Project Camelot
Dan Burisch's tribute to Benazir Bhutto
Dan Burisch, who knew Benazir Bhutto personally, has written a tribute to Benazir and has asked us to make it available on our site. It's our pleasure to do so.
The tragic loss of Benazir is significant for the world in a number of complex ways. There are some deeply important and hidden games being played out behind the scenes with a very great deal at stake. On 10 December - before Benazir's assassination - we met with Dan personally and talked about this at length, and we're in no doubt that the coming 12-24 months is a critical time for us all.
Dan wrote this on his blog when learned the news:
It was with profound shock and sadness that I learned, within this last hour, of the death of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto.
About 17 years ago, Deborah and myself had the distinct privilege of meeting Mrs. Bhutto in Las Vegas, during a speaking tour. After a speech at UNLV, people spoke with her near the stage, and Deborah, she and myself engaged in a conversation. Soon, both Deborah and myself enjoyed private correspondence with her. Such correspondence continued into this year.
Since that time at UNLV, Mrs. Bhutto has been involved in more “unity for humanity” directed projects than the public may ever know. She was a brilliant lady, a strong leader, and a person many of us had hoped would regain political power in Pakistan. Elements of the “Timeline 1 variant 83” information from the Looking Glass speak directly about Pakistan, elements which have been privately shared with certain individuals. Mrs. Bhutto was aware of that information and I am sure that played a role in her decision to return to Pakistan, from her self-imposed exile, at this critical moment for humankind.
The Burisch and McDowell families, and all of the Eagles Team, wishes to send their deepest condolences to Mrs. Bhutto’s family.
Mrs. Bhutto’s sacrifices for humanity will never be forgotten, nor will her cause be lost!
Soon after, we received this message from Marci McDowell:Aside from the worldwide impact of these events, Benazir's death has impacted Dan personally, as he and his wife enjoyed very private personal written correspondence with her for many years. She was aware of what she was facing and made the decision to step forward to try to sway the normal implications of T1 (variant 83) to a more peaceful outcome. She confided in several people, before she returned to her beloved Pakistan, that she was placing the band of the martyr on her forehead, which signals her understanding that she was courting death.
She did speak with Dan on the telephone prior to returning, but I do not have Dan's permission to share the contents of the conversation except to say that nothing was couched and very frank talk and information was exchanged. She is a patriot and a martyr to the cause of world peace. I will speak with Dan about your kind offer [to post a eulogy], and see if we should make a statement. If so, once drafted, I will send it to you.
Here is Dan's eulogy:
On the 27th of December, 2007, another in a long line of martyrs entered into eternal rest, in both the struggle for the democratic self determination of Pakistan and the cause of the Peace of Islam.
To the Great People of Pakistan: Peace be unto you! I beg that those of you who may read this humble appeal, a fraction of the populous and a few of those in position to lead, may receive it with the sole intent of love from which it is offered! The right condemnation now echoing through the great sea of Nation States of this planet, against those who would remove from your rightful possession, the power given to you by the Creator, to design for yourselves the path to your human freedom, has been heard in each and every corner of the globe.
The good people of this world have turned their ears and eyes toward your cries and we stand with you in your hopes and dreams for a peaceful and prosperous future. You have the same right to the Magna Carta for your land, your Charter of Democracy, as those who have preceded you, and are as equally strong as any other people to stand by the rule of law, while also demanding that those duly elected are subject to those same standards.
Sadly, history teaches us that no real forward movement toward freedom, by any nation of peoples, is ever paved without blood being spilled. It may be likened to a holy river which is called forth by the movement of gears in the grand machine called “human self-determination.” It will not be stopped, and it flows within us all, unbroken, one people of this earth.
In that moment, when one falls as a sacrifice for higher purpose, it should remind us all that we are equally called to that same purpose, we see our true equality in that ideal, and we find that none of us are any different from any other – neither can we be truly separated by lines on maps, by factions or ideologies, nor should we ever give quarter or standing to those who would incite further separation between us.
Standing on your countryside, roving amidst your sovereign nation are those who act to do just that: they see justice only with the striking of a blade. You know who they are, and your challenge, to become the free people that you deserve to be, is whether you will decide as ONE PEOPLE to stand against them.
They pose a greater threat to you, from within, than any nation positioned next to your own. They hold no flag, nor wear any uniform of a true Nation State, as none would have them. They represent the antithesis of the rule of law of all sovereign States, and hold forth a mockery of the Peace of Islam as their hypocritical banner.
They are now forcing you to decide to send them away, by any means you must, from your land, or see the perilous transition of a burgeoning Federal Democracy to a wasteland of ruin, made desolate by the same line of broken promises offered by all those whom have refused to carry the standard of peace, tolerance, and equanimity before them.
The history of lasting cultures also teaches us that those who find ultimate success after such an instant of true test, one fired in the sacred kiln of self-sacrifice, realize that the fallen neither passed in vain, nor should their sacrifice become an impetus for rage without end.
While the tragic death of my friend, the friend of all the free people, the great Benazir Bhutto, raises your righteous passions, and focuses the minds of the masses on what they have not, do not miss either the opportunity to promote the rise of a free people, or the challenge of those whom would seek to oppress you.
Your enemy is neither another Nation State, nor each other, but the spirit of intolerance and hatred itself which has now entered and roams amongst you wearing a mask, through which you have the unique power to see. That unique power is born by the eternal cry “Freedom!”
Those who read my humble words, who find yourselves being pulled apart by the great need of your people, leave not the least among them behind - the conviction in that eternal cry will carry you forth in their stead, and give you the power to stand before the great enemy of your people - division!
You stand united for justice, and the Nation States of the world will stand with you. You carry forward with the banner of peace, and many hands of love will be extended over borders, until, God willing, one day no one with guns will need guard them.
Peace be unto you, Pakistan! Peace be unto your people! Look within yourselves and find the beauty which is Pakistan!
Benazir Bhutto... she saw it! A leader whose piercing will and mind was only surpassed by a love in her heart for you, is watching what flower you raise from the place prepared by her body, from the spark given to you by her sacrifice. Her Manifesto will be your actions. Make the spirit of her legacy, your truth. Mark your days with vigilance over your power.
As the sight of the world is directed to you, stand, make right that which is wrong, and bear the hardships of your people with the dignity of the true Islam.
Peace be unto you, Pakistan! Now that we all know your beauty, Pakistan, shown to us by your hope, Benazir Bhutto, may we all pray that your region of our wonderful earth finds peace with justice.
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