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Jan 2009 Ecuador Conference Introduction

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Dr Brian O'Leary
Vilcabamba, January, 2009

Conference Introduction

Brian O’Leary: [background laughter] ... I knew the media would take over. [laughter] No, actually that’s Kerry. She’s one of the speakers, too, so she gets a pass on this one.

Kerry Cassidy: That’s a great start. I want to hear it again.

Brian O’Leary: Welcome to Montesuenos, Vilcabamba, Ecuador, South America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy.

And this is truly remarkable because when we first put this conference together, which was less than a month ago, I think, from this remote outpost, all of a sudden all of you decided to come here.

And I’m blown away. I would have been surprised that in a program like this at such a remote location, that maybe we’d have 20 people, and we’d have an intimate seminar and gathering and conversational affair. But no! Look what happened! And so I say welcome. [laughter, applause]

How many of you have traveled from afar, in other words, let’s say, from another continent? That’s most of you. Wow. Well, congratulations once again, and welcome once again. Bienvenidos.

I thought I’d start out with a very short kind of meditation because obviously we are in a time of great crisis and opportunity, and today is all about that. It’s all about further defining the crisis behind the scenes, mostly from a gentleman whom I’ve known for a long time and who has extraordinary information, both logically in the left brain 3D world, and also from off-planet sources.

And that’s George Green. He’s sitting right over there. George is going to be the main speaker today and I’m sure many of you who know him already, know of his work, are really looking forward to it.

But I thought I’d start with a short mediation. And the meditation is really simply a very easy one. Just close your eyes and just take a deep breath. Then exhale any negativity and the chattering mind and all of that kind of interference.

And breathe in again and this time imagine this tremendous amount of light that’s present in our beautiful valley. It’s very accessible here. And then exhale again. And then inhale again and imagine this light just filling your body and protecting you and allowing you to be an agent of change.

And with each successive breath, let that light accumulate around you, your neighbors, the house, the village, all of Ecuador, and the entire world, and especially towards those that are suffering. And just give thanks for this opportunity to come together. And then slowly come back into the room. Open our eyes, and...

I wanted to do this. I know George is going to do one, too, because part of the context of the crisis we’re in is that there’s just so many extraordinary things going on. We’re kind of in fast-forward toward an unknown destiny.

But it’s quite extraordinary, isn’t it? Because the results of this... at least in our linear minds, the results could either be total catastrophe, nuclear war, whatever; escalation of what’s going on in the Middle East; Earth changes.

You know what the crisis is. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know a lot about what the crisis we’re in is. And that it’s also far more serious than you would be lead to believe by the media or by our political leaders.

And so, we... Meredith and I moved here to Ecuador rather suddenly. And I can give you all the reasons, but the main reasons were that we saw unrest coming up in the US. And we were like the second visible gringo to move here.

By visible I mean not wanting to go, let’s say, into the woodwork and just stay there. Because we’re still actively... many of us now in this room are very much actively involved in interacting with the culture. But we were basically the second. And that was four and half years ago.

And we rented a one-room tiny, modest, cottage which was ostensibly going to be a ma-and-pa retirement home. And then about a year later, when our visions exceeded our wildest thoughts because we wanted to build a small house. Here, at this site, it was just a foundation then. And the bathroom over there, that used to be an outhouse. The kitchen used to be the original farm house here.

And so, Meredith and I were off on a trip -- and this was about maybe a half a year into our construction -- and the builder made a mistake. He built this huge roof here. And we didn’t ask for that. We just wanted a small house.

But we looked at each other in amazement and we said to each other: Wow. This is bigger than we are! And that’s been the story of Montesuenos ever sense. We finished, not really finished, but finished this phase of the construction.

A few months ago we had what was called The Phoenix Gathering. This bunch of visionaries came in from all over the world. Now you’ve come in from all over the world -- and besides the carbon debit of using fossil fuels in jets, I say it’s really great -- but that, of course, in the future may not be the situation, so in a way that makes this all the more poignant to be able to personally get together like this before something else might happen.

I don’t want to come from fear, however, and that’s... One reason why I said the little meditation was that there was the presence of some fear prior to this conference. Now, those of you that are astrologers would say: Oh, that’s just because Mercury’s in retrograde and the full Moon’s in Cancer. Or whatever.

But, you know, it really has been an extraordinary week that way. We almost felt like canceling the conference, the element of fear was so high. And then it just evaporated. And that seems to be true of this place. It’s maybe a little bit like Mount Shasta. It’s... the weather moves in, but it moves out just as fast as it moves in.

So I mean I’m looking at all of you and I don’t see any ... Any of you from the CIA here? [laughter] It’s OK. You’re welcome. [laughter] You know, I often urge some of the people that are involved in cover-ups and all of that to join us, and, you know, take part in this enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it.

So anyway, this is Montesuenos. It’s a retreat center. We hope you can come back. I would love to meet all of you personally and spend some time with you. And we do have residency programs here, and all sorts of things. So that’s fine. And I also want to introduce Meredith, my artist-wife. [applause]

Meredith:  You should introduce this painting.

Brian:  Oh, I will. I’ll get around to that. There’s a painting behind me that she did. It’s called The Last Supper of Gaia. But we’ll get into that a little bit later. And indeed it is a last supper / resurrection, whether you want to take Christian, Jewish, or indigenous metaphor. It’s all... We are headed somewhere. We’re on this journey, and it’s quickening.

What I wanted to talk about today, just very briefly -- because I want George to take most of the day because his information and sharing is just wonderful, and he’s come from afar. And the piece that I’ve been working on is free energy.

And I can tell you categorically that in the 1990s... well maybe I’ll go back a little further. Here I was, a typical left-brain academic, reductionistic / materialistic 3-dimensional physicist, a physics professor at Princeton University. And I took a Lifespring Training one weekend, and I had a remote viewing experience. And then I had a near death experience in an auto accident. Then I had some healing experiences. And then I left Princeton. [laughter]

My colleagues did not believe... In fact, you know, here I was, swilling thimblefuls of sherry at the Joseph Henry Luncheons every other Tuesday. And the other professors there, of which there were seven Nobel Laureates, all males, would swill the sherry and talk about how ridiculous claims to the paranormal are.

And having just had paranormal experiences, I said: Gee! This isn’t my tribe, even though I had some 40 years in it.

Well, now we fast-forward to 30 years later and I’m really glad I went on a metaphysical journey which sent me in many directions.

But I was always thinking of solutions: What is it that we can do for the culture that can really make a difference? And what is the truth of the matter, of why it’s suppressed as well as why it exists?

So I go back and forth between truth-telling consciousness and the consciousness of actually going into the solutions and thinking positively.

And, in a way, I think that’s our job here, is to be able to be respectful and understanding of where each of us is at personally in our growth, and understanding of what’s happening and what could be.

So, I got into the free energy business, if you would call it that. It’s not really a business because, as George knows, I can’t really sell my books. People aren’t reading books anymore. Well, I sell a few here and there. So that’s not why... I’m not in any kind of commercial business this way.

It’s more like... Well, my exploration of various modalities in so-called “new science” has now been a journey that has taken me three decades and has sent me in many unexpected directions. One of the least-expected directions was when I traveled the world and visited many researchers and inventors of so-called free energy devices.

And at that point I was skeptical. Even though I was openly embracing the UFO / ET phenomenon, a lot of paranormal things and healing, and blah-blah-blah, I hadn’t tackled the energy piece.

But also, because I had been a professor at various universities of science policy assessment, and advised presidential candidates, and Congress, and so forth, on energy policy, I thought I’d be an... And since my PhD was in atmospheric science, I was kind of a natural to begin to look at the question of climate change, atmospheric pollution, water pollution, and so forth.

And believe me, it is dire. It’s just as dire as the Doomsdayers say about what’s coming down on the planet – just sheerly physically, you know. Just looking at the physical observations without any esoteric at all, it’s very clear that human interference with the planet it creating an accelerating instability that will trigger other phenomena.

And it’s just an outrage to me. I mean, I invested my heart and soul. After having studied deep ecology and done more spiritual things, I just began to realize that: Gee, we’re losing our Earth! And we’re doing it fast! And it’s our species that’s doing it!

And many of us come from the most powerful nation in the world and our leaders... Bush was one extreme, of course. I’m wanting to say good riddance. Are you here, Mr. Bush? No. I didn’t think so.

Well, no, no. I actually... I have to introduce a prop here. I have an alter-ego. The alter-ego’s called the Lapis Pig. He’s a Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Muppet. And he’s therapy for me.

He’s basically that part of me that I want to leave behind. He is the physics professor at Princeton, but is also out for his career and for money. And his hero is Dick Cheney. [laughter] And his fixation is money. So this is the Lapis Pig.

Lapis Pig:  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. [pig snort noises] Have you paid your registration fee? [snort, snort] Only if you have tendered monies are you to be admitted here and you shall do this or else you will perish ... [snorting pig noises] ... [laughter, applause]

Brian:  Well, anyway, that’s my alter-ego. And whenever I get stuck on some sort of issue like money or career or trying to impress people, or whatever it is, I get out The Pig and act it out.

And his mate, by the way, is the Ivory Pig. She’s up there in the puppet window. She’s a Valley Girl. And you can see how they’d get along very well because he’d go in plutocratically and make as much money as possible, and she would get her swimming pool and this and that.

But now I understand that here in Ecuador – and there’s a lot of things happening in this country and I hope your visit will be a little longer. And this is a bit of an advertisement, but we may have a room available here for the next three days. One suddenly freed up.

But I hope some of you stay a little longer and kind of check out this place. It’s a beautiful country. Politically I think it’s as favorable as any that I know of on the planet right now, in terms of intention. It’s not perfect.

Right now the government is kind of trying to walk this line between giving in to the multi-national oligarchal empire interests, and wanting to become as independent as possible.

And of course that feeds right into the re-localization movement, which I know many of us are really getting more and more interested in -- growing our own food, everything local, barter systems and local currency, etcetera, etcetera, and just ride out this period, no matter what happens globally.

And I think this is one of the better spots to do that. Meredith and I think that. Really, we just love living here. And we also love the people here. Our only concern is over-development. The gringos are coming! The gringos are coming!

We’ve had a lot of people come to town and visit us and ask us questions. I know we have Susan and Walter here, who’ve been here for almost as long as we have. I’m sure, Susan, you’ve had thousands of questions asked of you: Oh, what’s it like here? Oh, can we do this?

And, actually, Susan has some property, too. So, you know, there are places you can settle that are very beautiful here, but we’re hoping there won’t be too, too many people. As they say down here, the Podocarpus Freeway, the Loja Freeway. [laughter]

And you know, the Lapis Pig wants to build a statue of himself up on that flat top mountain and then have oil wells and condominiums and golf courses and tramways. Anyway, that could happen here. It’s like this could become another San Fernando Valley. We hope not. The Ivory Pig might like that, but I think that many of you would not. I think we’re all kind of naturalists at heart.

So I want to get back to this energy piece just a little bit and it’s in part because George just brought back with him – and it’s the first time I gaze my eyes on it -- is my new book, The Energy Solution Revolution. It’s available here. But it’s kind of my estimate of what’s going on around this question of breakthrough clean energy.

Because what I discovered during the 1990s when I traveled the world and visited many of the inventors, and I wrote some books about my travels and interviews with these people and observations of their experiments, is that the concepts are very real.

There is abundant energy that comes from the vacuum of space and it can be tapped under certain conditions. For example, you can have special magnets that resonate with this hypothesized zero point. And the physics of all of this is understood, actually, from the theoretical perspective.

Actually, this potential energy field is forced into existence by quantum theory and by Eastern thought. The Vedas knew this. It goes way back, the knowledge that the universe has a tremendous amount of potential energy.

And we know it also from consciousness, that we can tap into that energy force. It’s sometimes called etheric energy. It’s sometimes called orgone energy. It’s sometimes called.... There are a thousand names for it, but it’s all pretty much the same thing. And it’s more akin to Eastern thought and indigenous thought than any kind of Lapis Pig western scientist.

In fact, as soon as I started to do experiments in consciousness... And some of the work was done with my colleague at Princeton, Robert Jahn, who is the Dean of the School of Engineering.

He did some of the pioneering work with random-event generators, where a human being would go into the laboratory and focus their intention on a particular result, like flipping coins, except this is an electronic device. And it actually became one of those situations where there were significant results over time. It’s like flipping a coin and you get... You say you want more heads than tails, and indeed you get heads.

Those kinds of things are the result of human intention. In other words, the mind or the heart, or whatever you want to call it, the human being, can influence the results in the material world.

Well, those experiments were just totally messed up by the physics department, the engineering... Here was the Dean of the School of Engineering, the Energy-Engineering Department. The Dean of Faculty tried to dismiss him even though he had tenure.

And this happens to many people. It happened with John Mack, a leading abduction researcher at Harvard. And it’s happened to many other people. Professors are stripped of their credentials. The Inquisition is alive and well in America and elsewhere in the world. So these things do happen.

But Bob Jahn’s work is, nevertheless, seminal work. It’s now being followed up at a more popular, more pervasive level by other researchers that show beyond any reasonable doubt that human consciousness...

[Aside]: You know, there’s a little bit of static. I don’t know what that’s all about. But I guess it’s all right.

Voice:  It’s soul energy.

Brian:  It’s just the energy. Yes.

So, when I started to travel the world and visit all of these researchers, it dawned on me that... You know, it’s kind of a simple deduction, but it’s possible that if we had a billion little power-packs that could generate electricity from the ether, or from the vacuum of space, that we could solve the energy problem. It’s a pretty obvious deduction.

So it occurred to me that: Gee, maybe I should report on this. Maybe I should do a little research on this. Maybe I should network with people. So, you know, we held... Some of us with scientific backgrounds held various conferences, brought in some of the inventors.

At one point a software billionaire was going to fund the whole effort. That was back in the early 1990s. And then he suddenly backed out. I’ll tell you why he backed out. For this we need the Lapis Pig.

Lapis Pig:  If you would like to know my opinion? [snort!] I am not dipping into the River of Optimized Profits, [snort!] and will therefore wait until people blunder with their devices until we get the one that’s most efficacious financially. [snort!]

Brian:  And that’s exactly how he reacted. He didn’t want to dip into the River of Optimized Profits.

And so, one thing after another; one time after another, these wonderful devices... And some of them are magnetic motors. Some of them are little solid-state devices. Some of them are cold fusion devices. Some of them are on the concept of sono-luminescence.

There are many, many different technologies. There’s ways of splitting water, where you get more energy out of it than quantum theory would predict -- and that’s traditional quantum theory, not the quantum theory that you really need to get into, which involves consciousness.

So you kind of get the picture is that science is struggling, just like many of us, struggling into the 21st century. And it just happened that the societal choice that was made by a lot of people was... Cutting-edge technology might be the internet. That’s like magic.

But this could happen with energy, too. But the problem is that it’s been suppressed, it has been turned. Because it’s a huge threat to the status quo to supplant an, about 5-trillion-dollar industry, mostly vested in fossil fuels -- to just supplant that with something that’s cheap, clean, safe, decentralized.

And so, what do you do about this? Well, my project in writing this book – it’s been a six-year project just came to a culmination – and I came up with many, many reasons.

First of all, first and foremost I would say, the scientists are suppressing the work, because people that call themselves scientists are really technicians of the current western paradigm. And if you break those ranks, you’re out.

I mean, once I left Princeton, that was it. My career was kind of shot. What I had to do was get very energetic and go to a Unity or Christian Science church every Sunday and hold forth, and that kind of helped my kids get through college in the end. So, you know, I was able to piece together a quasi-career over the last 30 years and just get by, pretty much.

And then, there are just so many of these free energy devices -- that’s the point. Getting back to that thought is any one of which could be a big breakthrough but it’s been suppressed. And the scientists are among the first to suppress it. There are so many suppression stories, but why go through them? You know. They’re there. They’re documented.

You know what I mean. Bertrand Russell said: The resistance to a new idea increases as the square of its importance. [laughter]

And when you’re talking about really important concepts, there are diversionary tactics that happen in the culture. And the scientists are usually the first line of defense against importance, and in favor of the status quo.

And then you radiate outwards. There’s the media. Of course, the media has been terribly irresponsible. I used to have access to media all the time when I was a “mainstream scientist.” You know, I’d be on the CBS Evening News and the Today Show, and blah-blah-blah.

But as soon as I began to even embrace the possibility that maybe UFOs are a real phenomenon, or that energy sources could exist that transcend our current paradigm... as soon as I stepped into that territory, I was persona non grata.

And that’s true of many, many scientists. And the situation can even get worse. If you’re really effective at what you’re doing, the situation can even get worse.

It lead me to write... One of the chapters in my new book is called Confessions of a Scientific Heretic: A Legend or a Story about the Carrot and the Stick. And carrots are dangled in front of people that are reasonably... especially scientists that are reasonably effective in their breakthrough ideas to save the planet... and the carrot is to divert them away from that. That’s the general story.

And then the stick is: Well, if you don’t do that... Whack! You know, it could a threat. It could be assassination. It could be any number of things.

You know, I’ve been through the mill myself. I can say it from direct and personal experience. And many others have, too.

And so, tomorrow’s theme is going to be more along the lines of truth-telling and what’s really happening out there that’s been suppressed and now needs to be more into the public light -- and that is our ability to step outside the box of normal inquiry. So there are a number of different free energy technologies.

I talked about consciousness. I think it’s really important for us to know that... Even though we’re being divided and ruled right now, still I think the answer in terms of consciousness -- if there is an answer at all, if we can solve this human condition and global crisis dilemma -- then the one technology or tool that I think is very powerful potentially is Combined Positive Human Intention.

Now, there’ve been some popular books written about this, like McTaggart, The Intention Experiment. I write it up in some of my earlier books about how scientific experiments show without any doubt that we, through groups of people coming together, aligned in intention, can really affect the material world. They can heal people. They can purify water. And they can do it even on a global scale. I mean, people are beginning to do experiments like that.

I think that would be one of the things the indigenous peoples could help facilitate, this coming together in those kinds of experiments, because there’s absolutely no danger in an experiment like that.

And some experiments actually show that if the intention is positive, the combined intention, it’s far more powerful than combined negative human intention.

And so, I think that this is really the... how shall I say it... the Holy Grail, to use a Camelot phrase, a Holy Grail of our time. It’s the basis of the science of the 21st century that’s longing to be born. It isn’t born yet.

I think it was Max Planck that said: Science progresses with each funeral. And sometimes we have to wait for the old order to die out. Well, we may not have that kind of time right now, so we need to come up with ways of coming together and combining our positive intention. That’s the ultimate science, I think.

Free energy in and of itself, I think is also a possibility. It’s just that we don’t want Dick Cheney running that one, too. It then becomes more of a human problem, a social problem, a political problem, economic problem, than it is a technical one. The technologies are there. But whenever anybody tries to develop it, it’s so thwarted in one way or another.

And so you have to ask the question: Well, can we create a world in which it’s possible to facilitate this development, this kind of development? And I always hold out the hope that maybe we can. We can discuss this later, of course.

Or, if we can’t -- and George will talk about this quite a bit, later. Let’s say we can’t. Well then, localization makes a big difference, and we need to work on our own spiritual growth, as George’s books so aptly tell, especially the most recent one, The Ground Crew, that we need to come together in local communities, become independent, become centers of light, and maybe even...

I don’t know if you ever read a book by Morris Berman called Twilight of the American Culture, but he’s a mainstream sociologist and he basically says: Well, yeah, we’re in for a Dark Age, folks. Let’s just prepare for it. And he uses the metaphor of the monastery or the monastic kind of little centers of light in an otherwise dark age.

And that might be what comes down. I don’t know. Or maybe... I don’t know if we can get help from off-planet. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the degree of help. But these are all questions that George can address much better than I can.

The point being, though, that we can do it in principle, but we need to be less divided and ruled. And we also need to get off of the sheeple principle.

And the credibility of free energy... You know, I was just giving you some examples of the suppression. And I’ve come to the conclusion, and my colleague Wade Frazier has come to the same conclusion, which is that to understand free energy and its potential, you almost have to have a certain degree of sentience. [laughter]

It defies logic that people that are otherwise very intelligent, what Wade would call the structuralists, people like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and so forth, that a lot of these progressives that are great critics of the way things are in our culture, they don’t want to embrace more transcendental questions like: Well, maybe it’s possible there exist technologies that could be researched that would provide clean, cheap, safe, abundant, decentralized free energy as a solution.

But it doesn’t even enter the minds of people. And I know this. Because I used to have media access about all this stuff.

About two months ago the BBC gave me a call and they said: We’re doing a Special on new energy.

And I said: Great.

And they said: We’d like to interview you about free energy.

And I said: Great.

But this is the first time I’ve ever been invited to a media appearance and then uninvited. [laughter] Obviously the producer ran it up the flag to the executive producer who said: Not allowed.

In other words, the Lapis Pigs are in charge. No question about it. You don’t even have to be paranoid, conspiracy theory, because it actually can be cool. Even though it’s denigrated by the mainstream culture, I’d like to think of conspiracy theorists as truth-seekers and not necessarily always paranoid, which is the societal definition.

So. OK. Getting back to free energy. There are so many sources of suppression, but I think the main one, in its own way, is us. We are the biggest suppressors. It’s not the bad boys, the guys that are doing horrible things in the New World Order and stuff. Yeah, they’re controlling things a lot.

But to the degree that we can become awakened and that we can take action is the degree to which we will be able to prevail. So I really think that we are the biggest suppressors.

And when you peel the onion... It’s like a metaphysical journey, in a sense, and it’s also an intellectual journey. When you peel the onion of free energy, where people give all the reasons in the world: Oh yeah! Tell me when I can go down to K-Mart and get mine. Well, that doesn’t really help.

What helps is: How can I help? What’s going on here? What kinds of devices are out there? Can I build one? Can I get support for this? Do I need to be quiet about it, or should I be publicly transparent? So all of these questions immediately come to mind, if you can even grasp the possibility of this.

Now, you know, I remember back in 1961. I was just graduating from college and John F. Kennedy got before a joint Congress, and he said: I believe that by the end of the decade we shall land a man on the Moon. We shall not flounder in the backwash. Anyway, JFK, you know, he set a transformational goal.

Now, we’re setting aside all the stuff of: Well, did we in fact go to the Moon? Well, we at least went around the Moon. We know that. But landing? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll have to watch a CD on that one.

But the point here being that every once in a while a transcendental goal is publicly acknowledged and it was with that spirit that I felt, for so many years, a very positive experiment. I was an Eagle Scout. I grew up in the ’40s and ’50s, and, you know, when World War II was over, we were the good guys. It was a happy time, pretty much. And a visionary time.

And when Kennedy set that goal, I was just ready to get right in there and be a part of it. So in 1967 I was appointed as the first astronaut to go to Mars, when it was still in NASA’s program plan. However, one year later, because of Vietnam, it was cancelled. Then I became a Vietnam protestor.

And so, in those days things were very positive. Now the whole atmosphere is repressive. Suppressive. And we just have to acknowledge that, but realize that...

Well, I always like to hold out hope that we can have leaders who see the light and that can set a transcendental goal. Even if it’s something as simple...

You know, I did a little work with Dennis Kucinich on this question: How do you, as a politician, phrase this so that it’s palatable? Because it isn’t palatable to The Powers That Be to develop free energy. Believe Me! You know, it takes away from their power and their profits.

So how do you do this? So I was designing a few statements and speeches that he actually gave for a while, but then he kind of withdrew from that. I don’t know if anybody gave him a phone call or what.

But what I drafted for him was, basically, we can’t leave any stone unturned in our quest for clean energy. I mean, that’s a politically positive statement. Then you can at least slip it into a renewable energy program.

And one of the things that I studied for this book... because I get this happening every day. I get about ten emails a day trying to vet this, and this, and this, concept or technology, whether it’s free energy or whether it’s just the latest renewable, traditional renewable energy source.

So like one day I might get: What about the air car? What about this kind of bio-fuel that’s based on algae? What about thin films for solar collection? What about this new material for windmills?

And, to my way of thinking, in a most general way, the news is bad. It’s none of the above when you really come down to it, if you’re going to support 6 billion people on this planet. Now, some people don’t want to support 6 billion people on the planet. We have to put that into consideration. But let’s assume we want to provide for everybody.

Well, windmills would cost... the capital cost to have a wind economy for the entire world and associated grid system would be about 30 trillion dollars. Well, that kind of money, of course, we can use to bail out Wall Street, but to come up with a solution? No. And it’s very materials-intensive. And it’s land-intensive. And it’s intermittent and diffuse.

And solar energy is even more expensive. And I’m not trying to say that’s bad or wrong. I’m just saying: Well, hmmm. Are these really the answers?

But you see, what’s happening now is that there’s not only a dumbing-down of this kind of analysis -- kind of almost deliberately-rigged dumbing-down -- but you get promotional hypes from various quarters. And right now Obama’s beginning to embrace the dirtier of the more renewable technologies -- like clean coal, or nuclear. That’s not renewable. That’s nightmares.

He’s not very far along in the curve. Of course, there could be reasons for that we find out later. But the point is, he’s not far along on the curve.

But all the “Solar-topia” people... And I don’t object to that. We could have a future with traditional renewables. But that’s like discussing dirigibles and balloons, which the Wright brothers already flew.

It’s not the kind of thing that is going to be our future. Actually, consciousness will be our future. I mean, we will be able to do magic. However, do we have a future? And that’s a big question because of the turning that we’re involved in now.

And that’s, I think, one of the reasons why we’re going to be developing the theme of Camelot in the most general way, and then we go to Project Camelot. Because in a sense, Camelot was an attempt... the JFK presidency... was an attempt to come up with a kingdom, if you will, or whatever you want to call it, a political unit that is compassionate and would seek the truth.

And right now I think we’re in a position to want to have a truth and reconciliation process in the United States, certainly in Israel. In Israel right now there’s apartheid going on, just like South Africa. There has to be some sort of process to initiate the truth.

And there are some truths, of course, that -- like David Ray Griffin in his writings -- there’s some truths that are discarded and instead become sacred myths. That’s his phrase for it. So, like 9/11, the official story is a sacred myth. The nonexistence of free energy is a sacred myth, that all we can do is wind, solar, and so forth, and look backwards without looking forward.

But, you see, the free energy question... Even when you think of sheer logic, the inevitable conclusion you come to -- and you don’t even have to be sentient. You don’t even have to believe in it -- all you have to have is a head on your shoulders to be able to use some logic, saying: Well, maybe this is possible, so let’s research it. After all, the amount of investment for the research would be equivalent to a few hours of fighting in Iraq. You would think that might be worth it.

But, no. It’s not even mentioned. In fact, it’s a no-no. It’s definitely not to be considered.

Because I’ve been looking at these questions socially rather than technically. I kind of burned out on the technical stuff, you know, I trained as a physicist, I went and visited these inventors. I’ve described them. I’ve written them up.

So now I’ve gone on to say: Well, logically, if this is possible, why don’t we do it? And what’s holding us back? And of course we know it’s The Powers That Be and people allowing TPTB to do that to us.

So that’s up to us, you see. The social and political process is up to us. But any logical person, any intelligent person who is not in denial would say: Well, let’s check it out. Let’s see if this is possible. Let’s see if we can have truly clean energy. And that would solve many of the problems that we have now in the environment.

What I want to do is discuss briefly Meredith’s painting that is behind me. It’s called The Last Supper of Gaia. And then I wrote this book, Miracle in the Void, which is... The chapters of the book correspond to the disciples around the table of Gaia. It’s a feminine version of the standard Last Supper paintings.

So here on the left side, you have the Disciple of Denial. He’s hiding behind the American flag, watching television that’s plugged into the grid system. And it’s basically dumbing-down. And there’s almost no hope at that stage.

But, you see, some of this work that we’ve done is based on the work of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross that, when you lose a loved one or get a terminal diagnosis, that there are various stages of grief that you need to go through, various emotions. And the first one’s always denial: This can’t happen. It’s not! This isn’t for me. And so, this is the Disciple of Denial.

And then usually you go to Anger, this disciple up here. In this painting, it’s the comet colliding with Jupiter, so you get a thing with the Excalibur sword and Jupiter, in the comet hitting Jupiter. That’s the Disciple of Anger.

The bumper sticker I had for many years in California before we moved here said: The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off. [laughter]

This can’t happen. I don’t want it to happen. Who did it? I think there are probably a lot of people right now in that zone. I’ve been going through that zone. And it’s not necessarily a linear progression, either. It’s... you can be angry and also in denial.

But you kind of get the picture, is that a lot of people are really angry with what’s going on. And probably increasingly so. So that’s another phase of grief.

And then bargaining: How do we fit the round pegs in square holes? Maybe the US government can do it. Maybe Obama can do it.

And then, when that doesn’t work -- and it usually doesn’t, you know, rationalizing these things -- then depression. Nothing else seems to work -- very, very much into depression.

And this is what usually happens when a loved one dies. In this case the loved one is the Earth. I think as we resonate with the Earth, we feel a tremendous amount of unconscious fear, denial of what’s going on, anger about how it’s being raped, bargaining about: Well, maybe this would do it. Maybe solar will do it. Maybe Obama will do it. Maybe, maybe, maybe. And then depression when none of that works.

And then... the good news is that then you go over to the other side of the table and the disciple way on the right is the Disciple of Acceptance, and that’s usually the final phase of the grief process where you say: Well, OK. This stuff happened. Gaia’s dead.

I accept the co-existence of the old and the new, that we’re almost like splitting into two different consciousnesses. One is the consciousness that’s directed toward solutions, and the other one directed into the accepting the what-is, as it is, but not doing it in a way that’s totally passive and where you’re just sitting here and denying it, or in depression where you’re just not very effective at anything, you know, just sorry for yourself.

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, people need to go through these emotions, and I think in a sense humanity is going through these emotions with respect to the loss of Mother Earth. That’s why it’s so important now to kind of passionately use whatever means we can to address that question about what we can do. And I think there are really solutions.

So there’s Acceptance, then the Disciple of Creativity, Enlightenment, Empowerment, Joy, and Transcendence. And then, there’s the transcendent Gaia.

Meredith really ought to be here to interpret it, but this priest here holding the sword... he’s laying down his weapons, his battle weapons. And by the way, we have the Excalibur sword here. We’re going to do a ceremony tomorrow morning with that to set the stage for Camelot.

So.. and there’s the resurrected Gaia. So this is kind of the symbolism of what we were working on for years, oh, I guess about ten years ago, after I traveled and visited the free energy inventors.

Now, one final thing, and then I’m going to hand it over to George. We’ve had one workshop here so far. It was called The Phoenix Gathering. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this group, but there’s a lot of phoenix stuff going on. It was called The Phoenix Gathering.

These are visionaries that came in from all over the world. And they were kind of... randomly came. They were self-selecting. There was a dynamically facilitated, very intensive workshop that lasted here for a week. We had professional facilitators. We had just lots of ideas thrown out there into the pot.

And the idea was, through democratic discourse could we come up with a consensus? And the answer was: Well. Yeah. Somewhat. And I was trying to figure out why couldn’t we come up with more of a consensus? Of course, you could say the three-letter word, ego...

But what I was able to observe -- because I spent most the time observing this, not participating quite so much, although I was trying to promote free energy as a concept -- but the group kind of were split about: Well, OK, what do we do about it?

There was one group that I would call the pragmatists and that was lead by a very articulate lawyer from New York City who really knew how to do a conference, you know, get a synopsis together, a précis, like a legal brief... [very loud birdsong interrupts] Thank you, bird!

So that was one of the pragmatists. Very practical people. People that were probably more into bargaining right now, saying: Well, maybe solar will do it. Maybe Obama will do it, using existing systems.

And by the way, I wrote a public appeal, an open appeal, to Obama from a very concerned citizen about some of these questions, that the kind of change... he talks about change... that his kind of change is more incremental and at most structural.

And what I’m talking about is systemic change, even going beyond: Well, let’s go back to the Constitution. Let’s restore the Clinton-Roosevelt-Keynesian kind of plans to tinker with the system so we can have the good old days again, get out of this depression.

That’s what most people think about. And that’s what I might call structural change. But that’s not enough, either. It has to be systemic. So whole new systems need to be defined.

So that’s part of what we were trying to do at the Phoenix Gathering. But it didn’t come to that. What happened was that, whenever a bold idea like free energy was presented to the pragmatists, they said: No, nah. You’ve got to prove it to me. If there’s one ready at K-Mart I’ll go and pick it up for myself.

So those people weren’t really very useful in that kind of discussion. And they’re not. They were kind of forced into that discussion because it was an intensive workshop, so they had to put up with some of my blithering about it. So those were the pragmatists.

Then there were what you would call the spiritualists. These are people that see the big picture, people that come from a very spiritual, holistic perspective. That would include... like we had a couple of healers in the group, and you know, I really resonate with that as well.

These are people who are very, very... Well, they’re quite accepting of these kinds of things. But at the same time, they’re not very powerful politically and they’re only part of the democratic process. So they’re the spiritualists.

Then there were the deep ecologists. Now these are the people that really thought the Earth was ruined, the sky was falling. And by the way, there’s a tremendous amount of validity with each point of view, I think.

So we heard from the deep ecologists. And one of them was so angry -- but he’s very angry about the state of the Earth. Justifiably, he’s going through the anger phase of grief such that he steamed out of the conference. He just exited just like that, he was so angry. He was just taking it out on, you know, the other people around there. Because it was pretty intimate. You know, it’s 25 people, we’re sitting around a circle and interacting, whatever.

And then there was a fourth group: Ahh... the truth-seekers. Now, the pragmatists would call the truth-seekers paranoids. Or conspiracy theorists. I call them the truth-seekers. These are people that really want to know what’s going on.

But, you know, it’s really hard to know. And, as a trained scientist it’s very hard. I had great trouble putting up my own discriminator and being able to vet this or that idea. And there were a lot of ideas thrown out there, so it takes a great deal of study – why I need a research assistant! Anyway, it takes a great deal of study to be able to effectively vet this or that concept.

Well, that’s what truth-seeking is all about. And I know that Kerry and Bill and George have all done wonderful jobs in trying to uncover the truth. And that’s going to be a theme, a very important theme, in this conference.

And I went away from the conference, The Phoenix Gathering, thinking: Well, all four cultures are represented but very few of the people there represented more than one of those cultures. And wouldn’t it be nice in a better world to bring them together and not to deny the existence of another culture?

It’s like Israel / Palestine, I guess. It’s sort of like you’ve got to be able to embrace the other cultures. That’s one kind of nugget I came up with and I think as we come together in communities...

And by the way, the most significant conclusion of The Phoenix Gathering was re-localization. I mean, that’s the common denominator, I think, of just about any kind of sentient gathering that’s going on these days. It makes so much sense. Grow your own food, just be local in everything. Form community, barter, local currency, so forth and so on. I love those ideas.

And it’s not to deny them; it’s just that sometimes some of the other ideas fall through the cracks. So, in any kind of democratic discourse in the future, it would be really good for people to learn to tolerate and understand the other cultures as well.

And in a way I think I identify much more with indigenous cultures than I do with the western culture, as we spend more and more time here in Ecuador.

Anyway, I thank you for you patience. And I think I’m going to give the floor over to George after a quick stretch break.




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Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy