Icke, one of the most visible, outspoken and controversial
speakers and writers about the Illuminati and the New
World Order control agenda, will
need practically no introduction to
most readers of this page.
We've been in touch with
David since November 2006, when Camelot was relatively
young. We had an interview arranged then, but David
had to cancel due to an emergency; and several later
attempts to reschedule it all met with logistical
problems. Finally - over two years later! - we caught
up with him in Sedona, and were able to sit down for
a long conversation with him about his life and his work.
This is not an interview specifically about the information
he's researched and presents so lucidly in his famous
long presentations, and in his many books - all of which
are packed with references, anecdotes and encyclopedic
detail. It's more about the man behind his mission;
what makes him tick, and what keeps him going; the source
of his inner resolve; and, notably - anyone who mistakes
David for a doomsayer, take note - his vision for Planet
Earth: "The idea that this might
not all have a successful outcome", he told
us, "Never occurs to me."
David's unflinching and remarkable commitment to his cause
has made life far easier for many who have come after
him - including ourselves. We owe him our own vote of
thanks, and in this two hour FutureTalk we
pay tribute to his life's work, and to the man who is
still standing after all these years, still marching
on that road less traveled, determined to present what
he suspects is the truth, whatever it is.
here for David
Icke's website.
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