くことになりました。ご迷惑をおかけしております。 我々はそのビデオを再編集しできるだけ早くリリースいたします。 皆さまのご理解に感謝いたします。 ビル・ライアン(Bill Ryan)によるプレゼンテーション: アングロサクソン・ミッション(the Anglo-Saxon Mission)インタビューへの解説、のビデオの英語原稿は、ここをクリック してください。 2010年2月18日 • 重要な新しいビデオ : (音楽の著作権の取り扱いのため、一時的に取り除かれています。) アングロサクソン ミッション(The Anglo-Saxon Mission) の全ストーリーは ここをクリック してください。もしこの情報がいまだ価値あるものであるなら、それはこれまで私たちがお届けしたなかで、最も重要度の高い情報かもしれません。 • ヘザー・アンダーソン(Heather Anderson) の件についての個人的なメモ : 一般の人びとによる査読を受けるためにケリーが公開したこの 書類 は、質の悪いものでした。どの記述も、プロジェクト内部の科学者としては、教育レベル的な一貫性がないような人物によって書かれたものです。 我々の プロジェクト・ アヴァロン(Project Avalon)のフォーラム において、ヘザーは、自分のことを”ドクタ-アンダーソン”と述べ、また実際に彼女を 知っている、と主張するフォーラムの他のメンバー(マルコMarco)は、彼女のことをMD(例えば医師)である、と述べました。私(ビル)は、これが本 当であるとはどうしても思えません。 何度も繰り返し見られる同一のタイプミス-例えばソルジャーのつづりミス ( 'SOLIDER'、正しくは、'soldier' )- がベン・マーフィ(Ben Murphy)の文章には見られます。ベン・マーフィはプロジェクト・アヴァロンのメンバーであり、このPDF書類の中に名前が出てくる人物でもあり、” ヘザーは彼の知っている実在の人物であった” と主張する人です。そして彼によれば、ヘザーは脅かされ、逃亡中で、しばらくの間、彼と彼の妻と一緒に住んでいたというのです。 ベンとヘザーからのEメールはどちらも、同一の IPアドレスから発信されたものでした。しかし、ベンはこのことについて、「彼女からのメッセージは全て、彼女が口述したものをぼくに書き取らせたもの だ。」と説明しました。彼は続けて、「全く同じような失語症的ミステイク(SOLIDERなど)がぼくの文章にも、彼女の文章にも見られたのは、こういう わけだ。」とも述べました。 上記のようなことがすべて明らかになったとき、私はベンがその書類をでっちあげて作ったに違いな い、と責め、プロジェクト・アヴァロンに彼が参加するのを禁止しました。そう決めつけるのに十分な証拠がなかったことを、ここで彼に謝罪したいと思いま す。 - しかし、悪質ないたずらをしたという理由で彼に限定的な禁止を言い渡したことを正当化できるような、下記のような証拠物件が出てきました。 私(ビル)は、キャメロットが手玉に取られたことに腹を立てていました。本当に、ヘザーは実在の
人物であったかのように思えます。キャメロットは本当にからかわれたのかもしれませんが、しかし、それはベンによってではありません。 今のところ、私のはっきりとした個人的な意見は、”これはキャメロットの時間を無駄使いしてい
のはっきりとした有力な証拠を示せる人物に絞るべきだ、と。 私の見解では、我々の仕事をずっと追っている人びとは、我々が情報を公開する前に、入手した情報
を、相応の配慮をもって他の情報と照合することを我々に期待していると思います。 間違いを起こすのはたやすいことです。または、それらの真に迫ったカバー・ストーリーやその
話をバックアップする情報源にだまされることもあるでしょう。 我々の学びは続きます。我々は我々の旅を、我々の読者や視聴者と分かち合うことを誓います。ケ リーと私は、真実に対する情熱で一つに結ばれています。そして二人とも、利己的な理由から我々をコントロールしたいと欲する一部の人びとによって、市民か ら隠ぺい され留保されている情報を解き放ち自由にすることによって、世界がよりよい場所となるよう、自分のベストを尽くすことに専心しています。 -- ビル 2010年2月17日 私たちの新しいプロジェクト、光の戦士プロジェクト(Project Light Warrior)のために、ジュームラ・デザイナー(Joomla Designers)を募集中です。またプロジェクト・キャメロットのほうにも同様にジュームラ作成の助手が必要です。興味のある方はトミー(下記)まで メールください : Tommy@projectlightwarrior.com キャメロットのポータルを開発(フロントと出口)するために、ウェブサイト・デザイナーを募集中 です。これにすべての時間を費やせる方で、迅速に仕事をこなし、責任を持って献身的に職務をこなせる方。報酬をお支払いする資金は我々には残念ながらあり ません。興味のある方はケリー(下記)までメールをください : kerry@projectcamelot.org 2010年2月16日 みなさん、どうかこの素晴らしい雑誌を支援するために購読をお願いします、今すぐに!! あなた方の緊急支援がないと、この雑誌は生き残ることができないでしょう。 もしあなたがプロジェクト・キャメロットの仕事を愛してくださっているなら、きっとこの雑誌の素晴らしい記事の数々にも、共感を覚えると思います... 2010年2月15日 • 資金援助をお願いします :
す。 一人は最
場してくれるかもしれません。 • テレビシリーズ制作への関心: これまで、我々と我々の仕事に対して関心を示すいくつかのTV局から、TV番組制作を真剣に持ち かけられてきました。ことが進展するようであれば、みなさんにもお知らせいたします... • コンファレンスへの出資者を募集 : 新しいサイトを始めました。: キャメロット コンファレンスを世界中で開催するための プロジェクト キャメロット プロダクション です。これまで世界中の方々から、ぜひ自国でコンファレンスを開催してほしい、という招待を我々は受けてきました。ですから私たちは、喜んでぜひともこれ を実現させた いと思っています。このまえのヨーロッパでのインタビューにずっと同行してくれた ジャッ ク・バーンズ(Jack Burns) 氏が、この取り組みを主宰するために、我々に加わってくれることになりました。先週末のロスでの、コンシャス・ライフ・エキスポに出席された多くの方々 が、会場で出演者や公衆と知り合うために彼が会場内を動きまわっていたのを目撃されたかもしれません.. 彼はいつもステッキを持っている著名なオーストラリア人です。... 我々は、この計画を実現可能とするために、現在、コンファレンスに出資して下さる方を探しています。 関心を持たれた方は、下記ケリーのメールアドレスまでご連絡ください : kerry@projectcamelot.org尚、メールの件名には、”Conference Investor(コンファレンス投資家)” と書いて送ってください。 •
Delicado) は、コロンビアへの旅から戻ったところです。彼女はそこで、 ”大いなる集い(Great
Gathering)”の準備をするために、彼女と親交のあるこの地域の先住民族の人びと と連絡をとってきました。詳しい情報は、彼女のウェブサイト
をご覧ください。 • パメラ・アイク(Pamela Icke): 私の親友パメラがとてもひどい転倒をしました。彼女は現在ゆっくりと回復に向かっています... 彼女のすてきな ウェブサイト を訪れ、彼女に癒しのエネルギーを送ってあげて下さい、あなたがそうしたいと感じたら。 •ビルのコメント付きのヘザー・マテリアル(Heather Material)のpdfファイルは、 ここをクリック して下さい。または、その文書の鮮明なコピーは ここをクリック してください。 ここに参照として添付するのは、 ヘザー・マテリアルのpdfファイル です。
この文書は今では公になっています。なぜなら、我々は、ヘザーが交通事故で亡くなった、と証言者より聞いたからです。 • ケリーの声明 : マルコ(Marco)へのメッセージ、そしてキャメロットのあり方 Reposted here for all those interested (click here for original post): LETTER TO Marco and the WAY of Camelot, Marco: Please feel free to contact me anytime. My skype name is 'snowjaguar'. I do not share Bill Ryan's point of view on the Heather material or with regard to Ben. I am disappointed and astonished that Bill would publicly post regarding someone who has come to us as a whistle blower regardless of his view of the material. This is not how Camelot operates. It is not our mission. We are not the judge and jury or the grand inquisitor... Although we vet our witnesses to whatever degree possible, considering the depth of the subject matter and the seriousness (by the way), what is MOST IMPORTANT is that the information gets out to the public so that they may decide what resonates and what does not. Getting the truth out in whatever form we find it is our mission. As we move into 4th Density or the wave, determining what is true and what is not will become more and more difficult. If you are not already aware, records, badges and degrees can be falsified by the secret gov in whatever way they wish... Relying on old science and consensus reality will not reveal the true nature of what it means to be human. It never has and never will. This is only more true as we move out of this level. We create our reality more and more as we own the fact of our ability to create. As creators reality becomes more and more malleable. Keep this in mind. You decide what you want to believe and what it is you know. The act of KNOWING is a psychic act. If you wish to know you must use more senses than the standard six. This much is obvious. You must go beyond the confines of what you have been told are your limits. The truth is, you have no limits. Our potential is unlimited. This is the greatest secret. The Heather material rings true for me. However, this does not mean that all of it is accurate nor does it mean that everything Ben says is true. It means that I am listening and I will continue to listen. This is what matters. Most of all, I listen to the heart. I wish to know first and foremost what the person's heart is saying to me. The rest may fluctuate. In Ben's case I listen to his heart. Every whistleblower we have has spoken truths and untruths. In some cases they know they are lying (when they do so). In most cases they believe what they are telling us. This is the nature of what it means to be a whistleblower in THE MATRIX.... Nothing will contain all truth. Everything is subject to the laws of the matrix. To being bent and misconstrued by the nature of how we view 'through a glass darkly".... What is most true is that our perceptions are widening and deepening. We are learning more and more of what this reality is really made of... of the deceptions we have been party to... We have both been the deceiver and the deceived. Keep this in mind when listening to anyone let alone a whistleblower. Whistleblowers are often complex, at one point or another mind controlled and manipulated. Is it so strange that their stories may contain inconsistencies? Not at all. But I digress. The bottom line here is that Whistleblowers who come to us to share their stories do so in trust that we will only release what they ask us to release. And that is an act of trust. Camelot is in the midst of a site reorganization. Whereas, Bill Ryan and myself agree on many things, we do not see eye to eye on the above and other matters. In the coming days we will be revising our site to allow for us each to speak our minds in two blogs (instead of one) and two separate areas where we will continue to operate Camelot both together and apart. We will continue to work together but will also be investigating areas of our own special interests which in some cases the other person may not share. I have a great deal of love and respect for Bill Ryan. As we have grown over the years sharing the Camelot journey has often been a real adventure. Our differences have worked to maintain our balanced approach to this massively complex arena we are all a part of... It has now become necessary to expand our site to allow for the growing difference in our approach and views. Please be patient with us as we redesign the larger site to allow for this to take place. In the meantime, whistle blowers should contact us separately at either, bill@projectcamelot.org or kerry@projectcamelot.org in order to maintain the integrity of our work. Blessings to all and above all and I encourage you to listen to the wisdom in your hearts, Kerry • A very special note of thanks to Jack Burns who accompanied me on the interviews in Europe and held the camera, drove the car and otherwise supported Camelot and our witnesses along the way. He's an aussie bloke of rare qualities. • I, Kerry, just returned from a very successful trip to Europe where I had the good fortune to conduct 3 new interviews; Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Andy Lloyd and Janis Sharp (Gary McKinnon's mother). I will edit and release them as soon as possible. The weather was extremely cold with intermittent snow wherever we went. Although Bill was unable to join me on this trip, I had the very kind assistance of many wonderful people in France and England who helped with logistics and camera work. I want to thank all of them here for their very kind dedication and caring to the mission of getting the truth out there. There is a lot to catch up on. • Conference in March: 2012 AlienEvent Global Kerry will be speaking at the upcoming AlienEvent March 20 & 21st in Los Angeles, hosted by the New Hope For Humantiy Group along with the following: Michael A. Cremo, Saeed David Farman, Stewart Swerdlow, BASHAR Channeled by Darryl Anka, William Henry, Mike Bara, Alfred Lambremont Webre Click on the poster to register for the event. • Conference in May in Mexico: Descubre la Verdad Kerry will also be speaking at this conference in Mexico, details coming soon. Taking place the 15, 16, & 17 of May with a visit to Teotihuacan, this event is presented by ALIENSHIFT and ACCION PLANET. 9 February 2010 • Please note the update above about translations, transcripts, and Camelot's international reach. If you click on the map to the top right you may be as pleased and fascinated as we were. With that in mind, we were particularly disappointed at the openly racist accusations posted on the Eagles Disobey website. We acknowledge that Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell apparently have not sanctioned this, but this new smear brings Eagles Disobey to a new low. This nasty slur deserves no comment, but it presents an opportunity for me (Bill) to post a few personal photos which I have on my laptop - which I have with me as today I happen to have been in a meeting with some extremely fine people who are not 'white'. Their generosity of spirit, open consciousness, and desire to help the whole human race may be an example for the authors of the smear to learn from. Like many of you reading this, neither Kerry or I notice skin color. We're citizens of Planet Earth, and are proud to be so. I was brought up in Ghana (where the pictures below of the young me were taken). Kerry and I have both traveled extensively in Africa, India, Nepal and the Middle East. Later this year we have been invited to Southern Africa where we hope to meet Credo Mutwa. Our new translation project has the goal to help us reach people in every major language and culture on the planet. This latest smear - as most smears do - only gives us insight into the accusers. My response to them: stand in front of the mirror, observe what you see, and then look further - if you can - to see your own soul, which knows no color, creed or race. Enjoy the photos :) 30 January 2010 • Camelot Radio show archive for January 28th is now posted to our Audio Interviews page... 29 January 2010 • An interview with Klaus Dona: Spiritual Archeologist This interview is now available on Youtube. We spent an afternoon with Klaus in Vienna last October, talking at length about his process, his particularly stunning finds and why he is motivated to pursue this unusual vocation. Staunchly open minded, he refuses to retreat in the face of skepticism and doubt. Low on funding, he presses on to discover the real mysteries, going down through the centuries and excavating artifacts that science does not allow for, revealing the existence of physical proof that humanity has barely grazed the surface of our heritage here on Earth. • Kerry was interviewed by Rebecca Jernigan on her Radio Show: Journeys with Rebecca on Tuesday. It should be available on her site archives. 27 January 2010 • Now Available! Project Stargate: An interview with Aaron McCollum, a third generation supersoldier/psychic warrior from the same MKUltra program as Duncan O'Finioan. Aaron reveals what he feels is happening in the Gulf of Aden and tells a bit about his own history with the U.S. Coast Guard and his involvement in false-flag top secret missions and special assignments for the secret government. • Camelot Radio Thursday night: Albert Venczel (first hour) will be talking about Ingo Swann and Remote Viewing. Duncan O'Finioan (second hour) will be talking about coming events and more about Project Talent... Don't miss it. 25 January 2010 • The links to the Camelot Radio Archived show with Dr. Bill Deagle and Scott Stevens are now posted on our Audio Interviews page. This is an excellent show covering weather wars and Haiti along with an update on potential future events. 20 January 2010 • Who said Disclosure isn't imminent... While watching the latest Dollhouse episode I came across this ad... Highly recommended. Not the ad.. dollhouse dude. It's great to actually see the tech in action with a storyline don't you think? --Kerry • Stay tuned to Camelot Radio for this Thursday's show with Scott Stevens.. Click here for his Documentary trailer on Weather Wars... 18 January 2010 • Camelot upcoming interviews: Secret Whistleblower - U.S. Jim Humble - Germany more to be announced soon • Donations needed for travel... Thank you to all who have come forward to contribute. We are also collecting funds to go to South Africa and interview Michael Tellinger on the site of Adam's Calendar.Your donations make our work possible... more donations mean more interviews. • Kerry from Camelot: For those interested, my EP of 6 songs is now complete. Click on my photo on Reverbnation (here) to listen. 14 January 2010 • Camelot Radio show with Michael Tellinger... Tonight's radio show was absolutely groundbreaking... Do not miss listening to the archive (to be posted as soon as it is available)!! Meanwhile, please go to one of Michael's websites and buy his books or donate to his very important work.. • Camelot: Funds needed for travel to interviews in France and the UK... We will be traveling during the month of February to France and the UK and other countries and would appreciate any additional donations to contribute to this effort. Thanks very much! • Today: Project Camelot interviewed on the Mel Fabregas Veritas Show at 1pm PST. 10 January 2010 • The MK Ultra/Mind Control conference is now being rescheduled to sometime later this year. Interested parties, potential investors and volunteers please contact info@duncanofinioan.com with the word CONFERENCE in the subject line. 7 January 2010 • Help Needed: the Duncan O'Finioan conference in Boston, called the MKUltra mind control conference is about to be cancelled due to their venue falling through... If anyone has contacts in Boston Hotels and knows a place that would be willing to step up to negotiate for this conference please contact us at support@projectcamelot.org Thank you! Don't Miss... • Duncan O'Finioan on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show click here to watch the episode. Duncan will join me tonight on the last half hour of the Camelot Radio show. Listen Live click on the right... --Kerry • Re bluebeam, earth changes, comet cluster... Quoted from material from Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an
invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a
fear state that they will accept total control and domination? *note: comet cluster = nibiru according to her source Copyright 1994-2002, *Laura Knight*, *Laura Knight-Jadczyk* and *Arkadiusz Jadczyk* --Kerry 4 January 2010 •Duncan O'Finioan on Conspiracy Theory the Jesse Ventura show -- Wednesday, January 6th: Duncan O'Finioan, mind controlled super soldier, is featured in this Wednesday's (January 6th) episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on TRU TV. The episode is entitled Manchurian Candidate. Appearing with Duncan is another Project Camelot alum, Dave Corso. Not only that, but the esteemed Dr. Colin Ross is in the episode as well and both Duncan and Dr. Ross will be speaking at the MK ULTRA Mind Control Conference on February 13 and 14, 2010 in Boston (MKULTRAconference.com). The conference will cover a wide range of issues related to mind control as well as harnessing the power of the mind. The other speakers for the two day conference are Stewart Swerdlow, Rebecca Jernigan, Doc Barham, Raelle Valenta, Kerry Cassidy & Bill Ryan and it will be emceed by Project Camelot's own Kerry Cassidy. • The Camelot radio show from Dec 31st is now available in our archive. Our guests were: George Green, Dr. Waterman & Neil Freer. THURSDAY'S SHOW January 7th.. Greg Evensen. Don't miss this! --Kerry 3 January 2010 Bashar on the 2012 transition... A good description of the coming change. --Kerry 1 January 2010 • Fake terrorist... go to sott.net for the best coverage on this.. • UFOs... You will have seen these before... although the headline to this video is actually untrue.. Mass UFO sightings across South America cause panic. On the contrary, other than being interested and in some cases perhaps excited, there is no panic shown here...but it is always fascinating to me to see the stark openness of the demonstrations of ET ships over South & Central America... yet the U.S. mainstream news ignores it so it is as if it never happened. It is also interesting to contemplate why the ETs (assuming they are ET origin since they could easily be ours from the secret space program) are so blatant with their visits there and not here... Clearly it is like they assume that there is such a mental disconnect between what goes on in the U.S. and what goes on elsewhere especially if it is 'south of the border" that they figure they can get away with it. If it doesn't happen here (and on television) then the reasoning goes, it doesn't really happen... Even the news items in mainstream news on the blue spiral show the faintest of photos of the event whereas in other countries the photos are stunningly clear. And this David Wilcock demonstrates very well in his recent ebook, Disclosure Endgame). These photos, are the ones David references and
I am reposting them here just because they should not be missed-- to
see the amount of detail go to David's ebook... • Camelot Radio tonight: update Additional guest at 8pm: Neil Freer: see his site Sapiens Rising. 。 • My guest(s) tonight are George Green and Dr. John Waterman... We have ample time as the other invited guests have not at the time of this writing responded to our invitations. So we will likely do open lines and take your questions for much of the time. Click on the right to listen live 7pm PST.. Happy New Year! Any interesting suggestions on places to go or things to do to bring on the New Year are also welcome! A small group of friends and I will be looking to celebrate in the greater Los Angeles area. Email ideas welcome... --Kerry • Camelot changes: As we spiral into the New Year you will be noticing some changes being made on the homepage... and hopefully on the rest of the site as well. With that in mind, we are soon starting a 'his and hers' blog on this front page to allow for our differing views of the state of the planet, what is coming and current affairs. Along with the escalating changes in energies and magnetics on our planet, we are both experiencing things from widely divergent points of view and consequentially we want to be able to use the blog format to share our views, each in our own unique ways... Viva la Difference... as they say. Most of you know that Bill tends toward the more scientific point of view while I, Kerry, embrace a more intuitive approach. My recent post below, on Amitakh Stanford is a case in point. While some, I am sure, appreciate and resonate with the truths that can be found in that information, regardless of the source, others do not. Suffice to say, that the Blog Format is a web invention and blogs are places where opinions of the writer are expressed and elaborated on... And that is a certain kind of journalism. We are using the investigative journalistic model for our interviews (most of the time).. while the blog is reserved for sharing our thoughts and opinions on world events, near and far from home. We hope you enjoy taking this journey with us. Agreement is not required or even encouraged.. We simply reserve the right to use this space for this purpose and hope that you find it interesting, perhaps stimulating or thought provoking and if nothing else, mildly entertaining. --Kerry 30 December 2009 • Amazing speech by War Veteran • David WilcocK's Disclosure EBook : David has just released a new book available for free on his website, called Disclosure Endgame. Although we have not yet had a chance to read it, we wanted to make everyone aware of it. In an email to us, David wrote: ..."I put
together an impressive series of clues that manmade UFO-type sightings
are being created to push the timetable for Disclosure forward. I am
releasing ALL KINDS of data that I have held on to for a long time and
not ever released until now. • Alien War: For a fascinating overview of the current situation on Earth by Amitakh Stanford & AHSA follow this link... our thanks to the individual who sent us the email alerting us to this site. While we have very little information about the foundations of this work, it holds some interesting clues and insight into what's really going on, in my opinion. --Kerry • And from the same site...for those who are interested in Stanford's take on what might be considered, the real history of King Arthur and Camelot ... Click here. For more info on Amitakh Stanford Click here... --Kerry 29 December 2009 • Film Editor Assistant Needed We need someone with good editing Final Cut Pro skills to assist with gathering footage from all Camelot interviews for assembling a documentary on 2012 and Beyond. Please email kerry@projectcamelot.org and put FILM EDITOR in the subject line if you are interested. Must have time to commit to this project. No pay but will receive appropriate Credit on film. • Advice on HDV cameras: We need to purchase a new camera as our GL1 & 2 are showing their age... Please send any advice and links to good cameras you recommend to us at kerry@projectcamelot.org with the words NEW CAMERA in subject line. Note: our funds for this are limited. Please also advise if FCP can handle the camera you are recommending and what version. 28 December 2009 • Today (Monday) is the second installment of the Project Camelot audio blog, from 10 am to 11 am PST (7 pm to 8 pm CET). This is a commercial-free, do-it-yourself, hour-long conversation between Bill and Kerry about the week's events on Planet Earth as well as on Project Camelot and anything else we happen to be involved in. -- to listen, Click
here 24 December 2009 • Christmas Eve show on Camelot Radio: Miriam Delicado Possible additional guests may also make an appearance. Click on the Listen Live link to the right of this post: 7pm PST. • The Camelot translation project (a huge one!) is under way. Our translation co-ordinator, John, has a strong team working with him and new translations are being uploaded to the server. If you'd like to help, please e-mail john_b@projectcamelot.org. For translations, click the languages flags under our witnesses collage above. We'll update further in due course as more material comes online. Do spread the word. 22 December 2009 - update • Don't miss tonight: Miriam Delicado on Coast-to-Coast AM: Click here for video overview of her upcoming appearance.
22 December 2009 • Highly recommended: AVATAR in 3D • Rumors (coming from among other places Victor Martinez's newsletter 18 December 2009)... state the following:
The above is quoted from Victor Martinez's newsletter December 18, 2009 referencing Steve Hammons' blog entry. Clearly, this is disinfo (see below). But apparently, something is happening we are being told ..(a meeting) at that location (now) ... between ETs and Humans that has to do with eliminating sectors of the population among other things. A negotiation one might say. (from an undisclosed source) --Kerry • Click here (top of the right hand column) for the archive of our inaugural audio blog (see announcement immediately below), mercifully edited down to a tight 15 minutes. Surpassing even the standards set by our
original radio show, this was extremely funny in quite unintended ways.
Kerry had missed my messages about this opening program and had no idea
what was going on. To her great credit, she warmed to the occasion very
quickly and gave us some extremely good value. The entire audio is in
the best Camelot tradition: entertainment and friendship mixed with
high quality information. Not to be missed - trust me on this. 21 December 2009 • The Project Camelot audio blog starts today (Monday), from 10 am to 11 am PST (7 pm to 8 pm CET). This is a commercial-free, do-it-yourself, hour-long conversation between Bill and Kerry about the week's events on Planet Earth as well as on Project Camelot and anything else we happen to be involved in. -- to listen, click
here This first show is very much a trial run, so
bear with us as we get to grips with running our own program from a
desktop Mac with a high-speed connection. It should be fun, will be
informal, we hope you'll be laughing in the places we intend, and this
is planned to be a weekly event from here on out every Monday.
Occasionally there may be guests, but basically this is our platform to
talk live with one another and also with Camelot visitors. Archives
will be made freely available. • Fairly soon we'll be redesigning this page a little to expand the scope of our State of the Planet blog. To take full advantage of our different interests in and perspectives on everything that relates to Project Camelot, Kerry and I will each have a parallel blog space to share our thoughts and views: a stereoscopic view of Planet Earth. We're both looking forward to this, and this should be in place within a week or so - maybe sooner. 17 December 2009 • Project Light Warrior is now Live: This site is currently being developed by Kerry from Camelot with assistance from Tommy Hansen (webmaster). Please visit the Project Light Warrior Forum (a subforum on Project Avalon), to share ideas and help with development or email us: or Visit projectlightwarrior.com to register and for more about the site. • This is in my view, crucial information for those light warriors currently working in all aspects to co-create a positive future for humanity... The information mentioned here has an interesting parallel in the statements of Dan Burisch regarding the role that man-made stargates played in the fall of Atlantis. --Kerry
15 December 2009 • Click here
for a live feed to the public STEORN over-unity device demonstration -
which started today and will run continually for six weeks. Click
here for their press release and here for their website. 14 December 2009 • We've just learned this extraordinary little snippet of information - which is so important that we felt obliged to share it here. (A correction of the famous quote for the historical record...)
--Bill 13 December 2009 • The 2009 Advanced Energy Whistleblower Conference in Washington, DC has just ended: a virtual internet conference, spanning the whole weekend, which 10,000 people worldwide visited to take part. Click here for the archives - including an hour long conversation between myself (Bill) and conference organizer Todd Hathaway on the problems still faced by Advanced Energy researchers. The last speaker, Tom Bearden, finished his two hour talk at 5 pm EST, and this will be uploaded soonest. Todd, Kerry and I are discussing the idea of a major Advanced Energy Conference - a physical one - in the Washington area for the second half of next year: a kind of Advanced Energy counterpart of the May 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference, in which Free Energy pioneers would assemble on stage to make a combined statement to the press, media and attendees about the urgent importance of accepting the reality of Advanced Energy systems to help this planet at a time when they are absolutely most needed. This is a big, bold idea and it might just work. All feedback, ideas and contributions are welcome. 11 December 2009 • We
have a new major release today. But I was utterly surprised when a legendary whistleblower in the Church of Scientology introduced himself to me and told me that what he had to share had something to do with Black Operations. Kerry, who has never studied Scientology, agreed that this whistleblower was very much in the ranks of regular Camelot whistleblowers. We decided to do an interview. So: click
here for the testimony of Dane Tops
[pseudonym] - an almost mythical figure in Scientology history who has
never before come forward to tell his story - which is extraordinary
even by Camelot standards: all about how the Church of Scientology was
taken over in the early 1980s, and the courageous and astonishing way
in which Dane blew the whistle, which resulted in tens of thousands of
members realizing what was going on - and leaving. Put the coffee on (a
lot of it!), read carefully, and Enjoy. • Camelot Q and A: On the Project Avalon Forum, this new thread represents us both, in which Bill commits to answer all questions posed. There have been some excellent questions (and answers) so far. Do visit and make your own contribution, now that the forum is again free. • Camelot Radio: My (Kerry's) show starts tonight on The Micro Effect at 7 pm - 9 pm PST. You can listen by clicking on the box to the right of this column. My first guest will be David Wilcock and we will be discussing, among other things the Spiral Blue Light in the sky (vortex opening?) over Norway. Click here for the video of the event and here for an article on the same subject. More prosaically, this analysis may be plausible. We have no inside information. • Camelot Audio Blog: (Or maybe we'll think of a better sounding term...) Since the time for Kerry's radio show is the middle of the night in Europe, we intend to also set up an audio blog on Monday evenings European time (mornings PST) in which you can call in and talk to us both. Details to follow soonest. • A note about the many enquiries we've received about Dr Pete Peterson's medical and diagnostic devices. We've only been able to catch up with Dr Peterson on the phone once since September, and are seeking to bring the hundreds of messages and requests for information to his attention. We have all the enquires archived, and nothing has been lost. Please note there is no guarantee that the devices he mentioned will be available to the public. • An update about the translation and transcription projects. Both are producing a huge amount of new material and what's needed now is for all this to be posted (there are many new pages). The site itself (despite our new How to use the Project Camelot website section above) is becoming increasingly challenging to navigate and Kerry and I are both aware of the need for a full and carefully thought-out revamp. (Emphasis here on carefully thought-out... this cannot be done in a hurry.) • One and maybe two new releases, one of which is very major, will be posted here within 24 hours. Please stay tuned. 5 December 2009 • Avalon Forum to revert to FREE: We are having our Avalon Web Admin convert the Avalon Forum to a free forum. The following message will be posted on the forum shortly:
1 December 2009 • A Message from Miriam Delicado:
Miriam Delicado 30 November 2009 - update • We've just learned that Walter Bowart's classic Operation Mind Control (only available used for $140–$200) is online here in PDF format. Essential reading, and highly recommended. Enjoy :) 30 November 2009 •
We have just had the pleasure of talking at length with James Martinez,
who was very close to Walter
Bowart - the author of the groundbreaking, • We
have just updated our Round
Table Pledge list. The number has now reached 1500. Our apologies
to everyone for the considerable backlog - and our warm thanks, and
welcome, to all who have pledged. 28 November 2009 - update • We are proud to announce the MKUltra Mind Control Conference in Boston, MA coming this February... Register now for this fascinating event. Confirmed speakers: Duncan O'Finioan, Rebecca Jernigan, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and Stewart Swerdlow. •
Copenhagen Treaty: According to a deep
source, this "treaty" is a cover for another treaty with a certain
group of Visitors who are planning to renew abductions and for certain
others to allow the Illuminati to roll out their population reduction
agenda unimpeded. 28 November 2009 • We don't reference YouTube videos that often, but this one is so clever, inspiring and moving that we highly recommend it. It's been out for two years and has been seen by 7 million people. It lasts 1 minute 44 seconds. It has to be watched right through to the end. Maybe this planet will be in good hands after all by the time we are all through. --Bill 27 November 2009 • Today we were interviewed on Rumor Mill News Radio by Rayelan Allan for 3 hours... We will post a link to the archive as soon as it is available. We would like to publicly thank Rayelan for her gracious interview style and insightful questions and remarks. Her background is so fascinating that we decided it warrants a Project Camelot interview and have extended that offer to her as either an upcoming radio interview or video interview as the situation permits. • Project Camelot Radio and
Blog Talk Radio -- coming soon! We are very shortly going to be doing a
weekly Blog Talk Radio Show and also restarting our Project Camelot
radio show with a new network once a week as well... We will keep you
posted as soon as arrangements have been made. 26 November 2009 • Many people have asked us for our current view of the information provided to David Wilcock and ourselves in June by Dr Pete Peterson that "time had been booked with the networks" for an announcement about Disclosure by Obama tomorrow - 27 November. We're not holding our breath: there's no immediate sign of this, and we doubt that this will happen. Dr Peterson himself stated as an immediate caveat that it was just a plan, and that plans often change. Our recent marathon audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering (alongside the most interesting July Barcelona panel discussion on Disclosure, which Camelot hosted) offers insight into the many problems of the subject. And as a note of interest, we were told recently by an insider source that a speech had been written for Bill Clinton - in his first term - as a Disclosure announcement. But of course, that never saw the light of day. We don't know why it was canceled. Recent events, however, suggest a steady
build-up to an announcement of something, sometime. Two weeks ago the
Vatican held a conference on extraterrestrial life (we enjoyed
the 'ET phone Rome' headline). NASA has now stated that there's water on the moon. And there have been
more interviews by Larry King on UFOs this year then ever before. Like
everyone else, we're watching and waiting for the announcement to be
made: whether it's this year, next year, or in 2012, it has to come
sometime. The world's as ready as it ever will be. • We were delighted to receive the following [slightly edited] message from Jordan Maxwell:
25 November 2009 • All is not lost... Billboard on the I-70 in Missouri gives hope to the world... To quote:
Our amendment:
For a free America and a free World... • A special nod to Paul Tardo, artist, SHIFT -- cool music and filmwork. --Kerry 24 November 2009 - update • A few hours ago we spoke
again with Dr Bill Deagle: click here
for a new 50 minute interview, much of which is about the H1N1
situation - following closely on the heels of our detailed Ukraine report below,
relayed to us from a doctor in Kyiv and posted earlier today. • As promised, here's an expanded report from our Ukraine update yesterday. We've not communicated directly with our source, who relayed this report via an intermediary who spoke to her in depth on the phone two days ago. The source is a doctor and qualified nutritionist in Kyiv [Kiev] with recent hands-on experience of treating patients who are seriously ill with what the Russians are calling "Mutant Black Lung" - apparently an apt name for a horrific and often fatal set of symptoms. The problem (corroborated by Dr Henry L Niman and others) is that the H1N1 virus has mutated and the new strain goes straight to the bottom of the lungs where it causes massive bleeding triggered by a cytokine storm. It's the patient's own immune over-reaction that kills them. This is what happened in the second wave in the fall of 1918 (click here and here for historical archives and photos). It's not pneumonia, and it's not pneumonic plague (which is a bacterium, not a virus - but more on that below in the final paragraph of this report). However, it's extremely nasty and can be a very fast killer of anyone affected. Our source said that she had kept some one seriously ill patient alive with intramuscular injections of Vitamin D: up to 30,000 IU, twice a day. This was a surgeon who had suddenly collapsed in the operating theater 40 minutes after waking up one morning. The surgeon's colleague was not so lucky: he collapsed two hours later, and was dead the next day. She personally witnessed aircraft spraying something that was slimy and smelly over Lviv. These were NOT chemtrails - it was more like crop-dusting. The altitude was about 1500 feet [500 meters]. They were large aircraft: the windows in her 4-story building shook when one of the planes passed. This was three days before the outbreak there. That report is matched by information she learned in Kyiv, where the same planes were reported and again the outbreak occurred three days later. There are restrictions in travel: the source's husband had to bribe his way to cross one national border. In many villages one cannot leave. In larger towns, however, it's easier to find a way out. Taxi drivers are not permitted to leave a city without a military licence. The source reported on one occasion seeing several pick-up trucks traveling together between cities which had on them a sign to the effect that one should keep clear as there were bodies on board. About 10% of patients are recovering quickly and discharging after a few days. The rest are still in hospital and if not dead are not recovering after even three weeks. She noted that they might still die, so it's impossible to establish the true CFR [Case Fatality Rate]. In the Kyiv hospital where she works 40% of the staff are ill and the 600 bed hospital - usually 2/3 full - now has 1200 patients and they have even had to move bodies out of the morgue to make room for beds. Many who did not fall ill are not reporting to work. The healthcare system is breaking down. There is nothing in the pharmacies except for Aspirin - if one is lucky. Locals are falling back on traditional remedies and some groups (for instance) were going into the forest to hunt for medicinal mushrooms because they had nothing else to use. No-one in Ukraine has accurate statistics. But WHO officials have been seen in many locations. Her colleagues are baffled because they look to the western media for news reports... and they see nothing. They cannot understand this. But what's happening in Ukraine is now being well reported in Russia. Furthermore, this H1N1 mutation is now apparently being encountered in Poland, Turkey, Russia and the Czech Republic. The source had encountered cases of bubonic
and pneumonic plague professionally and was familiar with the symptoms.
In this new epidemic, the severe lung damage was so similar to
pneumonic plague that she said "it was as if someone had taken the
bacterial component of the plague and shoved it into a virus".
Please note that we are not medically qualified and cannot comment on
this remark, which may have been meant descriptively rather than
scientifically. We do understand that bacteria and viruses are very
different, spread differently, affect the body differently, and need to
be treated differently. Also please note an important interview with a
Ukrainian Coroner here (a short, must-read report) - which seems
very likely to be accurate. We await further information. We are also
interviewing Dr Bill Deagle again within the next 48 hours. • We have just received an indirect report from an apparently reliable source in Ukraine - confirming (in essence) what we reported here yesterday. More on this within 24 hours when we can update in more detail. Our source is keeping patients alive with massive doses of Vitamin D (30,000 IU per day- see our recent interview with Gabriele Stähler). In Russia, the problem is being termed "Mutant Black Lung" - the H1N1 mutation, attacking the bottom of the lungs, which has just been disclosed by the WHO. Ukraine is in partial lockdown and there is quite a lot of chaos. More soon. 23 November 2009 - update 1 • About a week ago, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot participated in The Alienshift Conference Panel on 2012. This panel discussion is now online here. Don't miss this great discussion hosted by renowned psychic Sean David Morton. The panel includes Jordan Maxwell, Miriam Delicado, Mike Bara, Kerry Cassidy and David Farman (host of the website alienshift.com). 23 November 2009 • A source is sending us photos of chemtrails seen this weekend in the skies over Chicago area.. stating that this amount of activity appeared to be much worse than previously seen... They included various
photos including this one showing what they labeled as 9 visible
chemtrails at once: They wrote:
They are concerned in case this may be a
precursor in spreading the virus. We are posting this for the
record at this time in case other reports begin to surface around
the U.S. and rest of the world of unusual escalation of chemtrail
activity prior to any future outbreaks. 22 November 2009 - update 3 • PIRATE RADIO, the movie, is out in theaters and I
want to endorse this little gem of a film that captures the spirit of
the times and the abiding love of rock'n'roll with a superb ensemble
cast that includes Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Camp, and slightly over the
top, it reminds us to choose Life and Art
over technical finesse and tedious decorum. Long live
rock'n'roll: the Kinks,
Cream, Procol Harum and the greatest music ever. • This discussion, led by Dr Henry L. Niman, is worth following closely. To translate it into simple terms, it's now been officially confirmed by WHO (but is still not in the mainstream media) that an H1N1 gene mutation very similar to that which killed tens of millions in 1918 has been identified in the Ukraine, Norway and Canada. The forum is for serious researchers who are well-informed and who generally dismiss "conspiracy theory". Yet they are now very alarmed and are debating whether they should start taking personal precautions for their families in the light of possible infrastructure breakdown. See below for our own insider source's information - stated to us as fact - that there would be waves of pandemic hitting us all next year and that things might [my paraphrase] get pretty tricky. Click here for one of the best summary articles of the problem that I have read - written by a virologist, and connecting ALL the dots. Click here for a VERY informative interview with a Ukrainian coroner. To cheer you up (or, 21 November 2009 - update 1 • Our thanks to the many people who've written to us in response to to our 6 November call for translators. The Camelot Translation Project [CPT] co-ordinator's name is John, and you can reach him at john_b@projectcamelot.org. John will be contacting all the volunteers on behalf of Kerry and myself, and we're delighted to be working with him. Kerry and I would like to extend our appreciation here to everyone who's taking part in this very major project. If you haven't yet written to us, but would like to get involved in translation, you can join in at any time: write to John, and he'll factor you into the project. 21 November 2009 • We listened to Benjamin Fulford's economic update with interest (click here, or see opposite). This morning we spoke with another insider source who is likely to be better (and more deeply) connected. He told us that Benjamin's stated timescale was too early, but that we should indeed expect a dollar devaluation in the Spring, or thereabouts. Importantly, as part of the same big picture, he advised that the global viral epidemic would continue to come in waves (paralleling Dr Bill Deagle's view - see our 15 November audio interview with him) over a 6-18 month period, and there might come a time where the safest place to be would be in our own homes... having stockpiled adequate supplies. He was concerned that those who were alert to the problem should have enough time to prepare and take defensive measures for themselves and their families. This is far from the first time that we've reported this advice from others - but we repeat it again, as we believe this is credible information. Even if these situations do not roll out as planned, it may well be smart to take simple precautions which do not have to involve great expense. 19 November 2009 • We (or at least I, Bill: I await Kerry's review with interest) do not recommend the latest Roland Emmerich disaster movie and unintended comedy, 2012. A better investment would have been G-Force - a kid's story about a covert program using guinea pigs for espionage. It would have been more realistic. Emmerich spent $250 million and didn’t check how high the Drakensberg Mountains were, didn’t know what the North Face of Everest really looked like, and failed to locate a high school physics student to ask whether or not neutrinos “mutate”, whether cellphones would still work when solar storms destabilize the Earth's core, and whether light planes can fly through clouds of volcanic ash. And that’s before we get started on the plot, the script, the acting, and the logic and/or impossibility of almost every scene. The best online review I read suggested that casting John Cusack in the lead role was like reciting Shakespearean sonnets at a pie-eating contest. Exactly. But here's one reason to see it: to figure out why this has been released. Like his previous bad-news epics, Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 turns serious questions into poorly-made and badly-researched comedic entertainment - implanting into the minds of millions that such issues are trivial, ridiculous, impossible, and laughable - and that alternative radio show hosts like 2012's Charlie (played by Woody Harrelson) are unhinged, half-crazed caricatures with little grip on reality. A real-life Charlie would suspect that Emmerich had been told to make the movie the way he did... Leaner, slicker, faster, and infinitely
smarter is the Jason Bourne trilogy. I recently watched them one
after the other, riveted from start to finish: these are by far the
most realistic espionage movies ever made, featuring the fierce
intelligence, humanity and angst of a highly trained, amnesiac Duncan O'Finioan-type
super-soldier on a personal mission to discover who he really is -
containing no special effects at all. Roland Emmerich: quit
now, with the box office takings in your pocket. 17 November 2009 • We highly recommend the
new feature length documentary on Crop Circles, directed by Suzanne
Taylor: What
on Earth? 16 November 2009 • We just completed an audio update with Dr. Bill Deagle (click here) in which he addresses:
• Duncan O'Finioan has written and posted to the front of his site A Letter to President Obama and others from the survivors of Project Talent, the MKUltra Supersoldier/ mindcontrol program. Please read and lend your support. --Kerry 10 November 2009 • This weekend: Kerry from Camelot will be joining a panel discussion on Saturday morning, November 14 at the upcoming AlienEvent conference, along with Miriam Delicado and Jordan Maxwell. Hope to see you there: Click on the poster to register: • Jordan Maxwell: latest news from Jordan is that his situation has been resolved and all systems are go. We extend our good wishes to Jordan and are delighted that things are going well. 9 November 2009 - updated • Fourth Kind: The Movie - CORRECTION: I understand this was a BLAIR WITCH TYPE HOAX (this crossed my mind initially, as it came across as authentic if strangely skewed and seemed over the top) but then I wondered, could it be true. With this in mind I do not recommend it, except as a study into the motivation behind the deception that must be involved in the release of this very dark and disturbing film currently in theaters. It is about abduction, specifically centered around what they claim are true cases that took place in Nome, Alaska. What happened in that town appears well documented and is shot to appear more like a documentary than a typical Hollywood film. While it is true that all abductions do not result in people who want to save the earth and join the aliens in their ships without any kind of discernment, in order to save themselves from future earth changes... It is puzzling that they would mix strong references to the Anunnaki (the dark side) as well as satanic type interactions leaving the open question as to just who the abductors are and what their purpose is other than to foster further ridicule and confusion on the part of real experiencers. The use of the ancient Sumerian language (recorded on tape is especially riveting and puzzling and makes little or no sense in connection with the abductions themselves and it would seem the use of this device is done by either superficial UFO researchers who don't know any better or by some more sophisticated group with an agenda in mind. The real question is what might be the motivation for the hoax (other than money). What is clear, is that in taking the real and making it appear as hyper-real and deceiving the viewers until the jinx is up as they say the filmmakers and studio set themselves up to further confuse and disgust the public who are waking up to the real truth behind the fiction on a daily basis. What is perhaps most striking about this recent effort, is how receptive the public is to such a reality... simply because they know it to be the truth. In the theater, people just sat there at the end. They were taken in by the documentary quality and statements made that the film was based on 'true' events. The truth is out there... It would be great if the filmmakers were able to put their hearts and minds behind it. Revised in light of the Blair Witch formula apparently used as the template for this unfortunate horror film. --Kerry 8 November 2009 - updated (expanded report from yesterday) • Dr. Russell Blaylock testifies that H1N1 is the mildest flu in history! Highly recommended. Clarification on the Rhiza Labs FluTracker count taken from a post on the forum: We encourage you to check the numbers yourself at this link:
• Click here for a TV news report, several days old, from Russia Today reporting live on location with a developing story that no western news agencies are carrying: that a large number of people in the Ukraine are suddenly coming down with respiratory diseases, some very serious. What is stunning is listening to the reporter who plainly states exactly 1 death of H1N1, 12 infected and the rest of the 60 deaths are dying of other diseases! There is no apparent correlation, in the above broadcast [listen closely - the added statistical captions do not match what he is saying]. The Rhiza Labs FluTracker map states that over 900,000 Ukrainians have been diagnosed with H1N1. This is not accurate. See the numbers from the Ukraine Ministry of Health above...And, as mentioned by the Barcelona Nun M.D. Dr. Teresa Forcades --if, as in Britain they are doing a count based on call-ins--this is hardly a scientifically accurate way of determining infection. Click here for President Victor Yushchenko's address to the Ukrainian people - and read how he is describing the situation. He is stating that there is a "viral" infection spreading -- he is not calling it H1N1. The suspicion here is that what is spreading is the attack of an aerosol based bioweapon that attacks respiratory systems... This site (citing a 'Ukraine Plague') is discussing what many have wondered: that this may be the Pneumonic Plague (the Black Death of the Middle Ages) - a deadly development if true. But informed discussion on the Rhiza Labs forum (featuring Dr Henry L Niman and others, currently running to 89 pages) dismiss this on the grounds that the plague is caused by a bacterium - not a virus. However, the numbers found on the Rhiza Labs site are misleading... click here for the rundown on the actual cases. Scroll down to the last post under the Forum title Misleading Information. Reprinted above. According to the Russia Today broadcast, T___flu is being distributed widely. Project Camelot was told a couple of months ago by a well-informed insider contact that claimed remedies such as this (as well as the vaccine itself) would be infected with Bird Flu and were therefore in essence bioweapons. Separately, we reported on 21 July that Elder Hale stated that he had been told by a senior biochemist in a world-class pharmaceutical company - name provided to us but withheld by request - that an aerosol precursor component had been sprayed (and would be by now in everyone's bodies) which would react with the vaccine when it was taken later:
We regard this information as credible, and it was confirmed by Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann) in his 1 August Amsterdam conference presentation. For the very interesting 12 minute audio extract from the 21 July Camelot radio show when Elder Hale calls into the program, and describes in full what he was told by the biochemist, click here. Note also that aerosol [chemtrail] spraying has indeed been reported in the Ukraine. Another source has told Camelot that Ukraine is being singled out and targeted in order to bring Russia -- into the fold of the illuminati agenda as they have not been going along with the current roll-out. So: something is happening here, and it may be smart for us to pay close attention. See the 2 November update below for the Joseph Moshe story... which may be essential to understand fully if we are to grasp what may be unfolding. Do also watch this YouTube report, in which Dr Bill Deagle describes to Kerry Cassidy the Joe Moshe story in full detail (referencing the Baxter lab in the Ukraine) - accompanied by the remarkable live TV footage of the incident. This is a MUST SEE summary. We encourage all Camelot visitors to spend a little time on this: read, listen to or watch all the links above and understand the whole picture, which is clearly still developing. Do also post this full report, with links, far and wide. --Bill & Kerry Click here for ARCHIVE 1 Click here
for ARCHIVE 2 Click here
for ARCHIVE 3 Click here
for ARCHIVE 4 Click here
for ARCHIVE 5 Click
here for ARCHIVE 6 Click
here for ARCHIVE 7
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