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A conversation with Henry Deacon

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Futuretalk III: Henry Deacon
15 July 2008
Michael St Clair, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan in Frankfurt, Germany
Henry Deacon, audio only

Start of conversation

Michael St Clair: How are you doing today?

Henry Deacon: Well, I’m doing OK at the moment. This kind of happened by surprise. I didn’t expect this. I just happened to still be awake and everything happened all of a sudden just. So, anyway. Go ahead.

Kerry Cassidy: We’d like to know your thoughts on, actually, where you think the situation is going, and how fast, in the world.

Henry: Well, nobody knows for sure because things change constantly, as we all know. We only have probabilities to work with.

Switzerland... intuitively is all I can go by - well, not all I can go by - sounds like it might work if you have people who are very familiar with the country, which it sounds like you are. So I would say it would be a good choice as far as population density and the distance from... wherever you think the population density is not too great.

And of course you have lots of mountains, right? So we could talk about that. I’m sure you’ve already thought about all those things.

My only other choice on the planet, really, was someplace that I could point to on a map of South America. But that’s way off course from what you’re focused on. So I don’t think I should go that direction. Go ahead.

Kerry: Well, would you like to volunteer some information? I mean, I know that you’ve been working on screening some of your computer equipment lately. Do you want to tell them why?

Henry: You mean screening it as far as EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse], or screening it because of the new news that you read from the Christian Science Monitor article? Both things are important.

Kerry: What was that article about? I’m sorry, we’ve been in this meeting so we didn’t have a chance to see...

Henry: As far as your main topic goes, it just seems like as soon as something comes to my mind, within 24 to 48 hours for the last two weeks, it pops up in the news. It’s been happening a lot. I don’t... it’s.... which means there’s something very strong happening, something very potent on an invisible level, that’s happening.

Bill: It means you’re picking up a loud signal. Right?

Henry: Very, very strong signals on almost every subject.

Kerry: Well, could you elaborate as to what kind of - what information - you’re getting, a little bit?

Henry: I don’t claim to be a psychic, by the way. It’s just happening. So... [laughs] That’s not my expertise, but it seems to be happening anyway.

Well, where do I start? It’s the financial thing that seems to be happening. I can’t even keep a list. I haven’t even been making a list. I was going to prepare something for later, but I didn’t even have a chance to do that yet.

Kerry: We wanted to get your advice just in terms of... Certainly Bill and I know what you’ve been telling us for, actually, two years now. But Michael would like to hear, probably, some things first hand about the environment that you’re getting impulses about.

So could you tell him the current situation, from your point of view? How soon, how quickly they need to act to make this a reality?

Henry: Well my experience is that I tend to... when I’ve said in the past that something’s going to happen in a year, it usually doesn’t happen for a few years - up to 10 years, from past experience. [laughs]

So, I’m saying six months, but whats that? That’s just pulling it out of a hat right now. Probably longer than six months. It depends on where you are. And what kind of financial resources, or assets, what form your financial resources are in. Because there’s a lot of instability, of course, in some of the banking systems. Those are kind of unknowns.

Of course, your health is your most important asset.

I’d like to say that the peak oil thing is not manufactured. It is real as far as I know simply because in 1970... the late 70s... I went to a Q-cleared meeting at the Department of Energy. You may or may not know what Q-clearance means. And we had laid out all on the table the projected date, with graphs and charts, for peak oil as having been right 30 years from then. So, what’s ‘78 plus 30? So, that’s now. And that was on scientific data. That was not political or anything else, you know. That was just fact, from everything that we knew.

Bill Ryan: Just a question for you on that. Because, you know, you hear these people, like Lindsey Williams and others... Do you know who Lindsey Williams is, for example?

Henry: No. But I can imagine it’s probably someone who says it’s not so.

Bill: Well, Lindsey Williams ... he’s a Baptist minister, right? He’s not the type of guy that sort of, you know... He’s not going to make this up for reasons of, you know, just... he doesn’t have the skill-set to do it. Right?

Henry: Yes.

Bill: And he was up in Alaska and, you know, they said that they found the largest oil reserve, basically, on the planet up there, that was larger than, actually, the reserves in the Middle East. And it got classified by the US government and shut down the day after they announced it.

Henry: Mm hm.

Bill: So, you know. I’m just wondering what the odds are of compartmentalization on things like this, and actually that, you know, certain people on certain levels, even Q-level, are being told one story and at another level the story is different.

Henry: Well, there are two things. One is that at that period in time - the late 70s - we didn’t have the same type of ground-penetrating systems that we do now. We weren’t...

Kerry: So the discovery could have been made, actually was made, after you had this meeting, in other words.

Henry: Yes.

Kerry: But they’ve kept the cover story. Theoretically, they’ve kept the peak oil cover story going for a reason. I mean, they don’t plan to release this anyway, even if it does exist.

Henry: Yes, well, I don’t know that it exists. I’ve never heard that it does. I mean, there is a high probability that it does exist. But still it’s not going to solve the converging problems that we’re up against anyway very shortly.

Kerry: Right. So could you name some more of the converging problems for everyone here, just to focus their minds a little?

Henry: Well, we’ve got the economic problems. We’ve got the manufactured war problems.

Kerry: OK, but, we also want to talk... I mean, what kind of planetary changes are we looking for and do you think anything’s going to happen within the next six months?

Henry: Maybe not in the next six months, but there’s a possibility, for instance, that we’re going to have a magnetic pole shift very soon here. Magnetic pole shift. I don’t know what effect that’s going to have, except that it could have some atmospheric effects, ionospheric effects, and a whole other list that you may or may not be able to figure out. Van Allen Belt, effects on that. Some of Earth’s protective shielding could be distorted from that. And global shortwave - HF - 'skip' communications may be more difficult - due to ionospheric changes. Relying on satellites for global communications is not a good idea either. That leaves the modern world with some problems as well.

As far as incoming - possibly incoming - Planet X, or whatever that people talk about, I for some reason don’t feel too concerned about that - in the next 12 months, at least. I don’t feel concern about it. I don’t have much to go on at the moment for that.

I am thinking of the rapidly growing demands for resources and the collapse or changes of the financial systems, and the various created threats of various wars - created wars, and I just see the population growth rate increasing very rapidly as another root cause in a long list of converging things. We already have a very large city being added to the planet every 24 hours, right? It’s kind of hard to educate that many new people on the planet when the population is growing at this rate.

Kerry: OK. And viruses? Do you have anything to say about that?

Henry: Well, I don’t know what the current thing is, but I feel that some very simple things can help protect you from those, from the viruses that have been released or may be released shortly.

I’ve mentioned something, last year, that sounds really really maybe ridiculous, but it’s Vitamin D3, 2500 IU a day if you’re not getting enough sun to create that in your body.

And then this... Of all the strange things, something that Bill handed me that I did some research on, which is this Sodium Chlorite solution [MMS].  But as far as... what do you want to look at? What’s coming? Or what do you need to prepare for?

Because there are so many things that are... There are certain things that are converging that are not physical things as well. They’re on a level where I feel and see a very... in the next, starting now, and for the next three or four years, greater and greater difficulty for people to communicate with each other. Not just electronically. But even face to face. [laughs]

Because of some... something that I can’t explain in words, that maybe Michael might be able to understand and explain, I don’t know. Our normal senses are very limited - remember this. Most of what IS - is undetectable… be thankful for that!

Michael: Yes. I know what you mean. Go ahead.

Henry: It parallels a Novelty Theory kind of thing, or a chaotic kind of thing that’s happening. It’s just a breakdown, like a Tower of Babel type scenario, among most of the people on this planet. Not everyone, but 99.99% of us. But unless your mind is very well trained and the other people you’re communicating with or want to communicate with are very well trained, there will likely be a lot of disorientation and interference - both man-made, sort of, well, for lack of better words, artificially created - and even more so, naturally created.

Kerry: Yeah. Michael and I were just discussing that yesterday.

Henry: Because of where we are in, so to speak, space, what we’re traveling through right now, and still approaching, is one of the things that’s causing this distortion as well. There’s several... It’s interesting that many things are all converging at the same time. I don’t really, specifically know why.

Michael: I understand you well. I am saying exactly...

Henry: But as far as planning goes... that’s why it’s important to do the planning/preparation as soon as possible, while people are still able to communicate effectively with each other. [Kerry laughs]

Kerry: We’re with you on that. And yes, there’s a dividing line starting to happen, I think, or several dividing lines.

Henry: You know, it’s not just the breakdown of the family unit, which has been going on for a while now. I’m talking about just between even the best of friends, you know. So I think that probably we that are gathered here at the moment have a greater chance of  communicating, but even that can fall apart easily, no matter how hard you might wish for that not to.

So I’m not quite sure how to fix that except to... The strange thing is the mental processes and the mind itself and I’m no expert at that. I’m just learning. So, but...

Kerry: Do any of you have any other questions that you might want to ask Henry? OK, Bill is suggesting that you might mention to everyone the factors that you might want to consider for a “safe place,” if in fact we might not have thought of them in terms of...

I mean obviously we know running water is one of the things, but you might have some other things you might want to tell them about.

Henry: As stated before, proper training of your mind, along with meditative/relaxation practice is the most important “safe place” preparation.

Shelter comes next, and then water. I’ve got a massive amount of survival lists and data that not only I’ve created but also collected since the ‘90s at least, and before. And from different sources as well. And to list it all out thoroughly so that you're well prepared would be quite difficult in just a few minutes.

This also reminds me of having on hand some Calcium Hypochlorite - that's swimming pool shock powder - for water purification. A very small amount goes a long way. And note that the US is trying to stop sales of portable iodine-based water purification systems... their reason is that they say it's used for manufacturing meth-type drugs!

I listened to some of, I think, what Michael mentioned, did you not, on the video? But yes, water, you need to know how much water you’re going to need for the people. You need to know how long you need to have this place or these locations or this location. How long you’re going to need to really utilize it, so that you know whether to just stockpile supplies or if you need to be able to, you know, start growing your own food and such.

Kerry: Well, how long, in your opinion? What are we looking at? Several years?

Henry: I think ideally you’re looking at something like about 5 years, to be on the safe side, five years of living in that type of survival-mode system, you know. I’m talking about once you’re really living in it, a five year period of time or so to getting out the other end.

I keep hoping that... I keep dreaming that nothing’s going to happen, but it’s always best to be prepared and not be... You know, like squirrels put acorns away for winter, you know.

Kerry: Well, as you know, I think we mentioned we’re creating a website that’s going to provide resources to people. So if you have information that we can possibly PDF and upload to that site, it would be really helpful in the future. I’m just mentioning that.

Henry: I sent you a reference to getting free CDs that are being distributed. I don’t know if you’ve seen that yet. I received one, a CD, and it’s basically how to reconstruct things if they should fall apart.

Basically the whole thing is technology. We’re relying so heavily on technology, the western society, the first world countries. It’s very, very sensitive to being shut down in a matter of minutes - the whole first-world life support system - the eggshell we live in.

And that’s why I mentioned EMP over and over again. And now look just what’s come out in the news. You may have noticed, there’s even talk about EMP over America here. But they need to know... The information that they gave out on the news as to what the altitude this would have to take place at is very critical.

They’re saying on the news some ridiculous altitude for an EMP pulse source, which is completely wrong, and it wouldn’t work. But the point is, that it's fine in this case that they’re giving the wrong information out to the public.

The thing is, is that something like that can be created in anyone’s garage. They just need to be able to have a small plane and set it off and they can easily fly away. Mind you, their plane would cease to function... a balloon, maybe?

There’s no real explosion or anything, just a small one. It’s not an explosive device so much as that it gives off a very powerful pulse. That one pulse is enough to knock down pretty much everything in the civilian world. Back to candles and horses.

Kerry: When you say “knock down,” are you talking knock down permanently? Or is it a temporary outage?

Henry: Yes. Shut down permanently. And this is not like that thing that happened a few years back, that 2000-bug or whatever it was. I mean, we were preparing for that in the government systems, with typewriters and carbon-copy-paper and all that stuff because we took it seriously then. But fortunately Y2K didn’t happen.

But this is something that’s a much easier thing for someone to do if they... It only takes an average person to make it happen. So all of a sudden this has been popping up in my mind for some reason and within a few days now it’s in the news. I don’t know how that happened.

But what I’m saying is that that means that the grid would go down and pretty much permanently. I mean for a long period of time.

Of course, you still have a domino effect on a global scale because you’re talking about all the various... anything, all the various technologies, banking systems, and communication systems.

We rely very heavily on satellites for most communications on the planet now. And satellites are very sensitive to these things, except for a handful of them which were EMP and radiation hardened against this type of thing. But that’s not going to be for public use, of course.

Michael: Henry, would that kind of a charge fry computers and things that are off, also?

Henry: Oh yes. They don’t have to be turned on.

Michael: They don’t have to be turned on. So in other words to try to stockpile or guard against that isn’t any use?

Henry: Well, if you’re trying to save data, if you have it on optical disk, CD disk, it has no effect on that.

Bill: But it would on a magnetic drive?

Henry: Magnetic drives, it might scramble some of it. but the thing is, the microprocessors and the memory chips would be fried. And the power sources.

Kerry: You also have a way, though, of shielding, like building a box or something...

Henry: Oh, yeah.

Kerry: ...out of aluminum foil, or something. I don’t know.

Henry: Yeah, it’s very simple to shield. But the thing is, without the infrastructure, you still don’t have the internet, etc.

Kerry: Right.

Henry: So, I mean, you’ve got your local thing to read but that’s it. Or you’ve got your short-wave radio communications equipment that you can also shield or if you have vacuum tube technology, it’s unaffected by that. So that’s why old systems, vacuum tube equipment, is completely immune to this type of thing. So are the older power plants that are not computer controlled.

Kerry: And what about cars? Weren’t you making a point about cars?

Henry: Well, anything up to the 1960s has a good chance of working. Even the gasoline-powered ones, except for there’s a possibility that - a remote possibility - that maybe the spark coils [laughs] because they will step up the voltages in the primaries, it could burn out some of the spark coils in the engine compartments of some of the vehicles. But that’s, I say probably only in the most intense fields. So just the newer vehicles. But forget about getting fuel!

Kerry: So you’re saying any vehicle made after the 1960s would be vulnerable. Is that what you’re saying?

Henry: 90% of them, yes.

Kerry: And what about diesel? Does having diesel make any difference?

Henry: As long as it doesn’t have a computer controlled diesel engine in it, then it’s fine. So you know, the old Rovers, or the old Valps that they had, like in, I think ir's in Sweden, they made Valps. You can buy those. They would be very reliable. Any military type of vehicle.

Michael: The old Willis Jeeps are fine.

Henry: So it’s important to have a vehicle that... Or if you don’t want to rely on a fuel, because then fuel’s a problem. Of course I’m running my diesel car off of... I’ve been experimenting lately. I’ve been running it off of pure sunflower oil. And it’s working fine in the summertime. It wouldn’t work in the winter unless it was warmed first. That’s just an example.

Bill: You can put some castor oil in there to actually help with it as well.

Henry: Anything to thin it out so it doesn’t congeal. But it would be best to have a backup. Animal powered or people powered things would be a good backup.

Kerry: Henry, is this definitely going to happen, in your opinion?

Henry: Well, there’s so many things converging that the probability is that at least half of them... half of hundreds of things are going to happen. So something definitely very harsh is going to happen.

I think that the harshest thing that’s going to happen is not even going to... The harshest thing is not even... Again, the physical thing is harshest, hard on most people. That’s what they fear most. But the harshest thing will be on the psychological scale, not just one psychological thing but multiple psychological things converging on different planes, different levels, you know. On a three-dimensional space-time level and at much higher levels.

Bill: You were saying about the different levels psychologically, where people may have troubles or issues that pop up... So can you give a really quick summary of like what you see the major traumas are?

I mean, I would suspect at least one of them has to do with, as the breakdown of the magnetic field happens on the Earth, like you said, people start to get confused and that their minds don’t operate properly any more, since we are electromagnetic in origin.

But otherwise, what are the other items that you’re seeing?

Henry: OK. Well I’m not saying that that’s what’s causing the disorientation, but that may be one of the factors. But really you’ve got the really down-to-Earth, so to speak, factors of financial collapse and crises, and the stressors people have to deal with.

And then you’ve got people trying to protect their families and in the process gathering materials at all cost from other sources, including neighbors and other people. Religious beliefs are causing confusion and division as well. Religious leaders are being bought-off by certain agencies - with the idea to help control and manipulate the 'believers'. Having spiritual beliefs is important for many people, but be careful who you listen to... if they claim to have the answers. It is up to you.

So, you know you’ve got the collapse, the breakdown, in the cities. Food supply deliveries and such, the psychological part of that. Take some time and think of the domino effect - the interactions and interdependencies of systems.

Then you’ve got the manufactured and real threats of wars.

And then you’ve got the possibility of a fake - a very strong possibility, very soon - of a fake invasion from outer space menaces that... Like Kerry, I don’t know what you saw. But that may have been an example of one of the machines that was built right here.

Kerry: Oh yeah. It had the feeling of that, I have to admit, although it was extremely high...

Henry: Yeah. So with thousands of those being flown over cities and highly populated areas, and then using the vast media, you can do an awful lot of psychological damage and control - psyops - to a lot of people.

Kerry: Right. But ultimately, what do you think the result of that’s going to be?

Henry: Then being able to control people, to maybe put them into... ah...

Kerry: Camps?

Henry: Yes, exactly. Now, Switzerland... There’s something going on. I’ve mentioned to you already, Kerry and Bill, I think, that there’s something going on. I guess if you live there you probably know this, that there’s something going on underground in many places.

Kerry: I mean, there’s no doubt about it, but the question is whether or not it’s a negative something. In other words, I think that’s what’s... I mean, I think it’s a given that there’s development underground in Switzerland in many locations.

Henry: I don’t know if it’s negative or positive, but it’s being kept very quiet. I guess we're all outside the loop for that.

Michael: What I have noticed in Switzerland, driving in and out of it now for a few years... I’ve been in the US for 15 years and I came back. In the last two to four years, I’ve noticed rapidly an increase in building of towers, radio communication towers. And I’ve heard of people telling me that the mood swings in Switzerland are pretty intense.

Henry: Exactly.

Michael: This would lead me to believe that even the Swiss are not above it or below it, to conduct such psychological experiments of how they can modulate the moods of people with some sort of towers. I’ve just noticed that there are a lot of radio towers coming up along the highways and everywhere because I watch out for that. I know what to look for.

Bill: And they’re putting up cameras in all the public transportation as well.

Michael: Oh yes, yes, it’s huge. So Switzerland is not that great in some... in some respects I’ve found that Switzerland has gotten worse than when I knew it, say, 20 years ago.

Kerry: Except for the mountains. If you get up in the mountains, you can get away from all that

Michael: Yes, that’s true.

Henry: I agree. As long as you’re in a valley area in a high mountain area, but surrounded... A higher altitude area, but surrounded by mountains, you know, on all sides - that would be a good location. But you don’t want to be in the bottom of the valley. You’d want to be like half-way up on the side of the mountain. So, not in the bottom of any valley, but in a mountainous area.

As far as being able to shield yourself from something like that, I think the only practical way is to either be out of the area far enough or be very aware of it before you go into the situation.

And as far as being able to detect this type of technology, I don’t think it’s practical to carry around equipment to do it. In fact, some of it’s, I think, pretty much impossible to shield yourself from it because it’s operating at, not microwave frequencies, which is what some of the stuff in the towns are using, are in the gigahertz and above.

But they’re also using ultra-low frequencies which are, like, close to brainwave frequencies, very very low frequencies that you cannot shield even if you go underground quite a ways. So even a Faraday Cage wouldn’t work, and that’s... I’ve thought about that.

So the best solution is to be away from that as much as possible, physically, and also stay aware. So if you pick a location, that’s, like I said, that would be what I would be looking for.

Michael: So we’re looking in and around Switzerland. OK? So it would have an area that would also include some of the EU, European Union, places, which would be much easier to access for US people.

Henry: OK.

Michael: I mean easier whether they have money or not, is what I mean.

Henry: Yes. I don’t know. It would be nice to stay out of the European Union, but at some point it won’t matter because the borders will become somewhat meaningless.

Michael: That’s right. It won’t matter, but you have to understand that the localities... I’ve looked into this carefully for a long time, OK? I’ve been seeing this coming for 25 years at least.

The areas around Switzerland work actually just as that - as areas. For instance, the Haute-Savoie works in such a way that the region of Savoie - which would be the French part of Lake Geneva - and the Swiss part of the lake work together as one area - more so than an area in Switzerland would work with another area far away in Switzerland. You understand?

Those are economic co-operation areas. The same with border areas between Germany and Switzerland, or the Black Forest. So you just work in areas that function as economic centers. And from what I’ve researched, the southern part of Germany is definitely the engine, the economic engine, of Europe.

Henry: Interesting.

Michael: So the southern part of Germany will definitely function for quite a while still. I mean, that’s why, for instance, I was told that in four years there would be not a single car here driving on gasoline.

And they’re very aware of what’s going on, and I think, knocking at a solution at a state level. By state level I mean, let’s say, Bavaria, or Baden-Württemberg, or Hesse - those are states in Germany. They run their own affairs, according to how they see the economy and the climate changing. And they are very well ahead of everybody else in solutions in what they want to do in the future. And they are acting on this already now.

Henry: I’m sure that.... Yes. Definitely.

Have you seen the science fiction movie? It’s something like... What was it Michael, When Two Worlds Collide, or something? And people had to decide who was going to get on the ship to leave for the new planet? It’s an old movie.

Bill: Battlestar Galactica had the same a couple of times. That’s a crazy shortage idea, isn’t it? When there’s a shortage of safety, people can’t all come.

Henry: Yeah. As far as economic things go, I think... I don’t know how long money will work. And which currencies, I don’t know. They’ll have to change a lot in the next few years, the currencies and their values. But I think that...

I had a feeling up until recently that it would be the Chinese currency and some Asian currencies that might hold their strength a little bit better than the western ones. The Swiss currency is a mystery to me. Any usury-based financial system will fail in today’s world.

As far as currencies, I’ve pulled out, to some degree, out of fiat currency into of course what Michael had suggested, quite a few years ago, seeing things coming. But unfortunately most of it’s locked up in dollars and I’m not quite sure what direction to go with that.

Michael: Well the best is just to have it in gold, physical gold. And I have solutions here, very practical, in Frankfurt and in Switzerland both, where we can do it really easy.

Here in Germany you can go to a bank, they give you a lot of red tape because they want to control who owns the gold. Whereas, at other banks, they are very cooperative and let you have it right over the counter there and then at spot price.

So this varies a lot from bank to bank. Those are house policies. Then there come laws from country to country. So there is no homogenized law in Europe about this.

But I know where to get it legally without any trouble. You just come here and we do it here. I don’t want to explain it over the internet, OK?

Henry: Yes. Are you aware of what’s happening right now, in the United States today, as far as the economic, the banking system?

Michael: Generally I am well aware. Yes. The best website that you can check in, Today’s News, is that Paulsen said, and this was expected, that they would take over IndyMac, all the Macs, all of it. They will basically just nationalize it. Of course they don’t call it nationalizing it. They call it... whatever the word. You know, they have a good way with words. But essentially they’re going to take it over.

Henry: They’re telling people on ABC news and such to not, please don’t go for bank runs. You know, don’t take your money out, that everything will be OK. [laughs]

Michael: And that’s the way to have the bank run happen. Yes.

Henry: This is major news.

Michael: Yeah, I know. I heard it this morning. I was watching at 6 in the morning. Yes, I’m with it. I was actually watching in the hotel. I have no television. I never watch television, but from time to time in hotels I like to see what the people are being told. And it’s quite amazing to see the version told to people of the version I know.

Anyway, there is a website you want to stay in touch with, if you can write it down. It’s the website by Jim Sinclair. It’s spelled

Anyway, that one guy and his team of traders, gold traders, currency traders, they really have a clue and they give very valuable commentary. I’ve been watching their site for about four years now. They have been highly accurate throughout about everything that they comment on. They have the best charts, graphics, everything about currencies, metals, commodities, just the whole thing. Plus commentary on what’s going on and what the media is reporting.

Henry: I have it now. I have it bookmarked.

Michael: OK. That site is really the one. Plus you can even look at Financial Times a little bit. In London. They are lately a lot more up to date of what’s going on. In the commentary section they actually do let certain journalists comment on what’s really going on, according to them. So it’s amazing to see that Financial Times actually talks in a lot more critical way about what is happening.

Henry: I’ve followed Kitco for quite a few years, and that’s about it. So...

Michael: Yes well Kitco is one of the base sources of the charts that Jim Sinclair uses in his website.

Henry: And gold, in the end, gold may have some other value, but as far as... You can’t eat it or anything, so then comes the thing with the bartering ideas as well if you need to go to that. Unless you’ve in an isolated area which is self-sufficient... you don’t do much bartering, I guess.

Bill: Or you create a community currency.

Henry: So I guess what we’re talking about is holding value for a future time.

Michael: Well, you see, gold - and silver to some extent - both are going to be currency as well as commodity. Gold anyway is currency. But silver to some degree might also come in as a little currency, a mini-currency for smaller communities.

Bill: I would suggest that we would re-monetize simply because of the fact there isn’t enough gold....

Michael: Yes.

Henry: There’s not enough for the population. But then, that’s the other thing - what will the population be in ten years? I’m afraid to say. I don’t want to say. I’d like to say it’s going to be about what it is now instead of some doom and gloom thing, which is what people are pushing for - a drastic cut in population. There’s a desire on the part of certain organizations to cut the population quite a bit, as we know. So... or we’ve heard.

So as far as planning for this, I think to stay focused on finding a good location, planning for what’s needed, making a list of everything that’s needed so that you don’t miss some very key important things.

Also, medical and dental help, medical facilities, dental facilities, medical supplies, you know, that sort of... Oh, for those who are on medications such as SSRIs, antidepressants - wean yourself off of them. For those who feel dependent on other powerful meds - do the same. There are many reasons for this. Consider this a priority for you. Take some time and gather a bit of knowledge about plants for food and health.

Kerry: One thing that you could do in the future, or the near future, is send us any information that you have, or link us to information that you think we should include on our website for other people to, you know. In other words, as you say...

Henry: I’d definitely order the disk that I sent you in the last couple of days. It won’t take any time to do that. They mail that out.

Kerry: So you’re saying that contains most of what we need?

Henry: ...ah ...I haven’t gone through it because it’s quite a vast database, a reconstruction database, so if high tech systems - if and when they shut down - you’ll be able to put everything back together again, except in a better way. So it’s something a group, a global group, has put together over a period of time. That’s a start right there. And the disks are being distributed free on the internet to anyone who needs them.

Kerry: That’s very interesting. We’ll pass that along to everyone so everyone can order one and so on.

Henry: There’s so much. It really takes a... It’s interesting to be able to try to get the people together that you really need to kind of do the planning without it turning into a big mess. There are fear factors. We all know that you can end up with a community or group of people that could... where one might be too dominating, or like that, or... Instead of having a group that just works as a team with no really one strong leader, but just a symbiotic type of...

Kerry: Community.

Henry: Yeah. The only way it could really work right...

Kerry: And not as personalities but more as caring, sharing beings.

Henry: Yeah. Each person has something that’s essential and some aspect, so it’s kind of like one body that’s, you know, in a sense, working with many arms and minds and such.

Bill: I’ve got a couple of detail questions which I just wonder if I could just ask. It’s the kind of thing I would ask you if we were sitting around a table. And they may be simple ones for you to answer. One is when you said that... I can’t remember the words you used, but you said that the borders would become something like not so relevant, or not so strong, or more permeable or something like that. And that interested me. I wondered if you could speak to that.

And the other question is just one for my own curiosity. When you talked about the faked alien invasion. Do we really have that many of our own craft? And you felt very strongly that that would happen. I’ve never heard you say that before.

Henry: Oh yes. To answer the last, the second question, is: we have more than you... I don’t know how many that we have, but we have more than you could... You’d be very surprised. Everyone would be very surprised.

But they’ve been going... They’ve been around for many decades, you know, so we’re talking about a long period. We’re talking about - in our era - they were around for many decades, since just before World War II, definitely.

I mean, of course, Germany... the Germans were given some bits and pieces of the technology to put some of this together. Unfortunately, the people that gave it to them realized they’d made a big mistake - and they weren’t so intelligent after all even though they may have been advanced. They didn’t follow the prime directive, I guess you might say, of non-interference. [laughs]

Michael: I meant to ask you a question about that. Do you think that sightings in Mexico in January 2005, was that fake or was that real? Do you remember, all these lights they were showing on Mexican television?

Henry: I don’t remember exactly that, but I know that some of the things, like the ones that have to do with lights, basically, not the physical things, but more lights, that’s nothing to do with the type of things... That has nothing to do with the limited technology that the governments would be utilizing, so to speak.

Bill: OK.

Henry: That’s advanced beyond the normal-day human thing. That’s not part of the attacks and fake attack scenario.

Bill: But this plan is pretty real and pretty probable, as I seem to be hearing you saying.

Henry: Yeah. Yeah. They’ve just been playing around with it. But the playing time is pretty much coming to an end very shortly here. It’s time that the testing phase is almost done.

Bill: Wow. And these are real craft, not holograms? Or would they use holographic technology as well?

Henry: Real physical craft. Hologram technology exists, but that's quite limited still. It was John Lear that said... but I’m sorry. It may have happened, but that’s just not... No. Why would other groups that have gone through all the trouble of doing the physical aspect of that whole scene back in September 2001...?

As far as the borders are concerned, it’s just that they will kind of become meaningless when people are just in the survival mode and things are breaking down and the borders disappear, you know.

Bill: Like the border guards aren’t even there because they’re taking care of their own situation, and everything’s....

Henry: Yeah. The borders shut down, so at that point it doesn’t matter, you know. Just remember - the real problems are generated in the mind. If you can train your mind, you have your island of light - your safe spot.

Bill: Got it.

Henry: But before that time, I mean, in the next... I can’t say when. From here until that time, the borders are going to... There’s going to be a lot of... much, much greater difficulty in going from country to country. Some countries. And so, as you’ve probably experienced, Bill, just going into the United States, it’s not as friendly an experience as it was.

Bill: Regarding taking data off the hard drive, are you saying that would be done covertly, or would it be done by saying, Give me your computer, we need to take it all off your drive?

Henry: Well, that’s the next step that’s starting right now, is overtly.

Bill: Overtly. OK.

Henry: Either it’s: Open it up and let’s take a look at what’s on there. Or if they want to they go to the next level and they just take it for a few hours and go through your system, then give it back to you... hopefully give it back to you after they‘ve taken what they need, or tried to take what they need, off. That’s in the Christian Science Monitor in the last 24 hours.

Bill: Yeah. We’ll check that out. If you had your data on an external disk in your luggage, presumably that’s something that then they wouldn’t necessarily know about.

Henry: Well, if you put it on a CD...

Bill: On a CD, right.

Henry: A CD is mainly plastic with some foil inside. There are all kinds of things you can use. Probably, what you call it, SD cards, or smaller, mini-SDs. But then that’s... Again, use freeware software that makes the storage medium look like an empty disk. It's readily available.

Bill: Got it. Thank you...

I think, though, that actually the whole point of what we’ve been discussing here is about that, actually, in my view. Because I think - to that point of what we can do for 6 billion people, and maybe not for 6 billion immediately - but the real power, and this is the part which is I think challenging, is that the power is in organization.

I mean, if you look at what we talk about, what is life. Right? It’s an organism. Right? Or it’s an organization or it’s something that’s organized. And that’s something that people, they need help to do.

And I think that’s the real value here about starting to look at these projects that we’re discussing. It’s about really helping people to find a way to organize themselves in a cohesive and sensible fashion that will help everyone involved.

Look, I’m going to stop monopolizing this conversation, but thanks for picking up those details. And is there anyone else who really wants to say anything here besides, really, many thanks for being here in every way.

Henry: Getting hold of the mass... being able to use the mass media which most people use - the television - to be able to utilize that tool, is one of the most powerful things, physically, I think. And some of the major networks, apparently, are starting to open up a little bit now, too, and not be so conventional, which is a little bit promising. Anyway, I don’t know what to say...

Kerry: Well, actually Henry, I think you’ve said quite a bit, and we appreciate it a lot.

Henry: Well thank you for letting me be there with you, except I didn’t get to have anything to drink. [laughter]

Michael: Well thank you very much, OK? And you’re welcome here.

Henry: I feel like I almost did have it. Just being... I feel like I’m there. I feel... It’s uplifting.

Kerry: And please take care of yourself.

Henry: Thank you. all of you.

Henry: Just make sure if you transcribe - that you don’t add any adjectives to it or anything. No embellishments and that’ll be fine.

Bill: No, just straight. Just for a record of all the questions and answers because there’s been a lot of really important information here. And I couldn’t remember it because I haven’t been taking notes.

Henry: This has all been a very rough outline, of course. Remember - train and prepare your mind and your hearts - then all else will be easy for you.

OK. Well, have a good day, everyone. I’m going to get some rest. I’ve been up for quite a long time.

Kerry: All right. Take care.



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Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy