Dr. Vladislav Lugovenko:
The Breathing of the Earth
Dr Vladislav Lugovenko has spent many years researching geomagnetism, and has described in detail a novel and fascinating principle which he terms The Breathing of the Earth. This in turn led him to explore biomagnetism and the bioelectric fields of mammals and fish, the human aura, and finally Indigo Children.
His most recent book, The Indigo Children of Russia, is not yet available in English. Project Camelot intends to help him find an American publisher. If anyone is in a position to translate this book from the original Russian, please contact us.
Dr Lugovenko has known Boriska personally for several years, and in our conversations with him he recounted several anecdotes in which Boriska's psychic abilities featured prominently.
The following article was first published by Carol Hiltner, here:
The Breathing of the Earth
Dr Vladislav Lugovenko
By Carol Hiltner
If, as mystical tradition tells us, the Earth is a living system, how might she be doing that most fundamental process of life known as breathing? Might evidence for the Earth's breathing not be winessed as oscillations in the flow of subtle energies through and between the Earth and the Cosmos?
This was the thinking of Russian astrophysicist Vladisvlav Lugoveko. And in the course of a lifetime of research, he has devised experiments that detect and measure just such an oscillation in this flow. Moreover, his experiments have been replicated.
During the past decade, Lugovenko's experimental data has revealed not only that the Earth breathes - with striking similarities to the breathing patterns of human beings - but that her breathing is dynamically affected not only by events in the Cosmos but also by human thought.
What is this "Breathing" of the Earth?
First of all, Lugovenko has found that there is a daily rhythm. The breathing is quiet at night. Then, as the Earth spins toward the sunrise, the particular pattern and amplitude of that day moves like a wave around the earth, varying gradually according to other influences like sun spots, meteorological disturbances, earthquakes, and human activity.
There are seasonal fluctuations. For example, the Earth's breathing is quieter in the winter. And there appear to be longer breathing cycles - periods of years - that seem to be affected by celestial bodies such as comets.
The following chart shows the fluctuation in the Earth's breathing during the period between 1997 and 2002.
Lugovenko defines the breathing of the Earth as "the temporary variations of a cosmo-terrestrial field," and refers to both "global" and "local" breathing:
"Global" breathing consists of all possible methods of receiving, processing, and obtaining energy from external Space through a complex system of grids and chakras of different calibers. "Local" breathing is a measurable change of width of zones of regular Hartmann or Curry grids.[1]
The concept of a universal Space energy that people can use to realize supersensory phenomena has deep roots in cultures of all peoples. Sacred Indian and Buddhist texts describe this same ancient Space energy and designate it with the mystical syllable "Om". This syllable causes an oscillation in the brain that enables various chakras to accept Space energy.
We call the interaction of this energy with the Earth a "cosmo-terrestrial field", which is defined as the substance by which the biopower interaction between Space and Earth takes place. The cosmo-terrestrial field is a phenomenon on the boundary between the thin (unmanifest) world and the material (manifest) world.
The cosmo-terrestrial field has many interesting properties, including whirlwind movement, resonance, and virtually instantaneous distribution over vast distances (at least within the limits of the Solar System).
This energy can be perceived by highly sensitive people and by specially created equipment. Each contributor gives his own determination of the qualities of the field that he researches.
How is it measured?
Because such measurement is a new endeavor for Western science, and because the definitions and units of measure are still being worked out, researchers have each been creating their own means to measure this energy.
Lugovenko uses two primary means. The first is through a pair of sensors - one copper (placed over a positive vortex) and one nephrite stone (placed over a negative, or dark, vortex). Each of these sensors is suspended by wire over a radial graph, and they both move in opposite directions - that is, one goes clockwise and the other goes counterclockwise.
At intervals determined by how quickly the direction and amplitude are changing, Lugovenko observes and records the time and the position of the sensors in his lab book.
Lugovenko's second means of measurement is the use of dowsing rods and a pendulum, the accuracy of which he has verified through years of comparing his dowsing results with read-outs from electronic instrumentation. He uses copper dowsing rods to locate the positive and negative energy vortexes.
When I visited Lugovenko's home outside Moscow, he demonstrated his technique to me. First, he set his intention, then started walking across the room holding the dowsing rods so they pointed in front of him.
About five feet from where he had his instrumentation set up, the rods abruptly separated so they pointed out to each side.
Then he handed the rods to me, and I was able to obtain the same results.
Lugovenko also links with other observers around the world, enabling him to compare and validate his results globally.
I asked him why, as a senior scientist at a prestigious research institute, he was conducting these experiments at his home. With a wry smile, he answered (through a translator), "We used to have the most advanced instrumentation, but with Perestroika, budgets were reduced, and this line of research was cut. So I continue it at home, because it is important."
Variations in the Earth's breathing
After charting the general characteristics of the breathing of the Earth, Lugovenko started examining the variations and anomalies. The indented text below is excerpted from two of his translated articles:[2]
1. Solar activity:
The maximal activity of breathing of the Earth occurs when there is a minimum of solar activity.
2. The Hale-Bopp comet:
Just the first inhalation of the Earth after its night's sleep is very interesting. It sets the tone of intensity for the whole day, and essentially depends on how close the current period is to the longest day of the year (June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere). The nearer the date is to June 22, the more powerful is the first morning's inhalation of the planet. Since 1992, this effect has become stronger each year - until 1997.
Before the appearance of the Hale-Bopp comet, the usual period of breathing of the Earth for average latitudes was 30 to 40 minutes. By the end of March 1997, it had decreased to about one minute! The value was so slight that it became difficult to measure. For almost a whole year, the Earth breathed very frequently.
People felt this. In the most intense days (at the close of March and beginning of April, when the comet Hale-Bopp was especially close to the Earth and to the Sun) there were many calls for first aid, and many complained of poor health.
3. Religious holidays and prayer:
Prabakar Poddar, director of the Institute of Application Geophysics in India, reports repeatedly that the maximum positive readings of the cosmo-terrestrial field near Madras occur on religious holidays.
Note: Lugovenko found startling shifts in the cosmo-terrestrial field as a result of the World Peace Meditation in Baghdad in October 2002 (see the sidebar just below).
What are the implications?
Lugovenko offers clear scientific documentation that the Earth "breathes," and that her breathing is reactive to stimulation - this being one of the definitions of what constitutes life.
Even more significantly, he has shown that the breathing of the Earth is responsive to human intention; that humanity, through our thoughts and prayers, radically impacts the Earth.
How Human Energy Affects the Breathing of the Earth
The following text (not necessarily the subheadings) is taken from a paper published by V.N. Lugovenko, M.I. Orlyuk, and N.A. Yudina (see footnote). Through demonstrating how human activity affects the Earth's breathing, the examples they describe give us yet another evidence of the positive effect of global meditation and prayer.
Investigation at the World Summit on Peace and Time, June 22-27, 1999
At the World Summit on Peace and Time (WSPT) in Costa Rica in 1999, one of the researchers made a number of experiments and investigations of the biofields and cosmo-terrestrial field in Costa Rica.
From June 22 to 28, 1999, in San Jose, we recorded the temporal variations of the cosmo-terrestrial field by means of torsion-type sensors. We recorded the angle of torsion of each sensor. One of them, made of the stone nephrite, was put in a Hartmann's dark zone cross-section. The second, a copper sensor, was put in light zone cross-sections.
During the first three days of the Summit, June 22 to 24, temporal variations of the cosmo-terrestrial field were normal and the coefficient K was 1-2. But after June 24, the situation changed considerably. Ratio K at 6:25 a.m. exceeded the norm by more than 100 percent (from 10 to 24). This testifies to the same kind of considerable increase of Cosmos/Earth bioenergy contact that is usually distinctly displayed during religious holidays.
We believe that Dr. Ashok, Director of Global Dialogue Institute, was correct in saying, "The work of WSPT Commissions gradually comes to the point that the Cosmos/Earth dialogue ... becomes deeper and deeper."
Interestingly, the information about this was withdrawn after two years.
Investigation on the World Peace Meditation on Baghdad, October 2002
In the beginning of October 2002, we learned that a world peace meditation would be executed at 21:00 Moscow time on October 12: a vigil for true and permanent peace all over the world. This meditation was initiated by James Twyman in connection with events in Iraq.
We hypothesized that the breathing of the Earth would vary in some way under the influence of this meditation of so many thousands of people. Expecting that there would be a high-powered flow of worldwide vibrations, we measured the variations of the breathing of the Earth. And this flow really did take place!
The breathing of the Earth was measured near Moscow, using special torsion-type sensors at two different points in one room. Simultaneously, the flow of breathing of the Earth over Baghdad was measured by the experimentor using a pendulum over a map of Iraq.
At 20:45 Moscow time, the copper sensor began smoothly rotating back and forth with an amplitude of 7 to 8 degrees. The sensor continued continuously rocking, until 22:30, when the experimenter stopped recording for the night.

Prior to 21:00, the pendulum over Baghdad indicated negative energy over the city. At 21:00, it indicated zero [it was still]. Then, 15 minutes later, the energy abruptly changed to a large positive indication. It was still showing the positive indication when it was measured the following morning at 8 a.m.

A Similar Meditation on February 9, 2003
A similar collective meditation with more participants was made on February 9, 2003, at 20:00 Moscow time. Approximately the same effect was observed once again. The copper sensor showed an amplitude of 10 degrees within one hour after the beginning of the meditation, but then measurements were stopped (N.A. Yudina carried out observations in Troitsk, near Moscow).
Dr. M.I. Orlyuk made observations in Kiev, Ukraine, at the same time, with the help of a stone sensor. With that sensor, he observed rotations of 80 degrees at 20:50.
Another researcher, scientist Richard Benishal, was taking readings at the same time on a Biometer, a device that measures the vitality or life-force of a person or place in angstrom units. Angstroms are units of light that all living beings and physical places emit. If there is dis-ease or low energy, the Biometer registers a low reading, with the opposite for high energy. Benishal said that a neutral reading would normally be around 6500 angstroms, but that he has seen readings as high as 7000 after powerful meditations have taken place in an area. However, the reading for the area of the vigil's focus was between 9000 and 9500. Richard said he had never seen such a high reading before.
These examples show that collective meditations cause very strong changes of biopower in the ambient space. These changes are felt by all people who have increased sensitivity. The closer the people are to the source of such variations, the more strongly those variations are felt. If all meditating people direct their thoughts into one place, that is where it is felt the most.
Our experience measuring the influence of collective meditations on torsional sensors shows that, with large numbers of people simultaneously meditating, strong vibrations arise in the cosmo-terrestrial field, which noticeably influence the breathing of the Earth. With these sensors, the fluctuations also can be registered.
Some Conclusions
These remarkable experiments demonstrate that a great number of meditating people gives rise to such a high-power vortex in the cosmo-terrestrial field that it is registered quite reliably with the help of special instrumentation. Thus the effects of large group meditations can be quantitatively recorded with high objectivity.
This fact will encourage not only spiritual people to join such meditations, but also anyone else who sincerely wants peace and happiness on Earth.
Marina Komissarova writes: "The best way to turn an atheist into a zealous parishioner is to make him study the fundamentals of modern physics."[4]
Vladislav Lugovenko has been for the past 25 years the director of a laboratory studying anomalous magnetic fields at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Wave Propagation in the scientific community of Troitsk, outside Moscow.
For the past decade, he has investigated cosmo-terrestrial fields and the breathing of the Earth, publishing more than 30 papers. You can reach him by email (Russian - no English, please) at lugovenko34@yandex.ru |
- Curry and Hartmann grids are electromagnetic grids on the Earth. The Hartmann grid is approximately 8 inches by 7 feet, and runs north-to-south and east-to-west. Curry grids run diagonally to Hartmann grids, with about three meters between the lines. Where the two grids intersect, there is evidence of very strong negative disturbance. Both grids can be distorted by geological fault lines, underground water, and mining.
- "Research of Temporary Variations of the Cosmo-Terrestrial Field," 1991-1999, by V.N. Lugovenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; and "The Effect of Meditation on the 'Breathing of the Earth'" by V.N. Lugovenko, M.I. Orlyuk, and N.A. Yudina.
- Komissarova M., "The Power of Thought," Journal of the Selfish Person, No. 12(18), December/January 2002/2003.