Camelot logo Futuretalk 5: Time for Truth
Bob Dean, Henry Deacon, Alfred Webre:
Interview transcript

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Project Camelot Futuretalk 5: Time for Truth
Bob Dean, Henry Deacon, Alfred Webre
Barcelona, Spain, 26 July 2009

[Ed note: Normally the transcripts that had any parts in them that had been difficult for the transcribers to hear were put in “audibles” in square brackets in red for Bill Ryan to attend to, fix, then he’d post the transcript; however, due to unexpected interruptions in the normal working process in Project Camelot, this normal process was not able to proceed forward, so the audibles were left in the square brackets.]

BILL RYAN (BR): This is Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and the date is... we can never get the date right! What’s the date?

Kerry Cassidy (KC): The 26th.

BR: The 26th of July, 2009. We’re at the Exopolitics Summit in Barcelona, Spain, and it’s our huge privilege personally, I must say... I want to ask Kerry in a moment to add to my introduction here. I’m going to introduce you, Alfred Webre, who’s never appeared on camera with us before. Alfred, it’s a privilege to be talking to you.

ALFRED WEBRE (AW): Thank you.

BR: I’ve been an admirer of yours for many years. Bob Dean, who has become a very close personal friend over the last couple of years, and he blames us entirely for his new-found popularity among all the young ladies in the world who are following Exopolitics. [Kerry laughs]

BOB DEAN (BD): Shame on you.

BR: It’s either you or Sean Connery. He’s just not available anymore. KC: All right, absolutely.

BR: And all this kidding notwithstanding, we want to introduce somebody who we have presented to the world over the last three years, somebody who we also know and love dearly and who’s become a personal friend for even longer than Bob has.

We’ve called him “Henry Deacon”, which seemed like a good idea at the time. I can’t even start to call him his real name, because I can’t even remember it, because, for me, he’s forever Henry. And Henry, it is entirely up to you whether you want to reveal your name again.

‘HENRY DEACON’ / ARTHUR NEUMANN (HD/AN): I’ll just say my name’s Arthur [Arthur Neumann].

BR: His name’s Arthur. Okay. Do you want to be—and this is a serious question—do you want to be known as Arthur or Art?

HD/AN: Yeah, just Arthur, thank you. I’m tired of the Henry thing.

BR: You’re tired of the Henry thing. Henry is dead. Long live Arthur.

HD/AN: And Camelot.

BR: And Camelot, exactly. It’s got something to do with King Arthur.

KC: See, he stole your name. There you go... in this life.

BR: I’m taking up valuable time here... because we’re under some limited time because Bob’s in demand, as I just said, and he’s got to rush off to his next appointment.

One of the reasons why this is an important conversation is because yesterday afternoon at the Exopolitics Summit when Bob Dean was giving what I have put on our website and described as the most magnificent presentation at any UFO conference that I have ever heard, and I’ll say this again on record. It’s fabulous and you’ll be linked to that here.

He was affirming the reality of bases on the Moon and Mars and showing us photographs that have never been shown before, as least as far as I’m aware, and it’s extremely important testimony. In a minute Bob will tell people, I’m quite sure, how he feels now that he is “under orders” from someone, somewhere, to speak out like he hasn’t spoken out before. We salute you for that. This is a very brave thing that you’re doing and it’s incredibly important.

One of the things that links the three witnesses that we have here—we can call you witnesses—is something we could dub The Martian Connection, and with that, I’m going to hand over to Kerry because I’m talking too much already. Kerry...

KC: Okay, well, just hold on one second. Let’s let Arthur...

HD/AN: Just something really simple, before it slips my mind. I was just sitting in the audience during the conference and the cameraman was next to me and something popped up on the news that was on C-Span that I sent you, and I just wanted to remind about that. It was one of the astronauts was talking about this too.

KC: Buzz Aldrin was talking about having what was a...

HD/AN: A monolith on one of the moons of Mars.

KC: A monolith on the Moon.

HD/AN: And that just popped up in the last couple, three days.

KC: On the Moon?

HD/AN: No, on Phobos.

KC: Oh. On Phobos, on the moon of Mars, right. Okay. And you knew that, right?

HD/AN: Well, no, I wasn’t aware of that. No.

KC: You weren’t?

HD/AN: I didn’t...

KC: But you told us about a monolith at one point. Do you recall that?

HD/AN: Yes. I have. Uh huh.

BR: That was a different monolith. They’re all over the place.

KC: There you go. [laughs]

HD/AN: I was hoping that you’d have a chance to see Arthur Clarke several years ago.

KC: Oh, we wish!

HD/AN: But, it just didn’t work out.

BR: It didn’t work out.

KC: Actually, it’s interesting you mention him because we just talked to another whistleblower this morning and he knew Arthur Clarke, also, so the two of you have something else in common.

HD/AN: Mm hm.

KC: Okay, so here we are. I’m Kerry Cassidy, this is Bill Ryan. We’re Project Camelot, for those of you that don’t know, and this is going to be just some open conversation. What we want to do is talk about the future, because what this really is, is what we call a Futuretalk. It is a conversation. That means Bill and I are going do something really annoying -- we’re going to talk from time to time, more than normal.

But, we really want to hear from you guys. And what we’d like to talk about is your visions of what’s coming in the future, in the fairly-near future ideally, but you can go as far out as you’d like. And why don’t we start with Alfred Webre?

AW: Oh, thank you. Well, I see the future as being shaped by two fundamental forces, perhaps three. One [is] a series of cosmic cycles which are sychronistically happening at the same time during solar cycle 24, which is 2009 to 2020, with the solar maximum being around 2013... 2012 to 2013.

[Two], the Time Acceleration Matrix, which is an adaptation of the Mayan calendar, so that as we move into 2011, the black hole at the center of the Galaxy, which really mediates a lot of our thoughts, will be slipping over into Universal Consciousness, non-dualism.

And finally, what some people call “Galactic genetic engineering.” That is the power of the black hole at the center of the Galaxy really kicking in to activate our DNA, ninety-seven percent of which, I understand, is not active now—they call it “junk”.

BD: They call it junk, but it isn’t junk.

AW: Right, exactly. So, these are all sort of raising the capacity of not only the human beings, but of all living things, to a new frequency, a new understanding, a new kind of social contract, if you want to put it that way.

KC: Yeah, and I think, Arthur, you could, maybe, talk to that because you might have a different... I don’t know if you call yourself a physicist officially.

HD/AN: No, no.

KC: But, you certainly have some expertise in that area.

HD/AN: Well, I don’t have expertise. But, in some of what you just said, you took some of the words out of my mouth, so you already said some of what I would have said about all these, well, as David Wilcock’s talking. He’s making a movie called Convergence, and this is what’s happening. All these various things are all just converging.

I was looking at a little child yesterday, a little girl, and seeing her eyes and I just... I could see the difference, you know, of the next generations. You can see it, even in someone, maybe, 20 years old, that they’re already very advanced, consciously advanced.

BR: Arthur, when we met you for the first time, which is almost three years ago, I remember very, very clearly that this is one of the first things that you told us. You said the big issue right now is that everything is happening at once or just about to.

HD/AN: Yes.

BR: Can you delineate, can you list, what are those factors that are happening at once? Just so people know what we’re looking for.

HD/AN: Well, the physical factors already just mentioned: The cyclic factors, very long cycles and short cycles; the effect of the star, the Sun, here... the spectral changes in the Sun, and things that I guess can’t be measured. I don’t know. For me, it’s an intuitive type of feeling and not a scientific thing. I’m not sure.

BR: But, there are things that you have been briefed on.

KC: Well, you’ve already talked the environment. You talked about what was planned in terms of viruses that were planted around the world, sort of like time bombs somewhat. And you also talked about a roll-out that would affect our economy, etc., etc. HD/AN: Well, these are different from the changes... Okay, I mentioned Novelty Theory, which Terence McKenna, who’s deceased now, who lived on the Big Island of Hawaii, I believe. He talked about, he had, I guess, a calculation for it, and that mathematical equation can be found on the Internet, I guess. And you can see that it comes down to zero at 2012 approximately, from what I remember.

KC: And that means what? That novelty goes down to zero?

HD/AN: Well, Novelty. It becomes more novel, in my opinion.

KC: Okay. That’s what I’m asking.

HD/AN: Yeah. To me it means more novel... well, novel to me means -- I would laugh, you know, about it, but it’s not -- I don’t have the words. I don’t have the ability to put things into words that some of these gentlemen do, to put things in words.

BR: Let me interpret this for you, then you can check my reflection.

HD/AN: All right.

BR: I read a book called Future Shock by Alvin Toffler many, many years ago, who said that the rate of change is accelerating.

HD/AN: Oh yeah.

BR: So, you’ve got a logarithmic change here, such that everything is starting to change.

HD/AN: Exactly.

BR: And it’s like there are statistics, which I can’t quote off hand, but it’s like 99 percent of all the innovations in human history have happened in the last year.

HD/AN: Yeah.

BR: Or something like that. And the whole thing is going vertical.

HD/AN: My feeling is that, as of about two months ago, just because there’s no direct marker, that maybe two months ago, when I started weaning myself off of morphine for four years...

BR: Because? You were on morphine because...? Just for the record.

HD/AN: I don’t know how to say it. They couldn’t come up with any lab tests that were conclusive, so it was by exclusion, and they said it was just a peripheral neuropathy and exhaustion. But, that all happened suddenly when I left my last classified work, just coincided with that. What it means, nobody knows; there’s some guessing.

BD: Isn’t that an interesting coincidence?

HD/AN: Yes.

KC: I was going to say: what a coincidence!

HD/AN: But, when I said good-bye suddenly and ran away, instead of them controlling me, and then, I had this shock, shocks to my system.

But, the thing is, about two months ago, something in my subconscious... I had just been waiting patiently, basically in bed in this room for three or four years in severe pain, screaming in pain every day almost... and Bill experienced pushing me around in a wheelchair one time. But, I thought: Just be patient. Be patient, and, using the mind, I got through that.

Then, two months ago, something told me: You have to stop this. No one else is going to wean you off this medicine. So, I made a spreadsheet out and every hour of the day that I was taking it, because I lost of track of how much I was taking. It was like 180 milligrams of morphine, probably, a day. It was out of control. And so something said: You need to wean yourself off now... and I don’t wish that on anyone to do that.

But, I got off slowly and two days, approximately two days before, all of a sudden, the Zurich Conference happened, which was a week or so ago? I had just weaned myself off and I didn’t even know about going to the conference or anything. It just happened. So the timing is such that it’s a message to me that, yeah, now’s the time when everything starts to really move quickly.

KC: Arthur, I have to say actually two months ago, I would agree with you that there seemed to be a transition that happened. There’s nothing marked in terms of in the news but there was a sense that things started escalating, almost like rolling downhill quicker. That was the sense I got and it’s interesting that you say that. And you did; you sort of came awake and started on this sort of move that has put you on stage twice now.

HD/AN: But something... something’s happened to where something that was incurable... just, all of a sudden, I’m coming back to normal.

AW: From the point of view of the Time Acceleration Matrix, that would have been the sixth day of the Galactic Era, and, in this particular window, which goes from November ’08 to November ’09, there are many, many sorts of breakthroughs.

So, if we’re all feeling that general breakthrough feeling in our individual lives, that may be coming from the programming put out by the electromagnetic emanations from the black hole at the center of the Galaxy that the Mayans called Hunab-Ku, which is the center of all things.

I see -- and this to ask in particular of Bob Dean and Arthur, because they’ve dealt so much with the area of secrecy -- I find myself as one who did not come up in the culture of secrecy, but see secrecy as one of the most powerful forces between the Open Culture and this breakaway civilization that is the Secret Civilization.

I’ve found one of the most consciousness-raising aspects, to me, is to hear of secrets, like the teleportation corridors to Mars, like the forward positions on Mars, the stargates to Australia. To just begin to see all of these secret programs is really consciousness-expanding.

KC: Well, exactly. Information... I mean the information itself, just to hear it, like what happened for these people yesterday on stage when you were showing photographs that were really revolutionary, because they had been hidden for so long. And then to have a person who actually would get up on stage and say: I’ve been to Mars and here I am -- a human. That was, I think, mind-expanding for the audience in ways that we won’t be able to even trace.

BR: It’s historical, no?

KC: Yeah. And, obviously, I don’t even know if it’ll go out around the world other than because Camelot will do our bit, right? But, this is the kind of thing that changes consciousness. And one of the things I have to say is that consciousness changes drastically, all of a sudden. It’s not like a slow, gradual... it goes along, goes along, and, from what I understand, change actually happens like that [makes hand gesture of 90-degree turn upward].

HD/AN: Well, even greater and faster than logarithmic, is my feeling.

BR: The step changes.

HD/AN: Well, I don’t know if the step changes or not. I don’t know if it’s like that or not. But it... digitized or not.

KC: So Bob, what would you say? Because you have kind of a little more pragmatic view -- correct me if I’m wrong, along with the spiritual insight -- but, I think you’re seeing these changes or you know of things that are coming down the pike that are very pragmatic for peoples’ lives.

BD: Well, I found secrecy, actually, to be corrosive to the human soul and that’s one of the reasons I have been speaking out so bluntly and so loudly over the last few years.

I noticed among the masses of people that I’ve confronted in conferences here and there, an over-riding sense of fear, and the secrecy had been taking its toll on those people. They were fearful and they didn’t believe they had a future. They began to think there was no future, that we’re all doomed.

And one of the reasons I came to this conference—and I gave it a lot of thought before I accepted the invitation, because I don’t like traveling anymore. I really don’t like flying in airplanes anymore.

I came here to, I think, alleviate in one small way the secrecy that I had observed that was corrosive to the human soul, and I wanted to tell the people in this audience in particular... to meet some people like Alfred here, who is a man I’ve respected and admired for years. There is hope in spite of all the darkness, in spite of all of the fear.

I would like to say to the people who are interested and listening that there is a tomorrow. There is a future, and they and their children and their grandchildren and so on, the generations yet to come, do, indeed, have a future and it’s glorious. They’ve got to hold on to that spark of belief. They’ve got to hold on to that hope.

That’s why I quoted Tolstoy yesterday when I was speaking, when he mentioned that there is something within the human spirit that will prevail and endure. There’s a spark that’s burning in the human heart that will not go out, no matter how dark the world ever becomes.

I’ve tried in my small way to convey that to the people. And I was so gratified at the response that I got. They’ve come up to me, literally by the hundreds. I mean, I say this in no negative intent, but they haven’t let me alone!

The idea that I said something hopeful in telling them they do have a tomorrow, [that] they have a future, that their children and grandchildren will go to the stars... that is the one thing that they need to hold onto. There is a future. There is a destiny for the human race in the stars. And that’s why I’m here. That’s why I came to add my small two or three cents to this whole thing.

KC: Well, I would also say that another thing that you tell them is that they have a right to know.

BD: Oh God, they do indeed!

KC: And I think that just gets a fire burning inside them.

BD: Well, I’ve been furious. The fire burning inside of me has erupted several times, and it’s dangerous. My very nature... back when I was an infantryman for years and years and years, I was not a gentle man. You pushed my buttons, pushed me just a little too far, I had the tendency to become somewhat explosive and, need I say, I had a tendency to be a little bit dangerous.

It’s one of the reasons why the Black Ops people have left me alone. [Kerry laughs] Because I put the word out that... you know, I had been followed in black sedans for a long time. At night I had the midnight phone calls. I had the black helicopters over my house.

I put out the word that I was a veteran of two wars. I suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and I could not be trusted emotionally; and if you push me a little too far, I was an expert marksman and I carried a gun. Beware, you know, you mess with me, I might end up shooting a bunch of you guys.

And you know, the black limousines stopped following me, the black helicopters disappeared, and the midnight phone calls stopped. So, the word evidently got out that... don’t push this old bastard, because he can be dangerous, you see?

KC: Except you also had White Hats behind you.

BD: Oh listen! Let me tell you, honey, I have a lot of good friends in high places, and I admitted at this conference things I’ve never admitted publicly before. I do, indeed, have good friends in high places and I say that with a little bit of tongue in cheek because these high places...

KC: They go up and up and up.

BD: They go out and out and out, yeah.

HD/AN: Yeah. The conference... You know, for the last few weeks the ones—whatever they are—the invisible part of the whole thing is... whatever it is, it’s very powerful and everyone feels it in the conference. In the conferences, they’re all expressing the same feelings, I think, at least 98 percent.

BD: Arthur, the human race is a work in progress.

HD/AN: Yeah.

BD: And who has been running this experiment? [points upward]

HD/AN: Who’s been running...? Yes, well, but they’ve given us the freedom, too, at the same time.

BD: Oh, well, you know, we’re an adolescent species. We haven’t quite graduated yet.

HD/AN: We just need to learn that we’re to work as a family instead of fighting each other.

BD: We are not quite adults yet. We are troublesome adolescents almost on the edge of being adults... but we’re going to make it.

AW: Now, just to pick up this thread here, of secrets, and of the deconstruction in making public the secrets, yesterday here at the Summit, the high point of the Summit was when, after Bob spoke, and revealed a number of fundamental secrets, Arthur came on the stage spontaneously and also revealed a number of secrets.

HD/AN: Not much.

AW: No, but I mean...

KC: Enough.

AW: In context, it was a revelation that our Solar System is inhabited and that Earth is part of the functioning social system. And that was the high point of this conference. Literally the consciousness of the conference was raised.

KC: A complete change.

AW: Yes, and that was acknowledged—right?—by people. People acknowledged that. I think, just as you were coming in, it was acknowledged. So, if we take this, ending the secrecy, I think is going to be an important function of the consciousness-raising, and having Henry and Bob come forth in settings like this to reveal secrets which they’ve lived with for so many years is like a baptism to the people, and an empowerment.

BR: Yes.

AW: Because secrets are disempowering.

KC: That‘s right.

HD/AN: Bob was a chief soul for me, because I spoke to Bob privately just momentarily, because he’d been very busy with all these other people wanting to talk with him, and we have some common connections throughout time, different places we worked... in Belgium and such, and other places.

And we both have an Army background, enlisted, and just different places at different times. But you’re like... it was a confirmation to me, you know. I finally met someone that, you know, could kind of reinforce my background. And -- before -- I felt alone, you know.

BD: There, there. You’re in good hands. You’re in good hands. [laughter]

This experience for me has been, and I say this not with any animosity, but this experience has been for me like a Catholic going to confession. [laughter] You know, they say that confession is good for your soul.

Well, speaking bluntly on secrecy and some things that have been covered up for so long, I felt an overwhelming wave of relief to have finally gone public on a couple of things that I have found to be factual and true. One of them is that deep underground facility outside of Las Vegas where this Air Force Colonel friend of mine went through one door in Nevada, and in two minutes, he was in Pine Gap, Australia.

Now, that kind of secrecy, that technology that allows that to happen, stuns people. Do you mean that we’ve done that? We’ve got that? We can do things like that? What have they been keeping from us?

KC: Okay, well...

HD/AN: I don’t like flashing credentials or anything, but it’s my credentials. Inside this passport that I stole from my job, there just happens to be a... what do you call it here?

KC: A stamp?

HD/AN: It’s so simple.

BR: Can you show it to the camera?

HD/AN: It’s a stamp in here that says: The bearer is a member of the civilian component as defined by Article One of the Agreement between Australia and United States forces in Australia signed at Canberra on May 9, 1963. It’s just one of the visas, you know, in this passport. This one’s for Japan.

BR: Could you show just the front of the passport for the camera? It’s a brown cover, official passport. It’s not a normal passport.

KC: And we do want to say for the camera that we’ve actually been to... I can’t say we went inside, but to the outside of this person’s place of work, one of them. I’m not going to say where on the globe it was or anything else, so don’t worry, Arthur. But I will say that we have gotten substantial verification that Arthur is who he says he is.

BR: I would say total verification as far as we’re able to.

KC: And it was quite extraordinary.

HD/AN: Actually I tried... I encouraged them, wherever this place was at one point that we traveled, I encouraged them to come and meet the security people who I knew by first name and they were kind of reluctant to do that [laughs] at that point.

BR: That was when we were a little more nervous than we are now. What we did do, just for the record... it was quite fun. We accompanied Arthur into a bar where the local employees in this establishment would go in the evenings, and we just sat in a corner and watched all his old colleagues welcome him and say: Hey, we haven’t seen you for a while. And that was quite fun to do that.

KC: Yeah.

BR: Anyway... I’m a little concerned here, Bob, that you were interrupted just now because you were telling the story about two things that you felt gave you a great sense of relief when you disclosed them yesterday. One of them was the reality of the stargate, the portal, the wormhole, the jump room, the network so that you could one moment be in Area 51, the next moment in Pine Gap. And that prompted Arthur to show his Australian visa in his ... Was it a visa?

HD/A: It’s a visa.

KC: More than that.

BR: And the second thought? Please continue, because I want to hear this one.

BD: It’s a matter of interest to me and it always has been, that one of the largest national security agency facilities in the world is at Pine Gap, but what most people have no understanding of is that underground at Pine Gap is one of the largest extraterrestrial facilities on the planet! Our remote viewers have been looking in on that place for years and years and years.

And what I found terribly amusing -- not that there’s that much humor in this whole damn thing -- but that facility in Australia at Pine Gap apparently is an extraterrestrial R & R center. And people say: What do you mean, R & R? It’s a military term meaning rest and relaxation.

And I thought, how obvious, you know. It makes sense. Aliens are here, having to deal with the human race, they need rest and relaxation.

BR: They need some...

BD: I deal with the human race and I need rest and relaxation! Which is what I’m going to get when I go home tomorrow, you see. But I found it amusing, out of all the four major facilities on the planet, the one in Australia is an R & R center for the guys from out there.

BR: Arthur, have you been there? Or would you rather fix me with a steely eye and not answer?

HD/AN: Well, let’s talk about something else! [laughter]

KC: Well, let me say that you were nodding, so I thought that was...

HD/AN: I would like to say something -- it’s just simple -- that may be slightly off course here, but a couple of things. One is we’re talking about secrets and stuff, that a lot of stuff gets classified “Secret” or whatever; just because you’ve got a stamp there and you have to do something with it. [Kerry laughs] You know, it’s not...

BD: They’ve gone wild with it. They’ve gone mad.

HD/AN: And they stamp everything and it gets filed away and then it has to get declassified, you know. It’s just routine to stamp everything.

BD: The Navy keeps secrets from the Army. The Army keeps secrets from the Air Force. The FBI keeps secrets from the CIA, and that all led to 9/11. That’s where the secrecy leads, to disasters like that.

HD/AN: Yeah. And the thing is, someone needs to interface between all these different groups and try and help them to communicate with each other while respecting their own boundaries.

KC: And are you willing to agree with me that you were one of those people that kind of crossed some of those lines?

HD/A: Yes. Yeah.

KC: Between the various agencies?

HD/A: Yes. My “customers” were the whole spectrum.

KC: Which is why you kind of have the level of knowledge about the overall big picture, as we call it.

HD/AN: That’s why I’m a big picture person and always a general person and not focused in one area. And I didn’t ask for it, believe me. It just happened. You know, you just get a phone call and you just... nothing else but a phone call: Would you like a job? “Yes.” Okay. “What is it?” Well, you just have to be patient and find out. It’s that kind of thing.

The other thing is at some levels, people are saying that the governments -- like the presidents or whatever, or the leaders of the country -- should release these secrets. But they haven’t had access to this information. They get the tours of certain things, but it’s very limited. They get to see blinking lights or whatever, like... you know, and that’s as far as it goes, as far as I’ve ever been aware.

BD: Arthur, the incident involving President Carter some years ago, where the President of the United States was told by the Director of Central Intelligence: Mr. President, you don’t have a high enough security classification for us to tell you all this information and, sir, you don’t have a need to know.

Now, who was the Director of Central Intelligence at that moment? George Herbert Walker Bush, who became President -- that’s how damn bad it’s become over the years. That’s how corrosive secrecy can be, not merely to the human soul, but to the constitutional system of government. It’s corrosive as hell and it’s got to stop! And I know you agree with me.

HD/AN: Yes, the fear thing’s got to stop and we need to alleviate the fear for people, because all of these things, most of the things that we see in the press, are just created and planned long ago -- fictitious enemies.

There are enemies, but a lot of them are manufactured and some of them aren’t even real. Okay? And there’s a long list, and they’re almost at the end of their list. They’re at the very end of their list now, the timing, so there’s nothing else, no more rabbits to pull out of the hat.

KC: Wait a second. I want to actually say... [to Arthur] what was your level of clearance? Because his [Bob Dean] was Cosmic Top Secret.

HD/A: Cosmic Top Secret, because that’s a NATO classification.

BD: That’s NATO. And there are levels above that. There are two “Q” clearances above that.

KC: You had a “Q”.

HD/A: My first one was a “Q” clearance, with certain letters.

BD: Special Access Programs.

HD/AN: Yeah, but it was “Q” clearance and that was through the Department of Energy, it was the Energy Research and Development Agency. Before that, it was the Atomic Energy Commission, and they keep changing names and you have to keep reprinting the paperwork and everything. I don’t know why.

But, yeah, it was a “Q” clearance, and then it went to... basically from there it varied. It went up and down from Secret up to Top Secret and over a period of 30 years or more. And then it ended up with Top Secret SCI and then Top Secret with a bunch of letters which I still... I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. But they were... it was basically...

KC: You’re not sure if you can’t say what it was.

HD/AN: Yeah... It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter.

KC: Okay.

BR: I would like to ask—because this is sort of meant to be a Futuretalk as it were... I fully understand and agree with you when you talk about the agenda of hyping up fear in order to make people more easily controllable. But let’s ask the three of you: What is worth being concerned about and what is a distraction?

What should we be focused on as issues for the human race in the next few years? And what just is something that is a misdirect, like a magician on a stage that we shouldn’t even be worried about, but they’re trying to get us to think that way? How can you separate these things out for people? This is a really important opportunity to make a statement.

BD: Alfred probably is best qualified to answer that.

AW: Well, as a general answer to that, I would say that anything associated with the current world economy, which is an economy based on the manipulation of the dialectic of enemies, is a fundamental distraction, so that the entirety of the arms race, the entirety of the strategic balance of forces using threat of war, is a distraction.

BR: So, don’t fall for the war rhetoric?

AW: Right. And number two, the area that these gentlemen have worked in, I think, is the cutting edge of human consciousness moving to the next level and that is...

HD/AN: I think it’s you [who are] working in the area of human consciousness!

AW: Well, no, but understanding that an extraterrestrial presence is not just an abstraction, but, rather, it’s a human race very much like our own...

HD/AN: It’s an extension of our family.

AW: Yeah...that lives under the surface of Mars, with whom our secret government now has contact.

And so we have rights, we have inherent rights in the same way I think under natural law, which will invoke that, which were expressed in the Declaration of Independence of the US.

They were expressed in the US Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, various documents in our terrestrial human culture. And those include rights as sovereign citizens in the universe. Therefore, if our governments are now engaged in long term... I mean these things go back at least 20 or 30 years. That’s just from people who I’ve talked to.

KC: Treaties have been made...

HD/AN: I have to remind you that the “governments”... it’s not the Presidents and down, or the queen and down. It’s agencies above that. So, you can’t blame the governments that we normally call governments.

AW: No, no. Sure. But, whether or not they are supra governments, they are still subject to natural law and universal law, and they can be called before a court empowered under natural law to stand trial for war crimes. But we don’t want to go that direction. The direction that we want to go is to have that secret world become transparent, and integrated with our world, for which we have an inherent right under natural law.

BR: Bob, you have your hand raised. You wanted to say something?

BD: I simply must apologize that I have an appointment I accepted for an interview in about five minutes and I do want to say I’m sorry, but I will have to take leave of you illustrious personalities here for a while. I have to go. I’m sorry, Kerry.

KC: Okay. It’s okay. Is there anything you want to say before you leave, Bob, about the end of secrecy and the beginning of what’s coming next? Because just as I went to get you today, you were addressing a group and you said there’s going to be in the next 12 to 18 months some things that people need to prepare for.

BD: Yeah. Well, the gentleman I was talking to was an economist and a bit of a banker and he’s been looking at the statistics, the data, and he’s been watching what’s been going on in the world markets and he’s troubled by what he sees. He’s convinced that we’re not out of the woods yet on this economic thing. He asked me what did I honestly think the next year or so had coming?

I said, as I said yesterday, we’re in for some bad times. We have not seen the worst of it yet, and I hate to tell you that, but that’s true. We have not seen the worst. The other shoe has not dropped yet.

The only thing I can tell you is that, within the next year and a half, we’re in for some events on the world scale that is going to make 9/11 pale in comparison. And that is sad and tragic.

But to leave you with this, I must leave you on an up-note for the viewers who will be seeing this and as Tolstoy said: There is that spark that burns deep within each of us. It will not go out, no matter how dark the world becomes.

I want to leave this with the people who will see this tape: There is a tomorrow, the future of this species is glorious; it is in the stars. And they’ve got to have hope and not be afraid. That’s all I can say in closing.

KC: Okay. Thank you, Bob.

BD: Thank you, sweetheart.

KC: It’s an honor, as always.

BR: Thanks so much, Bob.

BD: It’s always a pleasure. Read this gentleman’s book. [Ed. note: Alfred Webre, Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe]

KC: Absolutely. Yes. Well, I’ve read his work. Actually I read his book a long time ago. Before the organization of Exopolitics was ever created, this man had the vision of something.

BD: He’s a true visionary.

HD/AN: Yes.

KC: Oh yes, absolutely. I don’t think people even realize that that this man is a true futurist, actually.

BD: Well, if someone would be kind enough...

KC: And, he should be listened to in that way, because what he says today is not often not understood, but I think it’s always the kind of thing that years in advance, years later, they’re going to say he was one of the first, if not the first, in certain areas. It’s a gift.

BD: We need our prophets and we need our visionaries. And here sits one.

KC: That’s right.

HD/AN: I just feel that we need to realize that the rest of our family has been here visiting us, and also slightly off the planet, and other places in there. They’re interested in watching and they would not have survived as long as they have if they hadn’t gone through this transition that we’re about to go through. And so, you have to realize that they’re friendly and not evil, mean creatures out there like in some science fiction movies.

BR: All of them?

HD/AN: Anyone that’s survived. Generally, anyone’s that survived that’s worthwhile, I mean, the majority. Otherwise they would have destroyed themselves by now.

BR: Yeah. You’re not saying that 100% of the extraterrestrials races are friendly.

HD/AN: Well, they have a different way of... they have a different way.

KC: Some are service-to-self; some are service-to-others. Service-to-self actually means that they... what you’re... what they’re... because you haven’t actually met them all, right?

HD/AN: No, that’s impossible.

KC: You were only exposed to a few.

HD/AN: Yeah. I mean, you’re talking about particular groups. But, the thing is that in general... I mean, there was this Type 0 that was talked about, and Type 1? They wouldn’t have survived this Type-0-to-Type-1 transition if they hadn’t raised their consciousness to some degree.

In general, that’s the case. And, then, it may have been some exceptions, but they’re such a minority that... [Ed note: Just google “ Kardashev scale ” to learn more about the “Type 0” theory.]

KC: Well, actually, our government, their liaison, is often with these service-to-self.

HD/AN: Yeah. That’s right.

BR: And the evil forces on this planet aren’t doing it all on their own, right? They didn’t think up all this stuff on their own.

KC: We, actually… humanity isn’t doing it all on their own. They’re being pushed and prodded by some unseen forces and unseen beings. It may be a philosophical difference.

HD/AN: It’s a philosophical difference. That’s what it is, yeah.

BR: By recognizing their existence, I’m not giving them power. I’m just saying we’ve got to tell the truth here. There is evil out there in the universe. It doesn’t just stop at the Illuminati.

HD/AN: Well, there’s darkness, but darkness is for me... I view it as ignorance or, ultimately, the absence of light. It’s not an opposing force, ultimately. There’s light and then there’s no light, or the interference...

BR: I was talking about functionality here.

KC: Okay. So, maybe, we can actually... even you could talk about, Alfred, what we’ve been talking about off camera a little bit, in terms of there is investigation at the moment going into some of the relationships that are going on behind the scenes with various races.

AW: Yes. Sure. Just to keep it down to specific data-points, we know what Arthur has said here, that he’s been to Mars. We also have another very credible whistleblower who we’ve talked about, who in 1980, went to Mars twice.

BR: This is Andrew Basiago.

AW: Yes, in the company of a CIA officer, Courtney Hunt, just to put that on the record, through a Mars jump room, a teleportation jump room, from El Segundo, California, to one of the sort of bunker-type bases right out on the surface of Mars, and who walked around on the surface of Mars.

And, who in 1971, in the company of his father, who was a CIA contract officer type, met three Martian astronauts who were on a liaison and coordination visit at Curtis Wright Air Force Base. [This reference is unclear. Google: Curtiss-Wright is a manufacturer of jet fighter aircraft. In the Barcelona panel discussion, he called this Wright AFB in New Jersey. There is no listing for that in NJ, although there is a McGuire AFB in Wrightstown, NJ. Otherwise, there is Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio.]

So we know that from at least 1971, there’s been a coordinating and liaison type function for relationship between the Martians and the U.S. government.

Well, from what I’ve read, the Martian civilization is a positive, ethical civilization. So, to counteract, our strategy should be as citizens to encourage an open strategic alliance between our culture, our Open Culture, and the Martian culture, and to make that available immediately at the highest level, which is a Presidential acknowledgement of the existence and relationship with the civilization on Mars.

BR: And that’s one of the founding principles of Exopolitics.

AW: Exactly.

KC: Yeah, but I would like to say that you [Arthur] are nodding, so you’re kind of recognizing some of the testimony...

HD/AN: Yes. I never heard of this until now, this person or anything, and it’s like: Ah! Someone else! You know?

BR: Another one... yeah.

HD/AN: It sounds like a very similar kind of work, too. Very similar.

KC: But, I would like to say -- and I’m throwing this out here -- I am familiar, because I’ve had some personal contact with some, what I know of as Anunnaki, and that there are some positive Anunnaki and there are some more negatively oriented. You know, just like there are humans, good and bad, you know, there are different Anunnaki.

And I have to say that they’re interacting with individuals, because I have had some interaction. They have made their presence known to me. And I know Bob isn’t here to actually talk about this, but Bob has had his own interaction with Anunnaki that he has talked about with us, and I think he met them.

HD/AN: Well, the Anunnaki are the exception that I was talking about where it’s... but I really didn’t have any time to even really communicate, because it’s always at a table in a room and it’s just... That wasn’t my function, to get to know everyone intimately, you know.

KC: Right.

HD/AN: But, it was similar to what you [Alfred] were talking about, liaison and things like that.

BR: But, the table you’re talking about is a table surrounded by humans not from this planet, right?

HD/AN: Yeah. Well, they look like humans in general. Yes. Uh huh.

KC: And this took place at times also on Mars, right?

HD/A: That’s where they all took place for me. For me.

KC: Did you ever meet with these people here? Because as Bob was saying, he met with, a scientist was...

HD/AN: No. Not here.

KC: I see.

BR: I just wanted to jump in before the end of the tape to say that we...

HD/AN: I’m sorry. I made a mistake. Did I ever meet with them when I was not working? Yes. But that’s another story, a long time ago.

BR: That’s another interesting story.

KC: Oh, right. Okay.

BR: I just want to say on record that the person who Alfred Webre is talking about is Andy Basiago. We’ve been in touch with him for 18 months. We haven’t met him personally, but I personally spoke with him 18 months ago for four hours continuously, which is one of the more extraordinary conversations I’ve had in my life. I’ve had quite a lot of extraordinary conversations now.

KC: And I lasted about two hours. I couldn’t last the whole time, to be honest.

BR: And as far as we are able to determine, and I’m just speaking epistemologically here, we fully support Andy’s story and we fully support his own intention to release his story to the world. He’s only told a tiny part of it so far.

What’s really interesting here is that this dovetails fully with Arthur’s personal experiences to do with time travel, to do with wormholes, to do with the relationship with activity on Mars, and a whole complexity here that’s very hard to swallow, but it’s extremely important to understand.

I just wanted to add our own support to that. This is something else that we’ll pick up and roll with later, because it’s way beyond the scope of this conversation.

KC: Okay, but I had a conversation today with one of our whistleblowers and he actually was talking about the amount of radiation on Mars and questioning...

BR: No, he wasn’t. He was talking about the radiation in the Van Allen Belts.

KC: No, he actually also talked about the radiation on Mars and I was asking him about that and I said that the bases were underground. Is there radiation on Mars in excess of what we have, for example, here on Earth?

HD/AN: Because of what I was doing there, I wasn’t even focused on thinking about those things. I simply was going there for an hour—[laughs] it sounds strange—for an hour meeting and then I’d leave and come here. And so for me, because of the way my life’s been like this for forever you know, nothing was unusual. I didn’t even think about things like that, whether there was radiation or not. Those things were just handled by the way the system was set up there, or is set up, or will be set up. I don’t even know what time period it is now. That’s another subject.

KC: Well you had physiological reaction to having gone through that process. Is that right?

HD/AN: Right. Yeah. That’s another thing, because of the kind of like jetlag kind of thing. There is medicine that I was taking that, when I quit, I actually forgot about, because everything happened so suddenly when I quit that it was not available any longer. But that’s another subject again.

BR: Well it’s tough to be, yeah... earlier, at the start of this conversation, Arthur made a joke and said that he ran away. This is not true, and I didn’t want that to be misunderstood. It was after a disagreement at work; you basically handed in your notice.

HD/A: It was kind of... it was not even a disagreement, it was...

BR: It was a conflict.

HD/AN: Mm... It was just… I got very tired, because things were becoming more and more restricted in my life, to the point of where I could no longer even call my friends or email my friends, and instead of just trying to sit it out and go through all the massive paperwork and things, and waiting, I just decided, you know, I would make the decision instead.

BR: So, basically, it was a relatively sudden departure.

HD/AN: Very sudden.

BR: Rather than being gradually rooted out, and that involved your suddenly not taking any more of a particular medication.

HD/AN: Which I forgot about because I just... I literally left everything behind in my home and just went to another country.

BR: Yes. What I’m stating here is that the medication you took was something called ‘Lorenzil’ [Ed note: Could not clarify this word ... Lorenzo’s Oil? Used in treating certain neuropathies. Lorenzol? Used in veterinary medicine.] which if you suddenly withdraw from that... Sorry. That the effects that the Lorenzil is designed to ameliorate is something that’s called transdimensional disorder.

HD/A: Well, this is something that I understand from someone else that I didn’t know about.

BR: Okay. This is another thing that’s beyond the scope of this conversation. It’s got to do with a zero time reference that Peter Moon talked about in his first Montauk books and so on and so forth. For the body it’s very disorienting when it’s going through jump gates, or jump rooms, or whatever it is you want to call these things. There’s a certain medication that one has to take in order to ameliorate that. If you suddenly withdraw from that, then you’re in big trouble, and this is one of the things that you are up against.

KC: Right. And I think that, at another point, we can talk in more depth about that. But, for the purposes of this conversation, we’re really talking about the future of humanity and our interaction with, well, certainly Anunnaki on Mars.

But, we have a statement that was made, which was actually said to us by Robert Dean and also some other whistleblowers, that the Anunnaki are running things from behind the scenes here on Earth. And I wonder if you, Alfred, would address that at all.

BR: Or try to.

AW: Right. Well certainly I’ve heard that there are various... That is, to take a model of how decisions are made here on Earth, there are various models which have some evidence for them.

One model is a more drastic model than the Anunnaki model. That involves—whether or not this is a true model or is the model based on disinformation—involves the existence of a reptilian race in the fourth density, that is one more density up from us. They have more control over time, and that density has been behind the phenomenon of alien abductions.

Now, there are researchers, like Dr. Steven Greer, who believe that all abductions... the Roper Poll shows that about two percent of the US population, or about 6 million people, have been abducted, which is a substantial number of people.

And there are researchers, like Dr. Steven Greer, who believe that all of the abductions are psy-ops, and are essentially done by elements of the US government, as psychological warfare both against the human population and against the ethical extraterrestrial population, to stigmatize them.

Whether or not that’s true or not, there is certainly evidence that both small Gray-looking beings and reptilian beings have been engaged in extraterrestrial abductions of a substantial number of people, with a high strangeness theme. And these have been with secret contracts.

KC: But the fourth-dimensional aspect, which is the interdimensional quality of this interaction and the fact of these beings, is a little different, I would say, than what we interact with in terms of the Anunnaki—in theory anyway.

AW: Yes. Yeah, this is a different sort of interaction.

BR: One second. We’ve got to stop. We’ve got one minute.

KC: Okay. Then let’s do some sort of a summation and I’d like you [Alfred] to handle that, if you wouldn’t mind.

AW: Okay. Well, first of all I think that we’ve established that the release of secrecy, we know empirically from yesterday, is a great consciousness-raising event and it will be the deconstruction of secrecy, with these great cosmic cycles, that will mediate a positive human future.

BR: That’s great.

HD/A: A natural, almost natural event.

AW: Yeah.

BR: Arthur, Alfred, thank you so much for spending so much of your time with us. We’ll continue this conversation later. And we have to come to an end here because we’ve got no more digits. And, Kerry, thank you too.

KC: Absolutely. Thank you so much. This has been a fun, but enlightening event we’ve got going here, and we’re going to continue this conversation for years to come, I’m sure.

Click here for the video interview

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Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy