Bill Ryan : A New World - if you can take it.
Zurich, Switzerland, July 2009
Huber's alternating German translation has
not been included in this transcript. Only her English
comments are shown, but she played a
prominent role in making the material accessible to the
German language speakers in the audience.
here for the
Bill Ryan: So, are we on? This is
Ruth Huber (Translator): I think so. We can start.
Bill: All right. Is there anyone else
to come in the room here?
All right. So, everybody; welcome to the conference.
delighted that you're here, and that you’ve made the
journey from wherever it is you've come from.
The first thing I want to do - I think you all know who I
am, Bill Ryan from Project Camelot, but a member of the Swiss
Ground Crew. I’m very, very proud to be part of this
team. [applause]
There’s something very important to say here about that,
and I do thank you for giving that spontaneous applause to
this team. This is not a professional conference. In English,
the opposite of professional is “amateur”. For
those of you, who know Latin, know that the word amateur means people
who love what they do.
We’re not doing this for money. Don’t
ever organize a conference for money! It’s not going
to work. But you might just want to organize a conference because
you love doing it, and I would highly recommend that.
Actually, before I start talking about the
history of this conference, I want to introduce my alter ego.
is Ruth Huber. Ruth is one of the most important people here,
not only because she’s played a huge role in bringing
this conference together, but also because she’s one
of the key translators.
I’m trying to embarrass her. [laughter & applause]
Some people have understandably thought that this was a Project
Camelot conference. It’s not a Project Camelot conference;
it’s a Swiss Ground Crew conference.
We’ve been receiving emails from all over the world,
and, in a moment, we’ll go through what countries you
all are from because a lot of people have traveled a long way.
A lot of people write to us and they say: Hey, I’m
part of the Dutch Ground Crew, or the German Ground
Crew, or the Spanish Ground Crew. It’s
important to realize that the word Ground Crew,
the phrase “ground crew” actually came from George
George Green isn’t here but he actually has played quite
a big part in this conference, although his role is sort of
This conference actually started just before we went – that
is, when I say “we” I mean Kerry Cassidy and myself
from Project Camelot – went to Ecuador in January of
this year, and one of the Swiss team here, who is somewhere
in the audience – I dare not identify her because she’s
got a lot to answer for…
Ruth: I didn’t get that.
Bill: You didn’t get that. [laughter] One of the
Swiss team here, before we went to Ecuador - and she’s
in the audience here. I’m not going to identify her,
but everything that’s happening here is all her fault
[laughter] – said to me: When you see George Green
in Ecuador, can you invite him back to Switzerland? Because
we would love to have him here.
Now, George Green had all kinds of other plans and he’s
a busy man and he wasn’t able to come to Switzerland
this summer, but when we were talking with Brian O’Leary – Dr.
Brian O’Leary, he’s here in the front row. You’ll
be hearing from him on Sunday and also tomorrow evening.
[to Brian] Stand up, stand up, please. [applause]
Brian O’Leary is a very wonderful man and it’s
my privilege, I think, to be able to call him a good friend.
He said: Hey, I’ll come to Europe. I climbed the
Matterhorn when I was a young man, I’d love to see it
So we had this idea of this little group of people, and we’d
have Brian maybe in this little room, and we’d share
some coffee together and he’d tell some stories to us.
And then, someone else, who’s also in this room and who
we shouldn’t identify, said: You know what? It would
be really wonderful to invite Dan Burisch to Switzerland.
I said: There’s absolutely no chance of that happening.
That’ll never happen. Then I had an afterthought,
and I thought: Well, I could just send a mail, it’s
very easy to send a mail.
And he said: Okay. I’ll come to Zurich. No
problem. [laughter]
I don’t know whether Dan is in this room right now,
I think he’s coming later. Is Dan here? No. No he’s
not. Dan’s coming later because he’s still on American
Pacific Time, which means that he’s just sort of starting
to feel like it’s breakfast. [laughter] That’s
why he’s on this evening.
I know that an awful lot of you have come here specifically
to hear his story. And I’ll say a little bit more about
that in the next hour or so because I want to give Dan as much
of an introduction as I can because it’s a very complicated
Then what happened was that we had Brian, and we had Dan.
Then Dan said: Hey, I want Marci to come. Then people
were saying: Well, you can stand up and talk to some people,
too. And then, suddenly, we had a conference. [laughter]
We invited David Wilcock; he’s never been to Europe
before. So this is really quite a special event.
Yesterday evening, for quite a long time late into the night
-- Dan, Marci, David and myself -- had a two hour video conversation,
which was so interesting that we practically had to drag David
and Dan out of their seats at midnight because it could have
gone on until daylight. That was the first time the four of
us have actually been in the same place to talk about a lot
of this material together and that’s been recorded on
video, and that will be released as soon as possible; it’s
interesting stuff.
Now, before I dive into this interesting stuff, I just want
to acknowledge the people who have taken up a lot of time,
spent quite a bit of money and demonstrated a huge amount of
commitment to be here this weekend. We have people here from
25 different countries. I just want to read these out to you
because it’s quite impressive. Every time I look at this
list, I’m impressed.
It’s a list, in alphabetical order. I’m not going
to embarrass you, but I do invite you that, if I read out your
country, I would love you to raise your hand, so we can actually
see that you’re here. I won’t ask you to stand
up or tell us what your real name is, or anything like that.
[laughter] And all of you agents in this audience, we hope
you have fun and it’s all cool. [laughter] We hope you
have a good time.
Because this is in alphabetical order, who’s come here
from Australia?
Ruth: Ah! [applause]
Bill: Isn’t that amazing? That blew me away. These
are not rich people, but they’re committed people. They
have a different kind of wealth.
So we won’t talk about Cricket, okay? [laughter]
Ruth: We won’t talk about...?
Bill: That doesn’t translate into German. [laughter]
Okay, and you don’t have to give each other rounds of
applause, because that all wastes a lot of energy, but Austria
is the next one.
All right. Good. Belgium? All right. Canada. Who’s from
Canada? We know we’ve got a couple people from Canada;
maybe you’re shy or maybe you’re late, but you’ve
paid. [laughter]
Croatia? Okay, wonderful. The Czech Republic? Denmark? Okay.
Ruth: Hey! [applause & laughter]
Bill: France? Great Britain? A lot of people from Germany,
I think. Israel? Italy? Luxembourg? Malta? We’ve got
a large contingent from the Netherlands.
Ruth: Wow! [applause]
Bill: It’s a small country full of very smart
people, just like the Swiss. [laughter] Okay, Norway? Poland?
Portugal? Slovakia? Slovenia? Spain? Sweden? Switzerland? Alright…
Ruth: It feels like the Eurovision Song Contest.
Bill: Eurovision Song Contest. [laughter] Absolutely,
And… the USA. [applause] We were going to have somebody
in America, actually living in China, he was going to come.
Some strange things have happened to some of the people who’ve
been intending to come to this conference. Now, we’re
not going to ask anyone to share any details here, but I bet
that there are some people here who had to overcome some last-minute
problems to get here.
The guy from China couldn’t make it, because his son
had been kidnapped by his ex-wife! We hope that nothing like
that happened to you guys, but we’ve had our fair share
of interesting incidents.
Ruth: Oh, yeah. [laughter]
Bill: Okay. George Green coined this phrase “The
Ground Crew” and there’s a wonderful little book
-- it’s a free eBook -- which is available on his website.
Actually, it’s a series of four books and the fourth
book is called Messages For The Ground Crew. I highly
recommend that you read this.
It’s a little book that George tells a very interesting
story that it’s basically a channeled book; he didn’t
write it, it just came through his fingers. This was a message
basically from a group who he identified as the Pleiadians.
The message in this book was that we may not have a lot of
time to fix things up here; that the Earth is in trouble, the
human race is in trouble.
The story doesn’t have to have an unhappy ending, but
there’s quite a lot of work to do and someone’s
got to do it. This book, this little book, the Messages
For The Ground Crew, was like a calling to people who
considered themselves to be the people who were going to do
the work if nobody else did.
It’s a very interesting situation, because I’m
quite sure that a lot of people in this room -- maybe everyone
in this room -- you might not actually consider yourself to
be a totally normal human being. [laughter]
Now, I’m not going to ask you to hold up your hands
and admit to being really strange, but I’ll try the opposite.
Is anyone willing to hold up their hand and think that they’re
really normal? [laughter] We have two people. Maybe you’re
in the wrong conference. [laughter]
I’m quite sure that there are a lot of people here who
believe, or who know, or have recalled, or are recalling that
they’re here this lifetime for a purpose. My friend and
colleague, Kerry Cassidy, is organizing a conference in Los
Angeles in September and the title of that conference is Awake
and Aware. That was her idea, and it’s a pretty
good title, I wish I’d thought of it.
But there are a lot of people here who are awake and aware.
Two weekends ago, we had the great pleasure and privilege – it
was an extraordinary weekend, actually – of meeting somebody
called Dr. Pete Peterson. I’ll say a little bit about
that here, then more in my workshop on Sunday morning.
One of the many things that Pete Peterson told us was that,
as far as his research had led him to understand, 15 percent
of humans had extraterrestrial DNA that could be directly identified.
The same man told us, because of some things that he has a
lot of experience of in his career, that those same fifteen
percent are resistant to being mind controlled.
The implications of this are very, very interesting. It implies
that it may be quite hard to wake up 85 percent of the population.
This is across all races and nationalities. But the 15 percent
are waking up and I think that everyone in this room is going
to be part of that group.
As I kind of put these pieces together, this
is really what this grouping called the Ground Crew are,
or may be. It’s not just a grass roots movement. [to
Ruth] Do you know what I mean by 'grass roots'?
Ruth: Not really.
Bill: Not just in the public, it’s not just a
public movement by the person in the street, the ordinary person.
There are people on the inside. There are people on the inside
of the military of the intelligence services, even in politics.
Military intelligence and politics, and these are good guys
as well. There are quite a lot of them. We’ve met some
of them, and they’re doing what they can from the inside
to change things.
What this conference is about – well, let me start that
sentence again. One of the things this conference is about;
it’s helping to form what Rupert Sheldrake called a morphic
Or, to change the metaphor, we’re trying to create a
wave, or we’re trying to get a snowball rolling. And
we’re not alone in here because we know that a lot of
you guys are doing everything that you can in your own countries,
in your own ways.
There is a real movement here, there’s a real awakening,
a lot of people becoming more aware. A lot of people are talking
about it. Almost all of you will be on the Internet a lot and
it’s being talked about and this is a real phenomenon.
David Icke is talking about it; David Icke was one of the
first people to really start shaking people awake back in the
early 1990s.
In the early 1990s, David Icke was talking about what David
Wilcock calls Illuminati politics. He felt that his
mission was to talk about a lot of startling and incredible
information about what really is happening in the world. We
had the privilege of talking with him in February of this year,
personally, and what he wanted to talk about then was the role
of consciousness.
And this is really the theme of this conference, although
there’s a lot of interesting stuff that we can talk about.
We can talk about Illuminati politics and we can talk about
high technology, too. There’s a lot of very interesting
stuff. We may have somebody in this room who’s been off-planet,
for example, and I’m not going to ask them to raise their
hand unless they want to. [laughter] It’s not him.
There is a lot of – in English, we use the euphemism – there’re
a lot of sexy things we could talk about. But what
we really want to talk about is the important stuff, and the
important stuff is how we can all work together to create a
better world.
Hence, the title of this conference, which is: A New World,
If You Can Take It. And I didn’t think of that
title either. Some of you probably know that this came from
Colonel Philip Corso. He’s now passed on but he wrote
a very significant book called The Day After Roswell.
The story of how that phrase came into prominence is best
told by his son.
What his son explained was that in 1957 his father was in
White Sands Missile Base in New Mexico. He encountered a disc
and a being in the desert. It was sitting there in the desert
and it was sort of phasing in and out of his field of vision;
it was a very strange phenomenon.
He was very shocked, and as he looked at this being, this
being contacted him telepathically. The being asked him if
he could go back to the central operations base at White Sands
and turn off the radar. As many of you may know, there’s
a lot of evidence that one of the reasons why the discs crashed
in the late 1940s and early 1950s was because of the high-powered
radar that was being used.
So this little ET asked Philip Corso to turn off the radar
so that he could get out of here and go. And Philip Corso asked
the question: Well, if I help you, what’s – in
English we say – what’s in it for me? What
do I get out of this?
This little extraterrestrial - or whatever he was - said: A
new world if you can take it.
So this phrase didn’t come from a human being or, if
it was a time traveler, it didn’t come from a human being
from this time.
One of the reasons why I love this phrase – a new world,
if you can take it – is that, in English, it has a double
meaning. In English it can mean two things. It can mean: a
new world, if you can handle it, and the other meaning
is: it’s a new world that’s there for you to
take it, if you want to.
Like reaching up for something on a high shelf in a supermarket,
you can take it. In other words, it’s available if
we want it.
This, also, is what this conference is about, because it’s
about what kind of future is waiting for us. And even that
isn’t an accurate use of words. The really accurate way
of putting it is: What future will we create for ourselves?
We get into all kinds of paradoxes here because there is strong
evidence - and you will hear much more about this this evening
when we hear from Dan Burisch - the strong evidence that we
have been visited by future humans; human beings from the future
who have returned to try and help and give us some valuable
Even that is not a proper use of words, because just now I
said they’re from the future. But more accurate
would be to say they’re from “a” future.
There’s a lot of evidence that we have a choice of futures.
There are alternative futures. There are different ways in
which this whole virtual reality game which we’re in,
this movie which we’re all playing in, could actually
It doesn’t actually end, but we get the idea.
Another metaphor would be, it’s like: which path do
we want to take? And one of the things that Dan is going to
talk about this evening with Marci McDowell is how it may be
that there is good news; there is encouraging news, about the
fact that, maybe, things aren’t going to be as bad as
we thought.
Now this is incredible information. When I say incredible,
I mean it in the literal meaning of the word, it is “not
We know that this information is hard to believe. We know
that Dan Burisch is hard to believe. We have people writing
to us every day saying that Dan Burisch is hard to believe
and I agree with them. But there’s something very important
here that we ask you, and that is that, if you are in doubt
about this story, we ask you to suspend your disbelief. We
ask you not to disbelieve until you hear the evidence.
I’ve spent a lot of time with this man; it’s been
a great privilege for me to do so. The most recent time I spent
with him was several hours in a car yesterday. We went off
to look at the Swiss countryside and we ended up having another
conversation about his experiences. And he talked about them
in great detail on the video that we recorded with David Wilcock
late last night. I will stake my reputation on the fact that
this man is telling the truth.
David Wilcock - who many of you have also come here specifically
to hear - has also been in close touch with Dan since 2003.
David is sure that this story is true.
From my personal point of view, the story goes right back
to the beginning of Project Camelot, just over three years
ago. It feels like a very long time ago, but I guess it really
isn’t a long time compared with the many years that many
UFO researchers have been working.
I had only just met Kerry and we just had this wild idea that
we could assist and continue the work of the Disclosure Project,
which we admired, just by talking to people and helping them
get the information out about what they’d experienced.
Because, like many of you, I’m sure, both Kerry and I
had been inspired by the work of Steven Greer when he brought
out a number of witnesses to the Washington Press Club conference;
I think it was in May of 2001.
We admire the work of Steven Greer. We’ve never met
him, but we’re both going to be at the Exopolitics Conference
in Spain, which is in a couple of weekends time, and we have
an arrangement to talk to Steven Greer then, which will be
a lot of fun.
Anyway, in those days, just like many of you – you’ve
got blogs, you’ve got web sites, some of you are journalists;
you’re doing everything you can do to try to get this
information out. This is a big team effort all over the world.
We just picked up this little camcorder that Kerry had - you
could fit it in your pocket, it was tiny - and we just started
talking to people. We were amateurs.
In fact, I’ll tell you a joke about this, which is really
true. One of the favorite messages that I ever got in an email
was from somebody last year who wrote to me and said: You
know, for many months, I thought that you must be working for
the CIA. Then he said: I finally realized that you
couldn’t be, otherwise your videos would be a lot more
professional. [laughter]
I took that as a compliment; I thought it was very funny.
It’s what Kerry Cassidy calls guerilla film making.
So we were just doing our thing and we had the opportunity – it’s
a wonderful opportunity – to meet Dan Burisch, and we
were introduced by Bill Hamilton. We were as enthusiastic to
meet Dan as probably many of you are, and we know this is why
you’re here.
I personally have been interested in his story since 2002
and, when we met Dan for the very first time, within ten minutes,
I realized that this was an exceptional man. He was smart,
he was humble, he was funny, he was aware and he was completely
committed to doing the job that he had been told to
do, of releasing this information.
One of the things that he is going to do this evening, when
he’s presenting on this platform, is he will play you
the recording of when he was given his orders to release this
information. Because what Dan is doing is actually part of
an unofficial – no, let me say this again – it’s
part of an official disclosure program with built-in plausible
Ruth: Will you explain this a little more?
Bill: Absolutely. He was ordered to tell this unbelievable
story of everything that he knew and everything that he experienced.
The person who ordered him was the previous MJ-1 in the Majestic
12 group, and this is John Mike McConnell who, after he stepped
down from that role in Majestic, became the Director of National
Intelligence in the U.S. – the DNI. In other words, he’s
the guy who is the boss of the head of the NSA. He’s
the top dog.
Dan will say a lot more this evening about Mike McConnell
and his relationship with Mike McConnell. The unenviable position
that Dan is in is that, if we were to go and find Mike McConnell
and say: Well, what do you think of this story? He
would say: This man is obviously crazy.
So they’re using Dan to disseminate this information
into, I guess, those 15 percent of people who are awake and
aware. Dan will tell you this evening what a tough job that
has been. And he’ll tell you about his reaction when
he first received those orders, which were in October 2005.
And then along came Project Camelot.
Ruth: Will you tell about this reaction now?
Bill: No, that’s for Dan. I mean, that’s
Dan’s story. I’m just preparing the ground.
But… along came Project Camelot. We had no idea what
we were getting ourselves into but, after meeting Dan, it was
so obvious to us that this man had high integrity and the best
of intentions that we, then, became an unknowing part of this unofficial disclosure
When I asked Dan – ah, this is really quite funny. We
met Dan for dinner, Kerry Cassidy and myself, at the beginning
of last year, about 18 months ago, and I said to him: You
know, it’s amazing, because we’re hiding out in
the open. Everyone knows who I am; I make it obvious who I
am; everyone knows my name; I don’t try and hide.
If the intelligence agencies wanted to stop what we were doing,
they could do it really easily. Every now and then we get a
little bit of trouble, but, basically, we’re being allowed
to do what we do.
I’m not really claiming anything too special here, because
those of you with blogs and web sites, and those of you who
are journalists and film makers here in this room, no one’s
really trying to stop you, either. Not really.
They could really have just squashed us like flies if they’d
wanted to, and they haven’t done that. So I asked Dan,
I said: Is it possible that Mike McConnell, in his role
of Director of National Intelligence, could be protecting us?
Dan fixed me with a very twinkling eye – Dan has a very
expressive face – and he said: If he was, you would
never know about it, would you?
So that’s my answer – he answered my question – that
we are being allowed to do what we do, because the governments
and the intelligence agencies and the military of this world
-- they have a problem. As we say in English, they’re
in over their heads; they have a huge problem. Many of you
will know how they’ve been trying to handle this problem
for many, many years to get this information out without causing
social disruption, panic, or too much personal shock for people.
A couple of years ago I had a very interesting conversation
with Dr. Hal Puthoff, the famous physicist, the director of
the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. It’s
one of my personal goals to interview him on Project Camelot,
by the way.
It was Hal who explained to me – and he’s a very
intelligent guy, he’s a very nice guy, I’m privileged
to count him as a friend as well – and he said that what’s
important -- and he was sort of giving me advice, rather like
an uncle -- he said: Don’t try and prove anything;
because, if you come out with documents and photographs, things
that cannot be denied, then people will go into shock because
their reality will be challenged.
If all we’re doing is: we’re telling crazy stories
about time travel and future humans and all this wild high
technology, but we can’t prove anything, then the 15
percent of the awake and aware people will say: Okay, I
thought it was like that and thanks for confirming it. And
the others guys will say we’re all crazy and
they’ll carry on, watching TV and going to church on
Sunday morning. [laughter]
So one of the factors in Project Camelot that has enabled
us to continue operating is that we don’t present proof;
we don’t have any proof. But what we do have is a lot
of consistent stories. And, after we met Dan Burisch in - I
think it was July… I think it was this month in 2006,
I actually can’t remember – and we got on video
this wild story. And for those of you who are still not
quite clear about this story, I will just give you the summary
version right now.
That story is that at least some of the so-called extraterrestrials
are actually not just visitors from other planets, but they
are time travelers from other times. Not only are they visitors
from other times, but they’re human beings from
a future time; from several different times in the future,
but all on this same timeline.
A whole variety of very strange things happened that caused
a huge amount of complexity and entanglement of the timeline.
But, the essence of what the future humans wanted to communicate
was that, in their history, there was a catastrophe. It happened
round about now and the cause of this catastrophe was connected
with the passage of the solar system through a region of energized
Again, this is condensed and not intended to be fully, technically
accurate, because the realities are very complicated, but one
of the secret high-tech devices that some of the governments
in the world had was called The Looking Glass. The
Looking Glass is a way of gathering information from different
times. It’s a sort of portal; it’s a window; you
can look through it, or into it, and you can retrieve information
from the future.
To make that story even more incredible, this wasn’t
given to us by visiting extraterrestrials; this was back-engineered
from Sumerian cylinder seals. Anyone who knows about the work
of Zecharia Sitchin will understand that the Sumerians received
their civilization and their technical knowledge from the Anunnaki.
So, as I understand it, the Looking Glass is Anunnaki technology,
which is being used by the American government as a really
useful way of looking ahead to see what was going to happen
-- with all the attendant paradoxes and complexities that went
along with that.
One of the things that Dan told us was that many politicians
- not just American politicians - had been told what had been
seen for them in the future. And, as long as they liked what
they saw, then they just acted out the role just like actors
in a movie, because they knew what it was that they were meant
to be doing.
Something that Dan said that added further complexity to this
story was that the Roswell crash was also a visit from time-traveling
future humans and that that was a genuine accident. One of
the immediate problems that resulted from that was that, in
the late 1940s, the Americans were experimenting with time-travel
technology that they did not understand. If you start experimenting
with technology like that, and you don’t know what you’re
doing, you’re going to get yourself in a real mess.
A part of that is something that David Wilcock, who’s
just joined us in this room – David, nice to see you
[applause] – David’s talking for much of the day
tomorrow and one of the things that he may or may not refer
to is that a number of years ago, he was sitting in a restaurant,
occupying himself by reading one of Peter Moon’s books
about the Montauk Project.
At that time, David thought that the Montauk Project was a
pretty crazy story and was very unlikely to be true. And this
other guy was over at this other table in this restaurant and
saw him reading the book. He came over to David and said: Do
you mind if I join you? He said: What do you think
of that book? David said: It’s a crazy story;
I’ve got nothing else to read right now.
If I’m misrepresenting this story, David, I apologize,
but this is the essence of it.
David Wilcock: I actually told him
it was bullshit.
Bill: David doesn’t pull any punches. This guy
came over to David and said: Well, actually, maybe it’s
not just bullshit, because I can tell you some things about
this story.
This was somebody who David then got to know over a period
of quite a long time really very well, and he called him Daniel,
which is not his real name. Daniel said that at least the first
of Peter Moon’s series of Montauk books was essentially
quite true. And David’s a pretty smart guy, so actually,
he started listening. But he never published any of that information;
he kept it to himself.
This is where these different testimonies start to come together.
Because, after we had personally heard this story from Dan
Burisch, we then met a guy who we have given the pseudonym
to, of Henry Deacon.
Many people think that these people we bump into, that, somehow,
they’ve been planted, or it’s all been engineered,
or it’s all been choreographed in some way. But, rather
like David meeting Daniel in the restaurant, our meeting Henry
really was quite an accident.
When Kerry and I met Henry for the first time, it was in a
very noisy Pizza Hut. The first thing Henry did was, he took
out his cell phone, put it on the table and took out the battery,
because cell phones can be used as listening devices, even
if they’re turned off. And Henry started talking about
an enormous amount of fascinating information that included
the mention of time travel and Montauk.
Now, I’m English and I’m not quite so expressive
as David is, so I didn’t actually use the word bullshit,
but I was very surprised, and I said: Are you saying that
the Montauk project is real?
Henry said that we shouldn’t call it the Montauk
project; there were Montauk projects – in the
plural – and that the Americans have been messing around
with time-travel technology for many, many years and had
created all kinds of paradoxes and problems. And every time
they tried to fix it, they made it worse.
I asked Henry if he’d heard of Dan Burisch’s story,
because I immediately thought that there must be a correlation
here and Henry had not heard of Dan. So we said: Well look,
this sounds like the same sort of stuff. Watch our video and
do get back to us because we’d love to know what you
Three weeks later, Henry got back to us and he said: I
can confirm Dan Burisch’s story, timelines and all.
That really made us sit up and take notice of this stuff.
Intuitively, we had strongly felt that this was the heart of
the problem, but it was very valuable to have this coming at
us from two different sources, who we’d met and spent
time with personally.
After we published this information from Henry on our web
site, then David Wilcock contacted us, and we hadn’t
previously been in contact with him at all. David said: This
information is really important, because it’s the first
confirmation I have heard of what my source, Daniel, told me,
which I have never published.
Then we met David and we did an interview with him.
Ruth: That was the first meeting with David?
Bill: Yes, that was the first meeting with David.
David told us a lot of the stuff that Daniel had shared with
him during the time that they’d spent together.
Therefore, what I want to say is like an adapted version of
something that Bill Cooper said – William Cooper, very
well known to many of you -- he said this back at the end of
the 1980s. What Bill Cooper said in a very famous lecture,
which is still available on the Internet, he said: You
cannot make sense of geopolitics in the world without including
the UFO/extraterrestrial issue. He said: You have
to understand that stuff and accept its reality in order to
understand what’s happening in the world.
I can take that one step further, because you can’t
make sense of the UFO/extraterrestrial question without accepting
and taking into account time travel. It’s deeply connected
with many of the problems that we currently face. And while
talking about the technicalities of time travel and all of
the extraordinary stories – this isn’t what I’m
planning to do here and it’s not actually what this conference
is about – we can’t talk about the future without
talking about time.
Over and over and over again there are hundreds -- if not
tens of thousands -- of accounts from people who have had contact
with ETs, saying that there’s a very important time for
us all ‘round about now. Some of these – let me
call them visitors – some of these visitors
have said to the people that they’ve been communicating
with: You’re in a lot of trouble. Not them personally
-- they’re talking about the human race.
Some of them have talked about some pretty unpleasant possibilities
that might be in front of us, like warnings. Others have said
that there’s the possibility of a golden, wonderful future
for the human race. And one of the things that this conference
is about; it’s about presenting this is a choice
for all of us.
One of the things that I’d like to play just before
the break, which is happening in five minutes – do we
have intention to play the audio? In a moment - only when I
say play - I want to play an audio clip that’s
a one-minute audio clip. It’s nothing especially secret,
but it’s very interesting and important, in my personal
This is an audio clip of Bill Birnes. This was before he became
famous on UFO Hunters. But Bill Birnes is the editor
of the American UFO Magazine. He’s done a lot
of research for many, many years; was the person who worked
with Colonel Philip Corso to write the book The Day After
He was on the American radio program Coast to Coast AM talking
to George Noory and George Noory was asking Bill Birnes about
the Roswell crash. What you will hear – I’m not
going to translate what he says; this is why I’m giving
you the overview here through Ruth – he said that he
had spent some time talking with Admiral George Hoover from
the Office of Naval Intelligence and George Hoover had told
Bill Birnes that the Roswell visitors were time-travelers.
The biggest secret wasn’t the high technology that was
discovered; the biggest secret wasn’t that these guys
came from a future time; the biggest secret was that, in order
for this time-travel to be possible, the visitors had to interface
with their craft with their consciousness; that the real meaning
for us in this was that we were more able and our consciousness
was greater, than we had ever been permitted to understand;
that the controllers of this planet don’t want you to
know how powerful you are, because they’d be in big trouble
if everyone knew how powerful they were.
That’s why they lie to us all the time to try and convince
us that we’re not powerful.
We’re just coming up to the break and before the break
I just want to play – this is the clip:
George Noory: What we don’t [know] about the
situation at Roswell is whether these were extraterrestrial,
whether they came from a hollow Earth, whether they came
from another dimension? We don’t know this, right?
Bill Birnes: We don’t. The only clue that
I had was from this Naval Officer, he was from the Office
of Naval Intelligence – ONI – called George Hoover
(we’ve talked about him before), who said that he was the
Corso of the Navy [Ed Note: reference to
Col. Philip Corso, the author of ‘The Day after Roswell’] and
that the military believed, and he said he knew, that these
entities were not so much interplanetary, but they were literally
And the big secret is that they were us, from the future,
and that we and they have the same powers and that was the
real fear of the government, that we had the ability to manipulate
reality around us. We’ve always had that ability. We
just didn’t know how to use it. And if we ever learned
how to use it -- and were not ready for it -- we would cause
chaos and that was the big secret that the Navy eventually
found out.
Bill: Thank you. So, one of the things that I want to
pass on to my colleagues – first Dan and then David,
who’s to be talking about these, and closely connected
subjects, all tomorrow – is how powerful we are and what
opportunity we have to, in Bill Birnes’s words: to
manipulate reality around us.
Manipulate is like a strong word to use, but what
he’s talking about is creating reality. What reality
we want to create and what are the opportunities are before
us – this is what this conference is about.
So now we’ll take a break and we’ll be back here
at half-past three and then I’ll be talking for one more
hour, until half past four, and then we have a two-hour break
after that.
Bill: All right. Very good. Thank you. I’ve
got a couple of announcements here, just minor administrative
ones. One is just a reminder that in the little snack bar opposite
here, which is timed to be open during the breaks, there actually
is hot food there, if you need it or want it.
Another little plug here for the girls at the help desk: They
are more than happy to help you with any problems that you’ve
got, including finding a hotel, answering questions about how
to find out information and so on. Please use them.
And we have a couple of badges that we need to give to Heinrich
Schnorf, and somebody who prefers to be known only as Melvin.
Okay. So, just a reminder of the timing here: I’m going
to talk for an hour and then we have a break until six-thirty.
Then, at six-thirty, Dan and Marcie are going to come in and
we’re going to be having a conversational presentation.
I’m going to kind of be talking with them about their
I would love to know if Dan and Marcie are in the room. Are
they here? No. Okay. They’re still on Los Angeles time.
[laughter] Okay. So, in this next hour, I’m going to
continue to prepare the ground for the main presentations by
the other speakers.
Earlier I was talking about the testimony that Dan Burisch
has been ordered to report about, which is that the time-traveling
future humans were warning of a catastrophe ‘round about
now. I think I hadn’t quite finished off telling the
story of the significance of the Looking Glass devices.
One of the problems in telling these stories is that they
don’t go in a straight line. Everything you talk about
leads to at least two or three other subjects; therefore, it’s
very hard to explore all this ground in a kind of linear way.
The significance of the Looking Glasses which, if you remember,
I was explaining that they were back-engineered from Anunnaki
technology through the Sumerian cylinder seals and was part
of the creation of this huge tangle, which has got to do with
interlocking and overlapping timelines.
One of the things that Dan will talk about this evening is
how the Earth and the solar system are entering a region of
energetic space. And what happened in the future humans’ history,
was that the Looking Glasses amplified the energy from the
energetic space and this caused a pole shift.
In my personal opinion – and it is a personal opinion – one
of the reasons why… it’s almost like there has
evolved a modern mythology about the pole shift in 2012. The
stories and reports and rumors about this have been surfacing
all over the Internet and not all of this is because of what
Dan Burisch has said. It’s almost as if there’s
a kind of awareness that we all have - maybe unconsciously
- that there’s something ‘round about now that’s
really quite important.
Clif High from Half Past Human, who uses linguistic
patterns on the Internet to predict the future, says that he’s
able to use this linguistic analysis from the Internet because
all humans are psychic, at least to some degree, even if they
don’t know it.
A lot of people sort of know that there’s something
happening ‘round about now; a lot of people feel that
these are special times and maybe dangerous times. Sometimes
people write to us at Project Camelot to accuse us of being
depressing, and we’re forecasting doom, and we’re
telling everybody bad news. We’re not doing that; this
is not our intention.
If you want to travel to a particular destination using a
map, you have to know where you are, so that you can make the
journey. If you don’t know where you are and you try
and figure out a way to get to where you want to go to, you
might end up in the wrong place.
Any counselors and therapists here among you will know that,
if you’re trying to help somebody, the first thing to
do is to tell the truth about what’s really happening.
A counselor and a therapist helps the person face up to what’s
really happening, not because they’re trying to make
them depressed, but because they’re actually trying to
help them out of the situation. Sometimes that takes quite
a lot of courage, but it’s also the first step that’s
One of the things that we have been trying to do at Project
Camelot – now, I don’t think everything on our
site is correct, it can’t be, because some of our witnesses
contradict each other – but we think that most of it
is correct. What we are reporting on is that there are
numerous situations, which we need to be awake to and aware
of, in order to handle what’s coming.
One of the reasons for this… it’s not just so
that you can get your guns and your food and your gold and
then just go and hide somewhere, it’s not just about
that. That might not even be the smart thing to do, or the
best thing to do, but many of you really understand that there’s
more going on here, as we say in English, more going on than
meets the eye; more going on than we can see.
This is spiritual; it’s a spiritual game – and
when I use the word game, I’m not implying that
anything is trivial – but it’s a game in the sense
that, if we play it right, then we can ensure a good outcome.
And we may have opponents in this game. Something that’s
very clear to me -- and I know that it’s very clear to
many of you -- is that, really, this is a spiritual game.
I don’t really want to use the word spiritual war because
that’s a kind of contradiction; there’s nothing
spiritual about a war. One of the things that’s very
clear to me is that it’s about – how can I use
the words – it’s about resolving spiritual problems.
One of the reasons why a lot of us are here -- I would suggest
-- on this planet is because this is where a lot of the problems
are showing up; this is where a lot of the problems are visible.
There are certain things that people can do; some of you may
very well be active in this area, which is helping to resolve
things at a spiritual level. In order to resolve problems spiritually,
you’ve got to know what the problems are -- so one of
the things that Project Camelot has been doing is bringing
situations to the awareness of people who are able to operate
on a spiritual level to help resolve them.
So we’re actually operating on multiple levels here.
You can go and grab your guns and your food and your gold and
go and hide, if you want to, but that’s not actually
what we’re recommending. I’m just saying that as
a kind of joke, but I want to just use the next 45 minutes
to lay out some of the potential situations that we may have
in front of us.
Before I even start, I want to stress that most of these things
haven’t happened yet, and they may not happen at all.
One of the things that Henry Deacon told us when we first
met him, he said the problems are complex because everything
is happening at once; there’s a convergence of problems.
Some of the problems may be connected with Earth changes and
the region of space which the solar system is moving through.
One of the things that David Wilcock may talk about tomorrow – he’s
done a lot of research in this area – is how global warming
has got nothing to do, well, very little to do, with burning
fossil fuels. Everything in the solar system is heating up
as it moves into this region of space.
With this sort of energetic influence, it seems that there
also comes an opportunity. One of the things that David will
talk about is how the very same influences that may be causing
global warming are also assisting with the process of a change
in consciousness.
I’m saying assisting with the change in consciousness,
because I think that our own personal development has got something
to do with this as well, but the circumstances may be making
this more easy to happen; may be allowing it to happen. So
that’s a factor as well; the fact that, as we enter into
this region that may present dangers and threats, everyone’s
waking up at the same time.
One of the things here – this is something else that,
personally, I was alerted to by Henry Deacon – was the
influence of magnetic pole reversal, or changes in the Earth’s
magnetic field. Because, whether we’re aware of it or
not, as human beings, our nervous systems and our brains work
electrically and, although we can’t see it, we’re
sort of swimming around in this electromagnetic ocean all the
And human beings are very sensitive. If you start messing
around with the electromagnetics around a human being, then
their behavior and their emotions and their attitude is likely
to be affected as well.
So I wonder how many people in this room have noticed that
every now and then, there are people around them that seem
to be behaving irrationally, at least to some small degree;
maybe they’re becoming a little more unstable, sometimes;
maybe there are more disagreements, more quarrels; maybe some
people, who you thought were very, very level-headed, are making
some strange errors of judgment.
There’s a sort of instability, which is something that
Kerry Cassidy and myself started to notice about a year ago;
we just noticed a lot of anomalous events with peoples’ behavior.
We started thinking there’s something very strange
happening here; this is a pattern. And a lot of people
have been commenting on this all over the Internet, entirely
independently of anything we’ve been saying.
This is another factor to take into account, the fact that
people might not be responding to situations in the way that
they always used to, maybe not as predictably, maybe not as
On top of all of that, there is what David Wilcock refers
to as “Illuminati politics”, which is a phrase
that I love. What that refers to -- that beautiful, little
phrase -- it just refers to whatever the agenda of people who
consider themselves to be in control of planet Earth, or wanting
to be in control of planet Earth, what that agenda might be.
Ruth: That was complicated!
Bill: That was complicated?
Ruth: Yes!
Bill: Okay. Illuminati politics refers to the possible
agenda of the controllers of the planet, or the people who
might want to be the controllers of the planet.
One of the things that Henry Deacon alerted us to was a document
called the Report From Iron Mountain. Now, a lot of
people say that this is a fictional document, but Henry reports
how, in an intelligence briefing a number of years ago, he
was given this document, ordered to read it and then to report
back the next morning.
Henry maintains it is not a fictional document. But whether
it is or not, it certainly seems to be used as if its contents
were a good description of what’s happening.
One of the many things that the Report from Iron Mountain
talks about – this is a document that dates back to the
1960s – is that there are too many people in the planet.
There is an overpopulation problem, and it is possible to argue
that this is a real problem.
George Green talks about the Global 2000 Report,
which also talks about the need to reduce the world’s
population in order for the planet, basically, to survive.
Anyone whose seen, or seen photographs of, the Georgia
Guidestones in America, in Georgia, one of the things
that’s on the Georgia Guidestones is a very clear, plain
statement that the goal is to have five hundred million people
on the planet, which is something like a 90 to 95 percent reduction
of the number of people now.
There are a couple of things to notice here. One is that it’s
easy to believe that this intention could exist; it’s
easy to understand how they might want to do it. Anyone whose
ever been to Cairo or Lagos or Calcutta or Mexico City, there’s
a problem. It’s easy to understand why the controllers
of the planet might want to drastically reduce the world’s
population. But they haven’t done this yet, or if they’ve
tried to do it, then they haven’t succeeded.
One of the things that David might talk about tomorrow is
how – let me get the wording right – how human
beings are naturally resistant to viruses that are designed
to wipe them all out; it just isn’t going to happen quite
so easily. Now, that doesn’t mean that there might not
be plans to do this. Many of you will know that the outbreak
of Swine flu from Mexico earlier this year, it almost exactly
repeats the pattern of the 1918 Spanish flu.
What happened in 1918 was, ‘round about February, there
was a very mild form of flu that swept around the world. But
it was very mild, people recovered quickly; it was called the three-day
flu. A lot of people got flu for three days and then they
recovered, and then it was the summertime of 1918.
Then there was another wave that started ‘round about
October, I think it was, of that year and, by that time, there
was – it’s what virologists call a viral mass – there
was such a large quantity of this virus around in the population
that it enabled it to mutate.
Now, that’s something that hasn’t happened yet.
This morning I looked at an American web site; it’s called flu.gov.
Now, we’re not there yet, but there is evidence that
the governments are preparing people, either for a real outbreak
or for people to be frightened into thinking that
there’s a real outbreak, and to run for vaccinations
to help them. The problem might not be the flu; it might be
the vaccinations.
Now, I know that you guys have been following this kind of
stuff on the Internet and this not the purpose of this talk,
to go into that in detail; but, it describes the kind of thing
that they might be planning to do. It’s a very delicate
line to draw, because one of the ways that people are controlled
is through fear. So it’s very important not to be afraid
of this stuff and it’s also very important to know what’s
happening. So, once again, we have to be awake and aware of
all of this information.
Now, a couple of weeks ago, we had a very significant meeting
with Dr. Pete Peterson. We talked to him – and when I
say “we”, this is Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock
and myself -- we all met with this guy two weeks ago. And
we asked him about this problem, this situation, with the timelines
and the time-traveling future humans and the warning of a future
catastrophe -- and he didn’t know about any of that;
or he said he didn’t know about any of it.
But what he did say was - and he really was very animated
and urgent about this - he said that he was as sure as he personally
could be that there really were plans to bring America under
martial law.
Now, again, we have to draw a fine line here because I don’t
want to run the risk of trying to convince you all that this
is going to happen, which means that you’re more likely
to create it in your own future, but he told us that he was
as sure as he could be that there was going to be a collapse
of the financial system and a collapse of the infrastructure
within America towards the end of this year. The last information
we got off of him was that this was going to be ‘round
about the beginning of October.
Now, if we have any more information about this, and of course,
on Project Camelot, we’re going to make this available
to you; this is our duty to do that. And that really is all
we know about that.
But, when David talks tomorrow, he’s going to make a
good case for why we shouldn’t necessarily buy into this
kind of plan. One of the things that David wants to talk about
is that for years, there have been people saying: this
is going to happen and that’s going to happen and we’re
all in great danger -- and nothing ever really goes wrong.
I respect his view about that, but we still have a duty to
report what people are telling us.
One of the things that, here in Europe, we can be reasonably
confident of, is that, if we see something major starting to
happen in America, then it will probably affect us in Europe
very soon afterwards. If we can make it through to the end
of this year -- and not a lot has gone wrong -- then I think
that we really will be – as Dan Burisch likes to say,
he said, the last time and the only time that he’s been
on stage at a conference, in Laughlin, Nevada, last year --
he said there’s not going to be a catastrophe, there’s
going to be a Golden Age.
And this is where we go right back to what we were talking
about before, that there is the opportunity for us to create
the future that we want. Just because something is planned,
it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
Dan is going to tell us, this evening, about how he and the
people who he is working with and reporting to, are as sure
as they can be that, what is known as the timeline two
catastrophe, the time for that has passed and it has not
happened. We’ve already taken that fork in the freeway,
that fork in the autobahn, that’s going off in a better
Dan will tell us, this evening, how he discovered – or
felt he discovered and then checked out – that the actual
date of this catastrophe in the future humans’ history
was the 28th of March, in this year [2009]. And that day passed
and nothing happened.
Now, people who refuse to believe that story will say: Well,
of course, nothing happened because nothing was ever going
to happen. But what I invite you all to do is look at
the man who will be here on stage with me this evening and
assess for yourself whether he’s telling the truth.
So Dan, at the moment, is a very optimistic man. He feels
that everything is going in the right direction. Dan says that
the dollar is not going to crash. Now, that’s not just
his opinion; Dan is also very well connected with people who
know what’s going on and who know what the plans are.
One of the things that may be happening, when we get information
from different sources that don’t seem to all agree,
is that we may be hearing one plan from this direction, another
plan from that direction, and we don’t actually know
which one is going to be the one that rolls out.
David Wilcock has something to say in the back row here. David?
David: [inaudible]
Bill: Absolutely, yes.
Ruth: I didn’t get it.
Bill: David’s reminded me about something else
that Dr. Pete Peterson told us about the end of this year.
What Dr. Pete Peterson told us was that President Obama was
going to reveal the reality of extraterrestrial contact before
the end of this year. He said that he had been told this by
people who knew that the television time on the networks had
already been booked. The date he told us, if I remember it
right, was November the 27th.
What he also told us was that it was one of these ritualistically
significant dates, numerologically. He said that what Obama
was going to talk about was the reality of contact with six
different friendly ET races. When we asked him why he used
the word friendly, he said: Well, some of them
are unfriendly, but most of them are friendly.
One of the things that Pete Peterson told us -- and this is
a turn of phrase that I love to use -- is that, he said he
quit working for the U.S. government because he didn’t
like feeling that he had to have three baths a day to avoid
the feeling of being covered in excrement. Then we asked him
why he worked for the U.S. government at all, and he said that
a lot of his work had actually been motivated by the fact that
they needed help, because some of the ETs were not friendly.
Now, I don’t pretend to know all the complexities that
are involved here. It’s easy to imagine that, as I was
saying about an hour ago, that the American government and
the other governments, they’re literally in over their
heads. There’s so much going on that they really don’t
know how properly to handle this.
There’s a huge amount of evidence that the Americans
have been spending trillions of dollars building underground
bases ever since the end of the Second World War. This is an
almost unimaginably expensive, long-term construction project.
And we’re not even talking about the cost of the secret
space program.
One of the things that Pete Peterson told us was that the
Aurora has now been retired from active use – the Aurora
Spaceplane. It’s one of these planes that’s been
rumored to exist for a long time, but they’ve retired
it now. They’ve got better stuff than that. They have superluminal craft – meaning
craft that can travel faster than the speed of light.
We heard exactly the same story from our witness, Jake Simpson,
who we met in October, last year. Jake Simpson has confirmed
everything which I have said so far today.
Then, if we consider the cost of these programs, then we wonder
where all the money has gone. Let me just present that as a
possible answer to the question of where all the money has
What’s interesting about the underground bases scenario – and
the weekend before last, we talked to Pete Peterson -- he called
them underground cities. He says he’s been in
Bill Deagle also reports having been in these underground
Jake Simpson told us how there is an underground shuttle system
that actually connected North America to Australia, under the
Pacific Ocean.
Why would they do this? Why would they build these facilities?
Jake Simpson told us that it was standard defensive military
thinking, because they’ve been aware of a coming
problem ever since the Second World War, and that the military
thinking, basically, was that, if there are going to be big
problems on this planet, then they should dig in. This is what
the military do when they’re in a war situation; they
dig in. [laughter]
Jake Simpson told us some extraordinary information. He said
that this is a cyclical phenomena; it occurs in cycles, this
energetic space, which the Earth is going through. It’s
the same series of problems that was responsible for what nearly
a hundred cultures on this planet refer to as The Great
Flood, which wiped out Atlantis, which was reported by
the great historian, Plato, who never got anything wrong.
Jake Simpson told us that in some of these military installations,
when they had been excavating the bases, they had found the
existence of older bases that were not built by us.
We asked Dan Burisch about this story; he confirmed it. He
said: Yeah. He said: Not only can I confirm that
but I can tell you where it happened. He said: It
was in Norway.
Or was it – oh, God, I can’t remember – it
was either Norway or Sweden, forgive me. I’ll find out.
In fact, I think he said Scandinavia, which is why I can’t
remember. [laughter]
He said there was a really bizarre situation that had occurred
when a particular machine had been abandoned – because
this is sometimes what they do, they build these big tunnels
with these machines, and then they just leave them because
they can’t take them out again – and they went
to another location and then they found the same machine in
a different place but it wasn’t their machine. It was
an almost identical machine, but it was thousands of years
What Jake said, he said: Yes. He said: We probably
have handled this problem, but you’ve got to appreciate
that it’s military thinking to be “safe”.
It’s military thinkingto still have the insurance, even
though they think that we’re safe. So they haven’t
abandoned their bases; they’re still down there.
This is the kind of thing that Dan is going to be talking
about this evening; this is the subject. The essence of it
is that it’s a little bit like we’re in a movie,
and you imagine a long movie with a lot of action in it that’s,
maybe, three hours long. And we’re about half an hour
before the end when things are getting really exciting. We
don’t know how it’s going to end, but it’s
a great movie. It really couldn’t be more interesting.
We’re in this movie. To change the metaphor,
it’s like a virtual-reality game. This is a
spiritual game and this reality is a sort of illusion,
as the Buddhists would say, but it definitely feels real.
If we continue to talk about movies, we can talk about the
movie The Matrix, when this may all be an illusion,
in a sense, but it still feels very real and you can still
get hurt in it. So, though it’s a game, there’s
nothing trivial about it. If we have children and people that
we care about and, if we care about this beautiful planet,
then we have to take it seriously.
But the theme of this conference is that this is the kind
of virtual reality game that, by understanding that it’s
a virtual reality game, we have the chance to create the outcome
that we want. And have as much fun as possible while we’re
doing it.
So, this brings us right back – and here I’m going
to finish – to what George Green was saying in his little
booklet Messages For The Ground Crew. He was told
that it’s nearly too late. But the most important word
in that sentence is “nearly”. All the best movies
have something that’s “nearly” going to happen
and then it doesn’t happen.
I’m a mountaineer, and the best climbs I ever made were
the ones where I nearly fell, but I didn’t.
Those of you who have a loving relationship may know that some
of the best times are when your partner nearly left
you, but they didn’t. [laughter]
Because, after that, you’ve got an opportunity to figure
out how to make it all work out much better after that. So,
as a collective Ground Crew – and it’s not like
the Ground Crew of different countries, this is just the Swiss
Ground Crew and we say this as a bit of a joke – but
we’re all the Ground Crew. It’s possible fifteen
percent of the human race is a ground crew, really.
What we urge you to do – and when I say we, I’m
talking about the Swiss Ground Crew, and also speaking on behalf
of Kerry Cassidy and myself, in Project Camelot. Some people
write to us and they say: What can I do? What shall I do?
And we say: Do what you can. Do something. Just START doing
When Kerry Cassidy and I picked up this little consumer-grade
camcorder and started talking to anyone who was willing to
talk to us three years ago, we never imagined that the snowball
could have become this big.
If you dare to believe that things are possible, then anything
is possible. Your ability to make things happen is only limited
by what you believe. So do what you can. Talk to people. Collect
people together. Form groups and communities.
Keep people informed. Do everything you can do to wake people
up, to support them in a transitional process of becoming more
Awake and Aware, and to help them realize that there is a New
World - If They Can Take It.
Thank you.
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