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还有更多的语言正在翻译中。新翻译好的页面每天都在增长,有很多的翻译组和我们的翻译组组长约翰有很多一同工作。如果你愿意帮助他们,请点击这里联系他。 目前我们正在寻找阿拉伯语 的翻译... 希望能得到你的回应。

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2009: A year in the life of Project Camelot 

2009 has for us been quite a wild ride. What the coming year holds for us, we can't know. But while we co-create the future together, we're all informed by the past. Here is my (Bill's) personal view of the journey we have had during the last twelve months.. (continued here)



New Releases:

星际之门工程: 采访 阿隆·麦科勒姆(Aaron McCollum), 一个第三代超级战士和通灵师(灵能战士),邓肯·奥菲尼奥安一样来自MKUltra(意识控制)计划。




Soldiers Waking Up...


Bill Ryan's personal interview with Freedom Central is now available as one single YouTube video - also downloadable here as an MP4 or here an audio MP3. This two hour video is all about his spiritual overview, life and personal experiences, whether all ETs are benevolent and how would we know, the Anunnaki, the Reptilians, Disclosure, who's running this planet and what to do about it, the significant personal problems faced by whistleblowers, issues with the provenance of information, the Big Picture, and absolutely everything, and more, that Project Camelot stands for.

The original interview was shot by Rich and Melani from Freedom Central in Brussels (with both Kerry and myself on camera) on 10 October, but their videotapes - together with Mel's laptop - were stolen in highly strange circumstances two days later. So the interview was lost. Mel subsequently met me (Bill) to re-record the interview, but by then Kerry had returned to California. Her turn will come...

14 December 2009

There have been some reported errors with our link to Walter Bowart's classic book Operation Mind Control (see 2 December below). Click here or here to download - these links do work at the time of this update.

13 December 2009

Links to our interview with Rayelan Allan from Rumor Mill Radio (see below) now fixed. The previous link required a subscription. It's now free of charge, uploaded to our own server. Our thanks to Rayelan for making this available to all.

12 December 2009

On 27 November we were interviewed by Rayelan Allan from Rumor Mill Radio. It's hard to find, so we've added the link here. It runs for three hours, is really quite good, and covers a great deal of interesting ground.

7 December 2009

The header to this page has been redesigned with the addition of a much-requested How to use the Project Camelot website section.

The new witness collage has been most generously created gratis by our friend Paul Bondarovski, the multi-talented editor of the excellent Dot Connector magazine.

2 December 2009

Those of you who've already listened to the marvelous audio interview with James Martinez about the life and work of Walter Bowart, the author of Operation Mind Control [click here or here to download], will recall that I referenced the synopsis of an unpublished book that James believes was completed (proposed title: The War of this World) but is in the possession of his family. The outline is entitled The Invisible Third World War and came into my hands in 1990. It runs to 8,000 words and is fascinating, condensed material, well worth reading in its own right. Click here to download, or here to read online.

1 December 2009

Click here for the new audio interview (see 30 November opposite) with James Martinez, colleague and close confidant of Walter Bowart, the author of the seminal and definitive 1978 book Operation Mind Control who died two years ago. We recommend this interview very highly - inspiring, enlightening, and above all about the human spirit.

29 November 2009

We now have a transcript for the 20 November phone interview with Benjamin Fulford [see below]. This may be useful to many, as the audio quality was poor.

We also have a number of important transcripts almost completed which only need checking before posting: those include our major interviews with Dr Pete Peterson and Dr Steven Greer. We're working on those and will upload them as soon as possible. We have quite a backlog at the moment, and we apologize for the delay. All new transcripts will be announced in this column when published.

21 November 2009

Click here for an impromptu phone update with Benjamin Fulford. I, Kerry, reached him very late at night my time (12 am) and took the opportunity to get his take on the global economic situation among other things. Our conversation began with the following Skype text exchange, where I posted some info we had received and asked Benjamin for his response. He got back to me right away and then agreed to do a quick interview. Note: We apologize for the audio quality... there was a lot of interference during the call.

Introductory Skype conversation:

[11/20/09 2:07:05 AM] Kerry Cassidy: we read the following:

"I do not normally pass on rumors or hearsay, but a very good personal friend's uncle is a Deputy Economic Advisor to Obama as well as a Professior at a prestigious Eastern School. He was called into a private meeting last week with the President. They were told, I quote, the Following: "Between now and Jan 1st 70 more big banks will fail and 70% of Retail Companies will be Bankrupt. The President will allow them to make as much as they can for the Christmas Holidays then Jan 15 there will be a Bank Holiday and their new currency will be issued with a devaluation of 6 to 10 to 1. "I believe this is why they are trying to keep the market and dollar up now with their lies on all the News outlets. Set up the people to steal every last penny they can get. Martial Law cannot be too far behind. Get your money out of banks and into physical Gold and silver. I recommend 60% gold 40% silver, food, foundation seed, gun ammo generators... etc. If you cannot eat, drink it, wear it, live in it, raise food on it, do not invest in it. If you have stocks, bonds 401K IRA, take the penalty and put it in what I just said."

Benjamin Fulford: That jives with what I am hearing from multiple high-level sources. Please pass on to your Pentagon and agency connections that once the Federal Reserve Board is bankrupt, serious money will be made available for the constitutional US government. Martial law and a 90% devalutation is a much worse choice than announcing a return to the constitution. The American people are not liable for the over $100 trillion in Fed debt if the Fed goes bankrupt. We can do an interview right now if you want.
Kerry Cassidy: OK, great, hold on one minute
Kerry Cassidy: OK, calling you...

Note: We would appreciate a written transcription of this audio from any of our transcription team as soon as possible due to the difficult audio quality.

Two new videos released:

Project Camelot in Amsterdam (1 August, but a good presentation by us both - and still very relevant):

Gabriele Stähler interviewed at the 10-11 October Brussels Conference by Bill Ryan on Vitamin D3 - a natural and powerful antiviral. This video talks you through everything you need to know about this often overlooked natural boost to our immune system: a lot of information here. Also relevant... (click here to contact Gabriele about D3)

18 November 2009

Click here for the long-awaited audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering: now honed to three and a half hours, but which still can only be described as epic. Please see our update below for the full initial report.

To whet your appetites, and to help you decide whether to listen to the whole interview, click here for a three minute segment in which Shawn and Clay vividly describe a reptilian species, one of two which their US Navy source has been interfacing with directly and personally as part of a highly classified program which is planned to lead - sometime and somehow - to full Disclosure. Enjoy!

16 November 2009

Click here for the comprehensive new interview with Dr Bill Deagle (94 minutes). Listen to the end... it really does go all over the universe: Swine Flu, 2012, Underground Bases, Earth Changes, the Illuminati, the Anunnaki, Iraq, Iran and more. Fascinating and important material. Highly recommended and not to be missed.

27 October 2009 - update

Click here for a new page featuring the eight new Camelot video interviews from the 10-11 October Brussels Conference (see below).

27 October 2009

At the recent 10-11 October Brussels Groundcrew Conference, we were privileged to talk with Gerald Celente, Ed Mitchell, Stan Deyo, Matthew Stein, Lloyd Pye - and again to Jane Bürgermeister and George Green - all by remote videolink. These interviews are each archived on Ustream, although video quality is not the best, and some of them are hard to find: we will be posting all the links on a new page soon.

The interview with Gerald Celente - editor of Trends Journal - is particularly passionate, energetic and entertaining. We have extracted the audio, which is available here (35 minutes). For a 5 minute extract (well worth listening to in its own right), click here.

The audio of the other interviews will be published here over the next few days. Enjoy.

26 October 2009

Click here for Miriam Delicado's LA Conference presentation:

We have added a tribute page for the highly respected British UFO investigator Tony Dodd, who died earlier this year. Two years ago he contacted Project Camelot with information that was so "hot" that he felt he could not put his name to it, but encouraged us to publish it - warning that it could be dangerous to do so. Click here to read the report, published under the pseudonym John Robie.

7 October 2009

Our radio show archives have now been [mostly] cleaned up of the commercial breaks - and are all available for free download on our Audio Interviews page.

The quality is highly variable, ranging from unintentional (sometimes very funny) comedy to high quality on-the-spot information, with some marvelous contributions from our guests. Some interviews were extremely good - including (but not limited to) Bill Deagle, Miriam Delicado, Richard Dolan, James Gilliland, Len Horowitz, George LoBuono, Richard Sauder, Michael Tellinger, and David Wilcock. The discussion we had about the Steven Greer video - where I (Bill) interviewed Kerry - was also a very good show, and may be valuable/helpful for some to hear if they've not already done so. Enjoy!

Bob Dean's LA Conference presentation - in which he again presents and comments on classified NASA images, and is as inspiring, dignified, and entertaining as ever - is now edited and uploaded. Next up will be David Wilcock, and within 24 hours we'll be releasing our interviews with Patrick Geryl [this one only after some consideration: see 5 October opposite] and Dr Paul LaViolette - soon followed by Jordan Maxwell's epic interview. Please be patient: as can be seen, we've been working round the clock to handle the backlog before we travel to speak at the Brussels Conference this weekend.

6 October 2009

Click here for a 22 minute audio interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, recorded by radio host Rebecca Jernigan at the close of the recent Los Angeles Conference. Bill and Kerry talk with Rebecca about the conference itself, the magical process behind the scenes, the growth of Project Camelot, the groundswell of public activism and involvement - and where it may all be going. This wonderful little interview is energetic, animated, and a great deal of fun - and we can't recommend it too highly.

5 October 2009

Rich Dolan's LA Conference presentation - on his outstanding book UFOs and the National Security State - is now edited and uploaded.

4 October 2009

Click here for Duncan O'Finioan and David Corso's powerful presentation at the Los Angeles Conference. Duncan can be contacted through his new website here. He and we are aware [see also his 13 April 2009 audio interview here] that there are many hundreds - if not thousands - of others who have been the unwilling victims of the same or similar programs, and Duncan and other colleagues are gathering together a substantial support group. We encourage and support you to contact Duncan personally if you feel you may have something to contribute, or to discover about your own military past which for some reason you cannot remember.

3 October 2009

Click here for a new page that will feature all the videos from the 19-20 September Los Angeles Conference in high quality. First up are Alex Collier and Jordan Maxwell. Duncan O'Finioan will follow within 24 hours, and more will be uploaded over the next week.

21 September 2009

Project Camelot has just received its ten millionth visitor. The major milestone came within hours of the end of the Los Angeles conference.

10 September 2009

Click here for a Futuretalk with Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann), Bob Dean, Alfred Webre, and Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot - recorded at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit on 26 July.

There is a destiny for the human race in the stars...

--Bob Dean

4 September 2009

"We really need to step things up. We need to step things up as a community. We need to step things up in unity - and make our voices a lot stronger than they have been."

Click here for this 20 minute video message from Miriam Delicado recorded by Kerry Cassidy on 21 August, a few days after Miriam's auto accident (from which she has recovered well).

3 September 2009

Click here for a short video interview done by Kerry Cassidy with Dr Len Horowitz, when he spoke with Dr Masaru Emoto at the Live H2O event at Laguna Beach in June.

31 August 2009

Click here for a transcript of Bob dean's Barcelona presentation, which includes links to high-resolution images of all the NASA photos that Bob revealed, and at the end of which Henry Deacon joined Bob on stage to confirm the existence of the Mars base. We encourage you to watch the video to get the true impact of this historical event...Bob Dean at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit.

For visitors unfamiliar with the Henry Deacon material, one option is to click here for the video conversation with David Wilcock - Jumproom to Mars : highly recommended. Henry has since explained that this device is actually known as The Corridor, and resembles a large goods elevator.

30 August 2009 - update

Click here for a transcript of Bill Ryan's keynote presentation at the Zurich Conference. The alternating German translation is edited out, and the result is a smooth, continuous (and sometimes humorous) account of Project Camelot's view of the state of the human race in 2009. It makes for a good read, and we recommend it.




Camelot logo卡米洛特电台告密者


太平洋标准时间晚上7点到9点7 to 9pm PST on The Micro Effect Network.





2月4日 - 18日节目里我们将重新插入以前的节目,因为接下来几周我们将在欧洲采访...



& 阿尔伯特·文泽



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Donations are not tax deductible for U.S. citizens.

Thank you for your help.
Your generosity makes it possible for us to continue our work.


Upcoming Conferences
and Events:

Jordan Maxwell appearing:

February 7, 2010





A New Release by Jordan Maxwell






Click on the thumbnail for the most recent full-sized cover of Dot Connector. To subscribe, or to write to Paul, the publisher, click here. This has our highest recommendation.






Click on Picture

to hear Kerry's songs...








下面是一些重要的链接,包括我们的地球动态栏目的存档, 就在下面 (包括更新,个人评论和从2007年开始的新闻报道)... 有相当庞大 的信息量:

点击这里 查看我们的深度报道: 2009 : A Tale of Two Timelines

点击这里 查看存档 1 : 2007年10月16日 - 2008年8月19日
点击这里 查看 存档 2 : 2008年8月23日 - 2008年12月11日
点击这里 查看 存档 3 : 2008年12月12日 - 2009年3月14日12日
点击这里 查看 存档 4 : 2009年3月15日 - 2009年5月15日
点击这里 查看 存档 5 : 2009年5月20日 - 2009年7月20日
点击这里 查看 存档 6 : 2009年7月21日 - 2009年8月26日
点击这里 查看 存档 7 : 2009年8月28日 - 2009年11月6日



请多留意我们关于翻译、文字记录以及camelot国际计划进展方面的更新。 点击最上面的地图 ,您就能感受到和我们感觉到同样的喜悦--全世界有这么多的人关注我们!

考虑到这一点,公开的种族歧视 “言论” 我们对于Eagles Disobey网站上感到特别失望。我们知道Dan Burisch和Marci McDowell显然并没有认可,但这个新的诋毁对于Eagles Disobey是一个很大的低谷。


和很多你们这些读者一样,不管是我还是Kerry都不会刻意肤色。我们都是地球村的子民,我们都为此而自豪。我出生在加纳(下面照片里的那个小孩就是我小时候照的)。我和Kerry都广泛得游历了非洲、印度、尼泊尔和中东。今年晚些时候,我们被邀请去南非,我们希望见到 科瑞多·穆特瓦(Credo Mutwa,参考“地球史上最震撼的访谈”--译注)。我们新的翻译计划目标是帮助我们实现地球上绝大多数语言和文化的人都能了解到。






采访克劳思·道那(Klaus Dona):精神考古学家


我们去年十月在维也纳聊了一个下午,克劳思详细的谈述了他的进展和非常惊人的发现,还有他为什么会追求这个不同寻常的职业。 他坚持开放的态度,拒绝在怀疑和不确定面前退缩。 尽管资金少,他加紧发掘真正的奥秘,挖掘几千年来科学解释不通的古物,努力揭示当前地球上的人类还没有触及我们与身俱来的功能哪怕一点皮毛的物理证据。

星期二瑞贝卡·杰尼甘在她的电台节目里采访了凯瑞: 与瑞贝卡同行. 在她的网站归档区里应该有。


星际之门项目视频已经传上了! 星际门工程:采访阿隆·麦科勒姆(Aaron McCollum), 一个第三代超级战士和通灵师(灵能战士),邓肯·奥菲尼奥安一样来自MKUltra(意识控制)计划。


周四晚上卡米洛特电台(在第一个小时): 阿尔伯特·文泽(Albert Venczel)将会谈到英戈·斯旺(Ingo Swann)和遥视(Remote Viewing)。

第二个小时里邓肯·奥菲尼奥安会谈一些将要进行的项目, 和更多关于"天才计划"(Project Talent)的内容,不要错过。


采访比尔·迪戈博士和史考特·史蒂文斯 ( Dr. Bill Deagle and Scott Stevens)的链接已经放在我们的音频采访页了。 这是一档涵盖了气象战争和海地,以及未来可能事件的精彩谈话节目。




当我在看最新一季 “玩偶之家”的时候想到了这句广告... 强烈推荐。 不是在为“玩偶之家”里的花花公子做广告。 看到科技在一个故事情节中运用是一件很棒的事,你们觉得呢? --凯瑞


 点击这里观看他的网站“天气之战”(Weather War)上纪录片的预告片...



安迪·劳埃德 - 英国

秘密揭发者 - 美国

吉姆·哈姆博尔 - 德国



感谢所有自愿捐款的人。我们同时在募集资金,作为到达南非采访网站 “亚当的日历”站长迈克·泰林戈尔的费用。你们的捐赠将使我们工作的进行成为可能...更多的资金意味着更多的采访。

• 来自卡米洛特的凯瑞:感兴趣的人们,我录有6首歌的唱片已经完成,可以点击我在Reverbnation的照片(文本下方)试听。




今天晚上的节目绝对非常有开创性... 不要错过下载音频存档哦(音频做了好马上就发布)!!




卡米洛特: 我们需要资金飞到法国和英国的进行采访...


今天: 卡米洛特工程 采访梅尔·法布雷加斯 《真理》节目 太平洋标准时间下午1点。


MK UItra意识控制会议被计划于年内晚些时间召开。感兴趣的团体,潜在的投资方以及志愿者请发主题为“会议”的邮件到info@duncanofinioan.com


求助: 邓肯·奥芬尼奥安在波士顿召开的会议,(即MK UItra意识控制会议) 将要被迫取消,因为他们集会的地点出了一些状况... 如果有谁在波士顿的酒店有认识的人,并且能够提供一个能够当做这次会议的召开地点,请通过邮件与我们联系。 邮箱地址:bill@projectcamelot.org



邓肯·奥芬尼奥安 “杰西文图拉的阴谋论” 点击这里 观看这一集。将在今晚的卡米洛特电台和我一起主持最后的半个小时。 请点击右边在线收听...


回复 关于蓝色光束, 地球变迁,尼碧汝...


Q: (T) 是不是政府打算宣布外星人入侵然后使民众产生恐慌,然后再迫使民众接受政府的完全控制?
A: 还不确定。不过如果是真的,政府会"失败"的。
Q: (T) 为什么?
A: 原因很多: 1. 民众并不会看到很多肉眼可见的现象,而且事情总会有"闪失". 2. 真正的入侵可能会先于政府宣布发生。3. 还有其它事件会介入。
Q: (T) 比如说什么?
A: 地球的变迁。
Q: (T) 我这样说对吗?那些政府里的大人物,政要计划掌管整个世界,并且让所有人都心甘情愿地接受管理,但他们并没有注意到事实上这个地球的变迁已经快出现了?他们是不是没有注意到这个?
A: 差不多。他们知道,但是否认这个事实。
Q: (T) 地球的变迁会先于尼碧汝到来之前发生吗?
A: 不会。但是时间还没有确定。
Q: (T) 我这么说对吗?就算他们知道这个将来会发生什么,他们还是会继续他们赚钱,控制世界的小把戏?
A: 是的。他们已经得了贪婪症了。

*备注: 彗星团 = “尼碧汝”在她所掌握的资料里的说法

版权所有 1994-2002, *劳拉·奈特*, *劳拉·奈特-贾德奇* 与 *阿尔卡·贾德奇*



邓肯·奥芬尼奥安会出现在杰西文·图拉的节目"阴谋论" 里--星期三, 1月6号

邓肯·奥芬尼奥安, 一个意识控制的超级战士, 将会在这个星期三(1月6日)TRU TV(真相TV)杰西·文图拉的节目"阴谋论"时出现。他们这一集的题目是"谍网迷魂"。

届时还有另一位卡米洛特工程的校友大卫·卡尔索也会和邓肯·奥芬尼奥安一起出现在这个节目里。 还不止这些,德高望重的柯林·罗斯博士也会出现在这一集里。邓肯和柯林·罗斯博士在2010年2月13日至14日在波士顿的一起出席MK ULTRA 意识控制会议 (MK ULTRA意为"大脑控制",是中情局秘密进行了二十多年的项目,网址为MKULTRAconference.com).

这个会议将会讨论一个包含范围很广的话题,关于意识控制和利用意识的能力。 出席这个为期两天的会议的嘉宾还有斯图尔特·斯沃德罗,瑞贝卡·杰尼甘,道·巴汉姆,瑞伊·瓦伦塔,凯瑞·卡西迪和比尔·瑞恩,会议将由来自卡米洛特工程的凯瑞·卡西迪主持。


我们的嘉宾是: 乔治·格林, 华特曼博士& 尼尔·富利尔。

星期四的节日 (1月7日).. 格雷格·埃文森. 不要错过哦!







假的恐怖袭击... sott.net 看最详细的报道吧。


你可能已经看过这些了... 南美境内发现多宗不明飞行物引起恐慌... 虽然这个视频的标题所描述并不真实。这里并没有恐慌,相反,到是让人很感兴趣甚至有时候感到很兴奋...中南美人民对外星人的接受程度一直很让我吃惊... 不过美国的主流媒体从来都忽视关于外星人的事实,就好像从来也没有发生过什么。

想想为什么那些外星人(先假设他们真是外星人。从一些军方秘密的太空项目里我们可以得知他们也有可能就像我们一样待在地球上)如此明目张胆地到访那里,而不是这里--美国... 很明显,对此他们认为美国和其他地区的反应会很不同(在别的地方发生的事,美国不一定会注意到);特别是如果某些事发生在" 美国国境线以南" 的南美,美国可能会完全忽视他们国家以南的地方发生的新闻,所以,他们认为他们在那里行动不会有什么风险。如果外星人的痕迹在这里(和电视上)没有被发现,那么理由就是他们真的没有在这出现....

在美国的主流媒体上挪威蓝色螺旋光圈的照片是非常模糊的,不过在其它国家那照片那可是相当地清晰。大卫 威尔考克在他最近的电子书《揭幕末日游戏》里讲的很清楚。








我今天晚上的嘉宾是乔治·格林和约翰·沃特曼博士... 由于我们邀请的其他嘉宾没有及时回复我们的请柬,所以今晚我们有充足的时间详谈。我们会开放我们的热线,把大部分时间用在回答你们的问题上。请点击右边收听(太平洋标准时间晚上7点)..





按着那样的考虑, 我们马上会在我们的主页上开设一个“他与她”的博客来分享我们之间对于地球状态、未来和时事的不同看法。






30 December 2009

 David Wilcock's Disclosure Ebook:

David has just released a new book available for free on his website, called Disclosure Endgame. Although we have not yet had a chance to read it, we wanted to make everyone aware of it.

In an email to us, David wrote: ..."I put together an impressive series of clues that manmade UFO-type sightings are being created to push the timetable for Disclosure forward. I am releasing ALL KINDS of data that I have held on to for a long time and not ever released until now.

Endgame has some of the same things I discussed with Kerry on our show, but dramatically enhanced, with hundreds of links and very compelling testimony about the three key insider factions battling it out behind the scenes.

It also goes into the real reason for the JFK assassination. So many things... it will blow your mind--the feedback on this is very good!"
--David Wilcock

Alien Wars: For a fascinating overview of the current situation on Earth by Amitakh Stanford & AHSA follow this link... our thanks to the individual who sent us the email alerting us to this site. While we have very little information about the foundations of this work, it holds some interesting clues and insight into what's really going on, in my opinion. --Kerry

And from the same site...for those who are interested in Stanford's take on what might be considered, the real history of King Arthur and Camelot... click here.

For more info on Amitakh Stanford click here... --Kerry

 29 December 2009

Assistant Film Editor needed. We need someone with good editing Final Cut Pro skills to assist with gathering footage from all Camelot interviews for assembling a documentary on 2012 and Beyond.

Please email kerry@projectcamelot.org and put FILM EDITOR in the subject line if you are interested. Must have time to commit to this project. No pay but will receive appropriate Credit on film.

Advice on HDV cameras: We need to purchase a new camera as our GL1 & 2 are showing their age... Please send any advice and links to good cameras you recommend to us at kerry@projectcamelot.org with the words NEW CAMERA in subject line. Note: our funds for this are limited. Please also advise if FCP can handle the camera you are recommending and what version.

 28 December 2009

Today (Monday) is the second installment of the Project Camelot audio blog, from 10 am to 11 am PST (7 pm to 8 pm CET). This is a commercial-free, do-it-yourself, hour-long conversation between Bill and Kerry about the week's events on Planet Earth as well as on Project Camelot and anything else we happen to be involved in.

-- to listen, click here
-- to call in, call Skype ID utopiaradio

 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve show on Camelot Radio: Miriam Delicado

Possible additional guests may also make an appearance. Click on the Listen Live link to the right of this post: 7pm PST.

The Camelot translation project (a huge one!) is under way. Our translation co-ordinator, John, has a strong team working with him and new translations are being uploaded to the server. If you'd like to help, please e-mail john_b@projectcamelot.org. For translations, click the language flags under our witnesses collage above. We'll update further in due course as more material comes online. Do spread the word.

 22 December 2009 - update

Don't miss tonight: Miriam Delicado on Coast-to-Coast AM:

Click here for video overview of her upcoming appearance.

10 pm - 2 am PST

Prophecy & Hopi Elders

Tonight: December 22nd 2009 Coast to Coast AM -- a very important broadcast regarding the Hopi, their perspective on 2012, the Hopi Spiritual Way of Life, 'The Great Gathering' for 2010 and the Hopi connection to the Mayan of Guatemala.

Miriam's websites:

 22 December 2009

Highly recommended: AVATAR in 3D

Rumors (coming from among other places Victor Martinez's newsletter 18 December 2009)... state the following:

..."some 'important' people were flying around the area of JOHNSTON ATOLL in advance of the President's Asia Trip/Tour.

Not bad for a cover story just in case something leaked about the
rendezvous with the EBENS on 11-12-2009!


That part of the USG who are charged with ongoing contact with extraterrestrials are desperate to keep curious eyes and inquiring minds in the dark, so AKAU Island of the JOHNSTON ATOLL chain are just over 700 miles from Honolulu, HI, which is a 1 hr 20 min flight, and ~12 hrs by ship.

AND what a coincidence: George W. Bush made the JOHNSTON ATOLL a
National Wildlife Preserve in 2004 ... how convenient! I wonder what
deal(s) they made this time 'round in November 2009 with the EBENS?!"...

The above is quoted from Victor Martinez's newsletter December 18, 2009 referencing Steve Hammons' blog entry.

Clearly, this is disinfo (see below). But apparently, something is happening we are being told ..(a meeting) at that location (now) ... between ETs and Humans that has to do with eliminating sectors of the population among other things. A negotiation one might say.

(from an undisclosed source)


Click here (top of the right hand column) for the archive of our inaugural audio blog (see announcement immediately below), mercifully edited down to a tight 15 minutes.

Surpassing even the standards set by our original radio show, this was extremely funny in quite unintended ways. Kerry had missed my messages about this opening program and had no idea what was going on. To her great credit, she warmed to the occasion very quickly and gave us some extremely good value. The entire audio is in the best Camelot tradition: entertainment and friendship mixed with high quality information. Not to be missed - trust me on this.


 21 December 2009

The Project Camelot audio blog starts today (Monday), from 10 am to 11 am PST (7 pm to 8 pm CET). This is a commercial-free, do-it-yourself, hour-long conversation between Bill and Kerry about the week's events on Planet Earth as well as on Project Camelot and anything else we happen to be involved in.

-- to listen, click here
-- to call in, call Skype ID utopiaradio

This first show is very much a trial run, so bear with us as we get to grips with running our own program from a desktop Mac with a high-speed connection. It should be fun, will be informal, we hope you'll be laughing in the places we intend, and this is planned to be a weekly event from here on out every Monday. Occasionally there may be guests, but basically this is our platform to talk live with one another and also with Camelot visitors. Archives will be made freely available.

Our thanks to Utopia Radio (a progressive and spiritually oriented radio network based in Amsterdam), who are very good people.

Fairly soon we'll be redesigning this page a little to expand the scope of our State of the Planet blog. To take full advantage of our different interests in and perspectives on everything that relates to Project Camelot, Kerry and I will each have a parallel blog space to share our thoughts and views: a stereoscopic view of Planet Earth. We're both looking forward to this, and this should be in place within a week or so - maybe sooner.

 17 December 2009

Project Light Warrior is now Live: This site is currently being developed by Kerry from Camelot with assistance from Tommy Hansen (webmaster). Please visit the Project Light Warrior Forum (a subforum on Project Avalon), to share ideas and help with development or email us:




Visit projectlightwarrior.com to register and for more about the site.


This is in my view, crucial information for those light warriors currently working in all aspects to co-create a positive future for humanity... The information mentioned here has an interesting parallel in the statements of Dan Burisch regarding the role that man-made stargates played in the fall of Atlantis. --Kerry

From Azurite Press:

"The “5 Mass Extinction Events” that have historically occurred on Earth (approximately 446 million years ago [MYA]; 364 MYA; 252 MYA [the largest]; 200 MYA [TJ Event]; and 65 MYA [KT Event]), were NOT “happenstance occurrences that resulted from organic environmental conditions”; these events were deliberately and specifically purposed extermination events orchestrated by competing Illuminati-Elder race ET-groups, as part of their long-running battle over “Earth Templar Star-Gate dominion.” All of these “extermination events” took place prior to Angelic Human 1st-Seeding 25 MYA, and all were created in order to change the mathematical–geometrical patterns of Earth’s core Encryption Lattice morphogenetic field, by removing the Encryption Lattices of “undesired life-forms” from the Encryption Lattice of Earth’s collective life-field." -- information from Ashayana Deane Introductory-Topic Summary-2--Azurite Press MCEO, Inc

For more info visit the link above.


 15 December 2009

Click here for a live feed to the public STEORN over-unity device demonstration - which started today and will run continually for six weeks. Click here for their press release and here for their website.

 14 December 2009

We've just learned this extraordinary little snippet of information - which is so important that we felt obliged to share it here. (A correction of the famous quote for the historical record...)

In the original draft of [President Eisenhower's] speech, it was "military-industrial-congressional complex." And the "congressional" part was taken out because the president felt that he'd had excellent relations with a Democratic Congress and didn't want to get into name-calling on his way out.

Susan Eisenhower
Granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eishenhower

Bill Maher's HBO show Real Time
Episode 161
Premiered July 24, 2009


 13 December 2009

The 2009 Advanced Energy Whistleblower Conference in Washington, DC has just ended: a virtual internet conference, spanning the whole weekend, which 10,000 people worldwide visited to take part.

Click here for the archives - including an hour long conversation between myself (Bill) and conference organizer Todd Hathaway on the problems still faced by Advanced Energy researchers. The last speaker, Tom Bearden, finished his two hour talk at 5 pm EST, and this will be uploaded soonest.

Todd, Kerry and I are discussing the idea of a major Advanced Energy Conference - a physical one - in the Washington area for the second half of next year: a kind of Advanced Energy counterpart of the May 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference, in which Free Energy pioneers would assemble on stage to make a combined statement to the press, media and attendees about the urgent importance of accepting the reality of Advanced Energy systems to help this planet at a time when they are absolutely most needed. This is a big, bold idea and it might just work. All feedback, ideas and contributions are welcome.

 11 December 2009

We have a new major release today.

Some of you may have read on our Questions page that I (Bill) have experience in an offshoot of the original Church of Scientology (called Ron's Org: I was never in the 'Church', and was included on the famous Church of Scientology Enemies list).

But I was utterly surprised when a legendary whistleblower in the Church of Scientology introduced himself to me and told me that what he had to share had something to do with Black Operations. Kerry, who has never studied Scientology, agreed that this whistleblower was very much in the ranks of regular Camelot whistleblowers. We decided to do an interview.

So: click here for the testimony of Dane Tops [pseudonym] - an almost mythical figure in Scientology history who has never before come forward to tell his story - which is extraordinary even by Camelot standards: all about how the Church of Scientology was taken over in the early 1980s, and the courageous and astonishing way in which Dane blew the whistle, which resulted in tens of thousands of members realizing what was going on - and leaving. Put the coffee on (a lot of it!), read carefully, and Enjoy.

Camelot Q and A: On the Project Avalon Forum, this new thread represents us both, in which Bill commits to answer all questions posed.

There have been some excellent questions (and answers) so far. Do visit and make your own contribution, now that the forum is again free.

Camelot Radio: My (Kerry's) show starts tonight on The Micro Effect at 7 pm - 9 pm PST. You can listen by clicking on the box to the right of this column. My first guest will be David Wilcock and we will be discussing, among other things the Spiral Blue Light in the sky (vortex opening?) over Norway.

Click here for the video of the event and here for an article on the same subject. More prosaically, this analysis may be plausible. We have no inside information.

Camelot Audio Blog: (Or maybe we'll think of a better sounding term...) Since the time for Kerry's radio show is the middle of the night in Europe, we intend to also set up an audio blog on Monday evenings European time (mornings PST) in which you can call in and talk to us both. Details to follow soonest.

A note about the many enquiries we've received about Dr Pete Peterson's medical and diagnostic devices. We've only been able to catch up with Dr Peterson on the phone once since September, and are seeking to bring the hundreds of messages and requests for information to his attention. We have all the enquires archived, and nothing has been lost. Please note there is no guarantee that the devices he mentioned will be available to the public.

An update about the translation and transcription projects. Both are producing a huge amount of new material and what's needed now is for all this to be posted (there are many new pages). The site itself (despite our new How to use the Project Camelot website section above) is becoming increasingly challenging to navigate and Kerry and I are both aware of the need for a full and carefully thought-out revamp. (Emphasis here on carefully thought-out... this cannot be done in a hurry.)

One and maybe two new releases, one of which is very major, will be posted here within 24 hours. Please stay tuned.

 5 December 2009

Avalon Forum to revert to FREE:

We are having our Avalon Web Admin convert the Avalon Forum to a free forum. The following message will be posted on the forum shortly:

Hi to all,

First of all, we want to sincerely thank all those who have purchased subscriptions to our Avalon Forum. After one year of operation as a subscription forum, we have decided that the contributions to our work generated out of this subscription format are not substantial enough to warrant continuing with the subscription-based model. Therefore, whereas the money from subscriptions has helped to make our work possible - and for that we thank everyone very much -we have found that donations (and other means to be decided) are a better way to raise money in order to continue our work. Therefore, henceforth, this AVALON FORUM is now FREE for all those who wish to participate.

Note: We are in the process of expanding Project Camelot and hope to create more revenue streams going forward. Any assistance or advice in this area would be welcome. Feel free to send email with suggestions.

Thank you all for your patience and dedication to our work and this mission.

Love and light,

Kerry and Bill

 1 December 2009

A Message from Miriam Delicado:

"The Time of waiting is over. Now is the time to act.

For this reason I have made a decision that it is time for me to travel to meet some of the Sacred people of Colombia. A small group of people have been working hard to finish The Great Gathering website up and running. In the meantime the work has continued in making connections around the world with Indigenous and Spiritual people who are all working on the same goal. Unity.

There have been many signs that are directing me telling me now is the time to travel to meet with the Sacred people, Kogis, Tayronas, Arzarios and Wiwas.

This task can not be accomplished without your help. If you are able to assist in having me and a partner travel to Columbia to meet and speak with these people I ask you to assist. Please go to my website below or click here to Donate whatever amount you are able to contribute. It is an important meeting that must take place. Without all of us coming together with the right intention we can not change the path of humanity and walk into a positive future. These people are a key to our lives here at this time.

Thank you,

Miriam Delicado

I also encourage you to please take a moment to sign up for the newsletter on my website if you haven't already. You can then be kept up to date on news regarding The Great Gathering."

Miriam Delicado
Author: Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy
One voice, one people, one Earth.
www.thegreatgathering.org (under construction)

 30 November 2009 - update

We've just learned that Walter Bowart's classic Operation Mind Control (only available used for $140–$200) is online here in PDF format. Essential reading, and highly recommended. Enjoy :)

 30 November 2009

We have just had the pleasure of talking at length with James Martinez, who was very close to Walter Bowart - the author of the groundbreaking, whistleblowing book Operation Mind Control published back in 1978. This is a fabulous audio interview which will be of enormous interest to all who (like myself) benefited greatly from Bowart's seminal work. We learned from James how Bowart, who died two years ago, in many ways 'regretted' having written the book - and how he had had profound ET contact: something never before revealed, and which he had been unwilling to talk about when he was alive. We learned of his philosophy, his hope for the human race, and his awareness of the importance of the expansion of consciousness. James summed it up by stating that for Walter, it was all about the liberation of the Human Spirit. Amen. We will edit and release this as the highest priority.

We have just updated our Round Table Pledge list. The number has now reached 1500. Our apologies to everyone for the considerable backlog - and our warm thanks, and welcome, to all who have pledged.

 28 November 2009 - update

We are proud to announce the MKUltra Mind Control Conference in Boston, MA coming this February... Register now for this fascinating event.

Confirmed speakers:

Duncan O'Finioan, Rebecca Jernigan, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and Stewart Swerdlow.

Copenhagen Treaty: According to a deep source, this "treaty" is a cover for another treaty with a certain group of Visitors who are planning to renew abductions and for certain others to allow the Illuminati to roll out their population reduction agenda unimpeded.

 28 November 2009

We don't reference YouTube videos that often, but this one is so clever, inspiring and moving that we highly recommend it. It's been out for two years and has been seen by 7 million people. It lasts 1 minute 44 seconds. It has to be watched right through to the end. Maybe this planet will be in good hands after all by the time we are all through. --Bill

 27 November 2009

Today we were interviewed on Rumor Mill News Radio by Rayelan Allan for 3 hours... We will post a link to the archive as soon as it is available. We would like to publicly thank Rayelan for her gracious interview style and insightful questions and remarks. Her background is so fascinating that we decided it warrants a Project Camelot interview and have extended that offer to her as either an upcoming radio interview or video interview as the situation permits.

Project Camelot Radio and Blog Talk Radio -- coming soon! We are very shortly going to be doing a weekly Blog Talk Radio Show and also restarting our Project Camelot radio show with a new network once a week as well... We will keep you posted as soon as arrangements have been made.

 26 November 2009

Many people have asked us for our current view of the information provided to David Wilcock and ourselves in June by Dr Pete Peterson that "time had been booked with the networks" for an announcement about Disclosure by Obama tomorrow - 27 November.

We're not holding our breath: there's no immediate sign of this, and we doubt that this will happen. Dr Peterson himself stated as an immediate caveat that it was just a plan, and that plans often change. Our recent marathon audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering (alongside the most interesting July Barcelona panel discussion on Disclosure, which Camelot hosted) offers insight into the many problems of the subject. And as a note of interest, we were told recently by an insider source that a speech had been written for Bill Clinton - in his first term - as a Disclosure announcement. But of course, that never saw the light of day. We don't know why it was canceled.

Recent events, however, suggest a steady build-up to an announcement of something, sometime. Two weeks ago the Vatican held a conference on extraterrestrial life (we enjoyed the 'ET phone Rome' headline). NASA has now stated that there's water on the moon. And there have been more interviews by Larry King on UFOs this year then ever before. Like everyone else, we're watching and waiting for the announcement to be made: whether it's this year, next year, or in 2012, it has to come sometime. The world's as ready as it ever will be.

We were delighted to receive the following [slightly edited] message from Jordan Maxwell:

Kerry, Jordan Maxwell. Well, now that I am back on my feet again. I got ALL of my personal belongings and my website and domain name back. Mostly because of your help. THANK YOU.

Anyway, I now have two new products on my "New Website" store. And I am now back to work full-time... thanks to the Great Spirit, and my friends.

Could you put on your website that I am back with two new products. The "Dawn" video is a 90 min. video on the subject that got me cut off of Coast to Coast with George Noory. I also talked about doing this video on the Alex Jones show, but now it's done. Give me a mailing address for both you and Bill and I'll send you both a copy. The link below is for ordering. Thank you again.


Jordan Maxwell

 25 November 2009

All is not lost... Billboard on the I-70 in Missouri gives hope to the world...

To quote:

A citizens guide to REVOLUTION of a corrupt government.

1. Starve the Beast.
keep your money.

2. Vote out incumbents.

3. If steps 1 & 2 fail?


Our amendment:

It's a SPIRITUAL WAR we are all a part of... Awaken your Own Consciousness

Gain all knowledge.

You are Free... Be it.


For a free America and a free World...

A special nod to Paul Tardo, artist, SHIFT -- cool music and filmwork.


 24 November 2009 - update

A few hours ago we spoke again with Dr Bill Deagle: click here for a new 50 minute interview, much of which is about the H1N1 situation - following closely on the heels of our detailed Ukraine report below, relayed to us from a doctor in Kyiv and posted earlier today.

 24 November 2009

As promised, here's an expanded report from our Ukraine update yesterday.

We've not communicated directly with our source, who relayed this report via an intermediary who spoke to her in depth on the phone two days ago. The source is a doctor and qualified nutritionist in Kyiv [Kiev] with recent hands-on experience of treating patients who are seriously ill with what the Russians are calling "Mutant Black Lung" - apparently an apt name for a horrific and often fatal set of symptoms.

The problem (corroborated by Dr Henry L Niman and others) is that the H1N1 virus has mutated and the new strain goes straight to the bottom of the lungs where it causes massive bleeding triggered by a cytokine storm. It's the patient's own immune over-reaction that kills them. This is what happened in the second wave in the fall of 1918 (click here and here for historical archives and photos). It's not pneumonia, and it's not pneumonic plague (which is a bacterium, not a virus - but more on that below in the final paragraph of this report). However, it's extremely nasty and can be a very fast killer of anyone affected.

Our source said that she had kept some one seriously ill patient alive with intramuscular injections of Vitamin D: up to 30,000 IU, twice a day. This was a surgeon who had suddenly collapsed in the operating theater 40 minutes after waking up one morning. The surgeon's colleague was not so lucky: he collapsed two hours later, and was dead the next day.

She personally witnessed aircraft spraying something that was slimy and smelly over Lviv. These were NOT chemtrails - it was more like crop-dusting. The altitude was about 1500 feet [500 meters]. They were large aircraft: the windows in her 4-story building shook when one of the planes passed. This was three days before the outbreak there. That report is matched by information she learned in Kyiv, where the same planes were reported and again the outbreak occurred three days later.

There are restrictions in travel: the source's husband had to bribe his way to cross one national border. In many villages one cannot leave. In larger towns, however, it's easier to find a way out. Taxi drivers are not permitted to leave a city without a military licence. The source reported on one occasion seeing several pick-up trucks traveling together between cities which had on them a sign to the effect that one should keep clear as there were bodies on board.

About 10% of patients are recovering quickly and discharging after a few days. The rest are still in hospital and if not dead are not recovering after even three weeks. She noted that they might still die, so it's impossible to establish the true CFR [Case Fatality Rate]. In the Kyiv hospital where she works 40% of the staff are ill and the 600 bed hospital - usually 2/3 full - now has 1200 patients and they have even had to move bodies out of the morgue to make room for beds. Many who did not fall ill are not reporting to work. The healthcare system is breaking down. There is nothing in the pharmacies except for Aspirin - if one is lucky. Locals are falling back on traditional remedies and some groups (for instance) were going into the forest to hunt for medicinal mushrooms because they had nothing else to use.

No-one in Ukraine has accurate statistics. But WHO officials have been seen in many locations. Her colleagues are baffled because they look to the western media for news reports... and they see nothing. They cannot understand this. But what's happening in Ukraine is now being well reported in Russia. Furthermore, this H1N1 mutation is now apparently being encountered in Poland, Turkey, Russia and the Czech Republic.

The source had encountered cases of bubonic and pneumonic plague professionally and was familiar with the symptoms. In this new epidemic, the severe lung damage was so similar to pneumonic plague that she said "it was as if someone had taken the bacterial component of the plague and shoved it into a virus". Please note that we are not medically qualified and cannot comment on this remark, which may have been meant descriptively rather than scientifically. We do understand that bacteria and viruses are very different, spread differently, affect the body differently, and need to be treated differently. Also please note an important interview with a Ukrainian Coroner here (a short, must-read report) - which seems very likely to be accurate. We await further information. We are also interviewing Dr Bill Deagle again within the next 48 hours.

 23 November 2009 - update 2

We have just received an indirect report from an apparently reliable source in Ukraine - confirming (in essence) what we reported here yesterday. More on this within 24 hours when we can update in more detail. Our source is keeping patients alive with massive doses of Vitamin D (30,000 IU per day- see our recent interview with Gabriele Stähler). In Russia, the problem is being termed "Mutant Black Lung" - the H1N1 mutation, attacking the bottom of the lungs, which has just been disclosed by the WHO. Ukraine is in partial lockdown and there is quite a lot of chaos. More soon.

 23 November 2009 - update 1

About a week ago, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot participated in The Alienshift Conference Panel on 2012. This panel discussion is now online here. Don't miss this great discussion hosted by renowned psychic Sean David Morton. The panel includes Jordan Maxwell, Miriam Delicado, Mike Bara, Kerry Cassidy and David Farman (host of the website alienshift.com).

 23 November 2009

A source is sending us photos of chemtrails seen this weekend in the skies over Chicago area.. stating that this amount of activity appeared to be much worse than previously seen...

They included various photos including this one showing what they labeled as 9 visible chemtrails at once:

They wrote:

I live in a visible path of commercial aircraft that land at Chicago O'Hare. No commercial aircraft came through my sight today during these chemtrails (11 am - 4 pm CST). The commercial aircraft have been put back on their regular paths in my sight since about 6 pm today. It appeared that these chemtrails started south of Chicago at an unknown earlier time and finished in my sight around Milwaukee, WI around 5 pm, from my view. FYI.

They are concerned in case this may be a precursor in spreading the virus. We are posting this for the record at this time in case other reports begin to surface around the U.S. and rest of the world of unusual escalation of chemtrail activity prior to any future outbreaks.

 22 November 2009 - update 3

PIRATE RADIO, the movie, is out in theaters and I want to endorse this little gem of a film that captures the spirit of the times and the abiding love of rock'n'roll with a superb ensemble cast that includes Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Camp, and slightly over the top, it reminds us to choose Life and Art over technical finesse and tedious decorum. Long live rock'n'roll: the Kinks, Cream, Procol Harum and the greatest music ever.

 22 November 2009 - update 2

This discussion, led by Dr Henry L. Niman, is worth following closely. To translate it into simple terms, it's now been officially confirmed by WHO (but is still not in the mainstream media) that an H1N1 gene mutation very similar to that which killed tens of millions in 1918 has been identified in the Ukraine, Norway and Canada. The forum is for serious researchers who are well-informed and who generally dismiss "conspiracy theory". Yet they are now very alarmed and are debating whether they should start taking personal precautions for their families in the light of possible infrastructure breakdown.

See below for our own insider source's information - stated to us as fact - that there would be waves of pandemic hitting us all next year and that things might [my paraphrase] get pretty tricky.

Click here for one of the best summary articles of the problem that I have read - written by a virologist, and connecting ALL the dots.

Click here for a VERY informative interview with a Ukrainian coroner.

To cheer you up (or, alternatively, make you definitely decide to leave the planet), watch this horrific vaccine promotional video: Sid the Science Kid gets a Flu Shot. Enjoy... if you can!

 21 November 2009 - update 1

Our thanks to the many people who've written to us in response to to our 6 November call for translators. The Camelot Translation Project [CPT] co-ordinator's name is John, and you can reach him at john_b@projectcamelot.org. John will be contacting all the volunteers on behalf of Kerry and myself, and we're delighted to be working with him.

Kerry and I would like to extend our appreciation here to everyone who's taking part in this very major project. If you haven't yet written to us, but would like to get involved in translation, you can join in at any time: write to John, and he'll factor you into the project.

 21 November 2009

We listened to Benjamin Fulford's economic update with interest (click here, or see opposite). This morning we spoke with another insider source who is likely to be better (and more deeply) connected. He told us that Benjamin's stated timescale was too early, but that we should indeed expect a dollar devaluation in the Spring, or thereabouts.

Importantly, as part of the same big picture, he advised that the global viral epidemic would continue to come in waves (paralleling Dr Bill Deagle's view - see our 15 November audio interview with him) over a 6-18 month period, and there might come a time where the safest place to be would be in our own homes... having stockpiled adequate supplies.

He was concerned that those who were alert to the problem should have enough time to prepare and take defensive measures for themselves and their families. This is far from the first time that we've reported this advice from others - but we repeat it again, as we believe this is credible information. Even if these situations do not roll out as planned, it may well be smart to take simple precautions which do not have to involve great expense.

 19 November 2009

We (or at least I, Bill: I await Kerry's review with interest) do not recommend the latest Roland Emmerich disaster movie and unintended comedy, 2012. A better investment would have been G-Force - a kid's story about a covert program using guinea pigs for espionage. It would have been more realistic.

Emmerich spent $250 million and didn’t check how high the Drakensberg Mountains were, didn’t know what the North Face of Everest really looked like, and failed to locate a high school physics student to ask whether or not neutrinos “mutate”, whether cellphones would still work when solar storms destabilize the Earth's core, and whether light planes can fly through clouds of volcanic ash. And that’s before we get started on the plot, the script, the acting, and the logic and/or impossibility of almost every scene. The best online review I read suggested that casting John Cusack in the lead role was like reciting Shakespearean sonnets at a pie-eating contest. Exactly.

But here's one reason to see it: to figure out why this has been released. Like his previous bad-news epics, Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 turns serious questions into poorly-made and badly-researched comedic entertainment - implanting into the minds of millions that such issues are trivial, ridiculous, impossible, and laughable - and that alternative radio show hosts like 2012's Charlie (played by Woody Harrelson) are unhinged, half-crazed caricatures with little grip on reality. A real-life Charlie would suspect that Emmerich had been told to make the movie the way he did...

Leaner, slicker, faster, and infinitely smarter is the Jason Bourne trilogy. I recently watched them one after the other, riveted from start to finish: these are by far the most realistic espionage movies ever made, featuring the fierce intelligence, humanity and angst of a highly trained, amnesiac Duncan O'Finioan-type super-soldier on a personal mission to discover who he really is - containing no special effects at all. Roland Emmerich: quit now, with the box office takings in your pocket.

 17 November 2009

We highly recommend the new feature length documentary on Crop Circles, directed by Suzanne Taylor: What on Earth?

 16 November 2009

We just completed an audio update with Dr. Bill Deagle (click here) in which he addresses:

1. Updated info on the spread of the virus and the recombination into a Stage 2 virus that may contain H1N1 but not be limited to that.

2. Dr. Deagle's analysis of the Patrick Geryl and Clif High information regarding earth changes, 2012 and the years beyond and why Geryl's conclusions are incorrect.

3. How China and the U.S. are working together behind the scenes toward a one world government and why the U.S. is a key player in the Illuminati global takeover scenario.

4. What the Illuminati plans are to carry off an Armageddon type scenario regardless of whether earth changes will take place.

5. The spiritual war behind the scenes involving the Draco and Anunnaki (positive and negative) and how humanity can change the timeline into a more positive one with the help of light beings and other transdimensional beings that would constitute an intervention, resulting in a more glorious future for humanity. The key involves a planetary change in consciousness..

Duncan O'Finioan has written and posted to the front of his site A Letter to President Obama and others from the survivors of Project Talent, the MKUltra Supersoldier/ mindcontrol program. Please read and lend your support.


 10 November 2009

This weekend: Kerry from Camelot will be joining a panel discussion on Saturday morning, November 14 at the upcoming AlienEvent conference, along with Miriam Delicado and Jordan Maxwell. Hope to see you there:

Click on the poster to register:


Jordan Maxwell: latest news from Jordan is that his situation has been resolved and all systems are go. We extend our good wishes to Jordan and are delighted that things are going well.

 9 November 2009 - updated

Fourth Kind: The Movie - CORRECTION: I understand this was a BLAIR WITCH TYPE HOAX (this crossed my mind initially, as it came across as authentic if strangely skewed and seemed over the top) but then I wondered, could it be true. With this in mind I do not recommend it, except as a study into the motivation behind the deception that must be involved in the release of this very dark and disturbing film currently in theaters. It is about abduction, specifically centered around what they claim are true cases that took place in Nome, Alaska. What happened in that town appears well documented and is shot to appear more like a documentary than a typical Hollywood film.

While it is true that all abductions do not result in people who want to save the earth and join the aliens in their ships without any kind of discernment, in order to save themselves from future earth changes... It is puzzling that they would mix strong references to the Anunnaki (the dark side) as well as satanic type interactions leaving the open question as to just who the abductors are and what their purpose is other than to foster further ridicule and confusion on the part of real experiencers.

The use of the ancient Sumerian language (recorded on tape is especially riveting and puzzling and makes little or no sense in connection with the abductions themselves and it would seem the use of this device is done by either superficial UFO researchers who don't know any better or by some more sophisticated group with an agenda in mind.

The real question is what might be the motivation for the hoax (other than money). What is clear, is that in taking the real and making it appear as hyper-real and deceiving the viewers until the jinx is up as they say the filmmakers and studio set themselves up to further confuse and disgust the public who are waking up to the real truth behind the fiction on a daily basis. What is perhaps most striking about this recent effort, is how receptive the public is to such a reality... simply because they know it to be the truth.

In the theater, people just sat there at the end. They were taken in by the documentary quality and statements made that the film was based on 'true' events.

The truth is out there... It would be great if the filmmakers were able to put their hearts and minds behind it.

Revised in light of the Blair Witch formula apparently used as the template for this unfortunate horror film.


 8 November 2009 - updated (expanded report from yesterday)

Dr. Russell Blaylock testifies that H1N1 is the mildest flu in history! Highly recommended.

Clarification on the Rhiza Labs FluTracker count taken from a post on the forum: We encourage you to check the numbers yourself at this link:


Lviv Oblast
General number of ill people- 69,176
Total for Influenza - 6694
Total for ARI (acute respiratory infection) - 62,482

Please note:
1. Lviv oblast (Lviv region), but not in Lviv only.
2. Influenza - 6,694, this stands for influenza in general not H1N1. Do you have numbers for H1N1?
3. ARI - 62,482, not Influenza or specifically H1N1

Click here for a TV news report, several days old, from Russia Today reporting live on location with a developing story that no western news agencies are carrying: that a large number of people in the Ukraine are suddenly coming down with respiratory diseases, some very serious. What is stunning is listening to the reporter who plainly states exactly 1 death of H1N1, 12 infected and the rest of the 60 deaths are dying of other diseases!

There is no apparent correlation, in the above broadcast [listen closely - the added statistical captions do not match what he is saying].

The Rhiza Labs FluTracker map states that over 900,000 Ukrainians have been diagnosed with H1N1. This is not accurate. See the numbers from the Ukraine Ministry of Health above...And, as mentioned by the Barcelona Nun M.D. Dr. Teresa Forcades --if, as in Britain they are doing a count based on call-ins--this is hardly a scientifically accurate way of determining infection.

Click here for President Victor Yushchenko's address to the Ukrainian people - and read how he is describing the situation. He is stating that there is a "viral" infection spreading -- he is not calling it H1N1. The suspicion here is that what is spreading is the attack of an aerosol based bioweapon that attacks respiratory systems...

This site (citing a 'Ukraine Plague') is discussing what many have wondered: that this may be the Pneumonic Plague (the Black Death of the Middle Ages) - a deadly development if true. But informed discussion on the Rhiza Labs forum (featuring Dr Henry L Niman and others, currently running to 89 pages) dismiss this on the grounds that the plague is caused by a bacterium - not a virus. However, the numbers found on the Rhiza Labs site are misleading... click here for the rundown on the actual cases. Scroll down to the last post under the Forum title Misleading Information. Reprinted above.

According to the Russia Today broadcast, T___flu is being distributed widely. Project Camelot was told a couple of months ago by a well-informed insider contact that claimed remedies such as this (as well as the vaccine itself) would be infected with Bird Flu and were therefore in essence bioweapons.

Separately, we reported on 21 July that Elder Hale stated that he had been told by a senior biochemist in a world-class pharmaceutical company - name provided to us but withheld by request - that an aerosol precursor component had been sprayed (and would be by now in everyone's bodies) which would react with the vaccine when it was taken later:

"...an aerosoled precursor has been put into the air and almost everyone has breathed it into their lungs. The biochemist states that the vaccines to be administered in the Fall will be ACTIVATED when the constituents come in contact with the aerosoled precursor in the body and will cause a rapid spread of the H1N1 Influenza A virus. This biochemist is very upset about the matter, to say the least, and is a very reliable source that needs our utmost protection."

We regard this information as credible, and it was confirmed by Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann) in his 1 August Amsterdam conference presentation. For the very interesting 12 minute audio extract from the 21 July Camelot radio show when Elder Hale calls into the program, and describes in full what he was told by the biochemist, click here. Note also that aerosol [chemtrail] spraying has indeed been reported in the Ukraine.

Another source has told Camelot that Ukraine is being singled out and targeted in order to bring Russia -- into the fold of the illuminati agenda as they have not been going along with the current roll-out.

So: something is happening here, and it may be smart for us to pay close attention. See the 2 November update below for the Joseph Moshe story... which may be essential to understand fully if we are to grasp what may be unfolding. Do also watch this YouTube report, in which Dr Bill Deagle describes to Kerry Cassidy the Joe Moshe story in full detail (referencing the Baxter lab in the Ukraine) - accompanied by the remarkable live TV footage of the incident. This is a MUST SEE summary.

We encourage all Camelot visitors to spend a little time on this: read, listen to or watch all the links above and understand the whole picture, which is clearly still developing. Do also post this full report, with links, far and wide.

--Bill & Kerry


Click here for ARCHIVE 1
16 October 2007 - 19 August 2008

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23 August 2008 - 11 December 2008

Click here for ARCHIVE 3
12 December 2008 - 14 March 2009

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15 March 2009 - 14 May 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 5
20 May 2009 - 20 July 2009

Click here for ARCHIVE 6
21 July 2009 - 26 August 2009

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28 August 2009 - 6 November 2009




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