Cassidy (KC): Hi, this is Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan
from Project Camelot. It's April 29th, a Wednesday, and we're
here with Dr. Bill Deagle.
We're very
happy to be talking to you Bill. We are trying to get an
update on what’s going on with the virus. I
don’t know if it’s really officially a pandemic.
Maybe you can explain that to us; when something becomes a
pandemic versus just some kind of virus going around.
Bill Deagle
(BD): Yes, If you actually stick to the
six phases of the World Health Organization Categorization,
it’s actually in Phase Five of a pandemic right now.
Phase Six is the out-of-control, top level of it. And that’s
by definition. It means it’s rapidly spreading to other
continents, it’s having close-to-close human-to-human
contact and it is causing deaths. Now there’s probably
more than one strain circulating.
One of the concerns that I have is that this virus... I agree
with Dr. Len Horowitz (I just saw his video
clip today). All the evidence indicates that it was
a CDC World Health Organization virus. They were working with
a company called Novavax, but there's actually six companies
making these vaccines, including Sanofi Pasteur, that has 382
million doses of a dual RNA biphasic vaccine.
vaccine where they’ve given the first phase,
as long ago as three or four months ago, to our troops. And
they’ve already announced earlier this year that they
are going to give it to all the county sheriffs and their families.
And the second phase, when they “have an antigenically
more accurate second phase vaccine.”
KC: I’m sorry, I’m
not understanding you. Are you saying that this virus is
part of something that has been given to our troops as a
BD: Well,
no. It’s a separate thing. The one given
to our troops is a first phase, called an RNA vaccine, by Sanofi
Pasteur. What Dr. Horowitz is showing in his video clip (which
you may want to talk to him) -- and I agree it’s the
CDC World Health Organization -- there’s direct complicity
with them and British recombinant viral biologists that’ve
actually worked on this project, and he has all the connecting
It fits in with the documentation which I received from scientists
and doctors in March of 1997 that was smuggled out of the Basel
Headquarters of the World Health Organization. They were going
to resurrect with gene fragments the 1918 swine human flu recombinant,
and then convert it with some Avian genes, put it into Asia
and then later release a bridge virus, which is what this virus
There are
two strains in Mexico City. One that’s making
people very sick and the other one that’s actually killing
people. So, we won’t know for a couple of weeks, but
if it starts to show selective deaths of only Hispanic people
in America, then we know -- like AIDS, which is 16 times
more likely to kill blacks than to kill whites -- that it
is a race specific bioweapon.
There are
six companies producing vaccine for the World Health Organization
and the international community. Pfizer Pharmaceutical, Sanofi
Pasteur, Baxter Laboratories that actually had this accident
in 18 different labs in four countries, and shut down the
biotest lab in the Czech Republic. Their phone is off the
hook. Nobody’s answering the phone. We’ve been
having our people -- Alexander Jones, an NIH whistleblower -- calling
them daily and they are now not only not returning
calls, either Baxter or Biotest in the Czech Republic, their
phone is disconnected.
But the
Sanofi was the one where the U.S. government contracted for
382 million plus doses of this binary vaccine. Their branch
plant in Beijing shipped it four-and-a-half to five months
ago, and it is now shipped to major military U.S. bases. They’ve
already been administering it for the past four months to our
troops; the first phase of this binary vaccine. And they say
the second phase will be “antigenically more accurate” for
the “Avian Flu.” It’s an Avian flu vaccine.
Research about it...
KC: But you can’t
vaccinate against it; is my understanding.
BD: Right, but what they’re doing is they’re saying they’re
doing it. And they’ve given an RNA vaccine they say will prime them
so they will have an immune response within a week rather than
two to three weeks.
This latest
thing that Novavax is working on is a similar virus in which
they actually recombined the H1N1 swine flu from 1918, that was
resurrected by Dr. Taugenberger -- [ed.
note: Dr.
Jeffery Taugenberger] -- at the CDC, with the
H5N1 lethal strains and human viruses, and they actually created
vaccines which they were playing around with. Novavax, and
what Dr. Horowitz has stated and it’s probably correct,
is that this company’s virus is virtually identical to
the one which has been released in Mexico City.
So they
probably sprayed it over Mexico City because when you have
a weakened population with a lot of biotoxins in the environment
it makes it easier for them to become ill. So, yeah, this
is absolutely manmade. I don’t call it a swine
flu because it’s not. With swine flu 20 percent of all
veterinarians in Ohio, according to research, are positive
for antibodies to swine virus and they don’t get sick
or die.
KC: I’m sorry, I really have to get back to the
troops. What is it they’re giving our troops and what
is going to be the result of what they’re giving our
BD: What they’re doing is inserting what’s
called H5N1 RNA. In other words, they’re inserting some
RNA which actually stays in their body and modifies the genetics
of the troops so that their immune systems will respond more
quickly when they give them the second phase of this vaccine
that is called a binary or second phase vaccine.
KC: When
you say: their immune systems will respond
more quickly, you’re saying that...
BD: That’s their theory. That’s what they’re
KC: ...in
theory, they will fight off the disease faster?
BD: That’s
what they are saying.
KC: Because
there is no real reason, in my mind, why they would want
our troops to die of a virus.
BD: Well,
I would think that there is actually a very good reason they
would want our troops to die.
KC: Okay. Other than in battle? Because this is what they
use them for.
BD: No. They want our troops to die so they can bring
in foreign troops on American soil because they will shoot
at American citizens and disarm them. American troops won’t.
That’s already been established. So they want our troops
sick and they want our troops dead.
KC: Okay, that’s
quite a statement.
BD: Yeah, it is. It’s true. I have that from inside
sources, too, and they’re very concerned inside the military.
The county sheriffs were announced -- we had whistleblowers
from several states including Arizona and Arkansas, and other
states that we had -- that they were... Also, the Department
of Homeland Security, as well as the state health departments
in states across the United States, have been planning to vaccine
all the county sheriffs and their families with the same vaccine.
But, as far as I know, I haven’t had my whistleblowers
tell me they’ve actually done it yet.
KC: Okay. Again, why would they vaccinate? If you say
the vaccine is actually preparing them... I’m getting
the impression that you’re telling us that it’s
preparing them for the next wave of this virus.
BD: Well, the one that they‘re...
KC: It’s
not going to protect them; it is going to kill them. So again,
why would they want to kill...
BD: We don’t
know. All we know is, number one: it may give them a false
sense of protection, at the very least.
two: this is totally experimental. There’s no
research to show that you can make a binary vaccine and you
can prime someone with this RNA so that when they get a second
phase that’s antigenically correct... The thing is, the
virus is going to come up with multiple sub-strains, and it’s
extremely unlikely that they can create one quick enough. The
fastest you can use it, if you use cell culture, is probably
60 days minimum. If you use cell culture and egg membrane,
you can use 6 months, at least.
And the
virus changes so quickly that it wouldn’t be
genetically correct, and number two, I don’t believe
the vaccines work anyway. In fact, the research has shown that
whose who received the vaccine to the swine virus in 1918 were
the ones that died. They depress Sermion [sp?] systems; they
increase the risk of new recombinants forming.
Like they
were giving the swine vaccine in Mexico City until the weekend
when the WHO finally reported -- after me and
many others were saying they shouldn’t be vaccinating -- they
actually discontinued the program. But that would actually
insert new DNA, new viral material so you could actually form
recombinants, or new viruses, that would swap DNA and create
new viral strains that could be more lethal and spread more
In Mexico City and other areas, and by the way this is spreading
very rapidly. It is almost certain there's a strain that causes
a bad flu and there is a strain that causes a bad flu that
kills. It causes a cytokine
KC: But
my understanding is that people in the U.S. are not dying
from this.
BD: Right.
My guess is the strain that got into the U.S. is a very bad
flu but it is not the strain yet.
But the fact is... Here’s what happened: in H5N1 -- and
I had the documents 12 years ago -- the primary reason,
the number one reason when I started radio broadcasting fulltime
four years ago plus was to warn people of this because I had
the documents; I was given the information to warn people that
this is coming.
This is
one of the primary vehicles that the globalists want to use
to quell any resistance to the new financial order that’s
coming; to quell resistance to revolution in Mexico and the
United States when the economy collapses and they switch to
a new financial order worldwide.
They are
bringing in a Hate Crimes Bill today: HR1913. This is the
29th, which is to be voted on, and it is the most noxious
hate-crime bill which will affect everyone of every group,
either skin color, or religion or lack of religion or whatever.
It’ll affect everybody. This will allow them to have
totalitarian control and selective prosecution of anyone who
speaks of against any issue that they don’t like you
to talk about.
Bill Ryan
(BR): Hello, Dr. Bill, it is good to be talking
to you.
BD: Yeah,
it is good to talk to you again, Bill.
BR: You’re in the excellent position to understand
the controller’s thinking. If you were one of their strategists,
what do you think their strategic plan is, of which this may
be a very early stage.
BD: What
they have done is release a bridge virus.
[he spells] b-r-i-d-g-e. This bridges and spreads
very quickly between humans. The earlier strain that’s
in the United States is a bad flu but it isn’t lethal.
The second strain which is in Mexico City is killing people
at a relatively rapid rate; we’re going to guess somewhere
at around eight to ten percent case fatality rate, which is
pretty high, to go four times higher than the 1918 swine flu
pandemic, which is a swine-human recombinant.
I went over the DNA letters 3 years ago with Henry L. Niman,
head of Recombinomics,
that has more patents than any other Ph.D. virologist in history
on recombination, which is how viruses change; they swap DNA.
I think they have already pulled the trigger. The hammer has
fallen and it will come in waves that could occur over months,
or years, or even more than a decade.
So if we
get over this, as Napolitano has stated as the Head of Homeland
Security, former governor of Arizona, we are almost certainly
looking at a wave. Whether it’s six weeks or
three months or six months, that is going to have a much higher
case fatality rate and it’s shown already that they’re
doing nothing and plan to do nothing to stop the virus from
Now they
could do things like having an antiviral hepa filter in every
aircraft, tracking every person that flies or crosses a border
for at least ten to twelve days; making sure they don’t
have symptoms, tracking all their contacts. They could give
everybody antipathogenics, actually build their immune system
like Super Silver or NutriDine and the element allicin,
which if you just take a little bit of it, it prevents you
from getting a primary infection.
They could
issue true nanoparticle masks -- and the best
is the Nano Mask -- or a NIOSH N100 mask, and if you are
in an area you probably also need an eye shield because you
can get it sprayed in your eyes. If you use natural good hygiene
practices, really, you could stop this cold.
The fact
is the government is doing nothing to stop it. They are not
doing anything to stop commerce or truckers coming in from
Mexico or airline flights. They are not doing anything to
track anybody. I brought these issues up in 2002 with the
FBI and the CDC director for bioterrorism, along with Dr. Jay
Reddington, Infectious Disease Director at the University of
Colorado, because I was the point man under Dr. John Hughes
of Rocky Mountain OccMed. We worked on Operation TOPOFF and
Dark Winter in the late ’90s doing bioweapons war simulations.
The fact
is the government is doing everything to make sure that if
this does acquire new genetics and new sub-strains emergent
that enter the United States and other countries, they’re going to declare martial law. They have now -- and
I have this from my military contacts, trained over 50,000
returning U.S. troops -- there are special crack troops
now upgraded to handle, in these new Chem-Bio suits, the administration
of drugs and/or vaccines at gunpoint. And also civil detention
camps are now being set up as quarantine camps all across the
United States.
As of two weeks ago they had 50,000 already trained and ready
to roll. This is before this, what I call the lab flu,
North American lab flu. I’m not going to call this swine
flu because there are genes from the Avian flu; the new Avian
flu. It has genes from Swine, from Human and Asian flu; genes
from three continents, so this is not... It’s coming
from the wrong place; it always emerges from Asia.
So this
is a laboratory flu that almost certainly was released in
Mexico City on purpose. The virus is basically going to acquire
new genetics. It also grows well in birds and animals, like
pigs and probably cattle. It’s going to allow the
jumping of those Avian genes, H5N1, that are killing millions
of birds on every continent.
I have
reports from game wardens in British Columbia, Washington
state and Oregon, and other places across the US and Canada
that millions of birds are dying; like the Shearwater Gulls
are dying. The Canadian geese are returning and their chicks
are dying of this strange virus, which we are pretty certain
is the H5N1 Avian flu, so there is already a pandemic among
birds. But until a few months ago it couldn’t grow in
less than 106 degrees [Fahrenheit] because of the PB2 gene.
Well, in the wild, we discovered that the PB2 gene change
is present in some places in Asia. But the PB2 gene change
is already in the H1N1 virus. This new lab virus has that PB2
that allows it to grow in human nasal mucous areas, and it
also has a full receptor binding domain so that it can attach
to human cells very efficiently. And if it acquires the H gene,
which is the 6 polybasic amino acids, it can grow on brain
and other tissues.
The other
changes, including the deletion on the NS1, is going to allow
it to completely bypass the immune system. So it’s
going to be able to transfer the lethality from the H5N1, that
is already killing millions of birds, into humans and possibly
other animals, etcetera.
So that’s
going to come in waves. It could occur over a period of two
months or even one wave after another. In 1918 the first
wave was relatively mild flu that killed very few people.
It was more like a serious typical flu. And
when it came back in the late summer and early fall -- the
second wave -- it started killing people very, very seriously
with a case fatality rate between two-and-a-half to five percent.
We don’t
have all the statistics in now but we are guessing that the
current case fatality for the more lethal strain in Mexico
is probably around ten percent, which is pretty high. My
guess is that, as it acquires new genes, that case fatality
rate will rise up toward 20 to 30 percent.
The biggest
danger is that, because of fear, transportation, travel,
and infrastructure -- including distribution of
food and goods -- will stop or shut down significantly.
That’s where the government will declare martial law
and close the borders, and try to control transportation, so
food and other materials are still being shipped to the big
cities. Otherwise, the chaos will actually cause more problems.
In fact, we did a computer simulation in Denver back in the ’90s
and we estimated if there was a total shutdown of infrastructure
caused by the fear of a pandemic it would kill more
people than the actual virus.
BR: In
a sense, Dr. Bill, it doesn’t
really matter what the lethality is, or even if there really
is an outbreak at all, if enough people believe there is
and the media is used in the way that we know that it can
be used.
BD: Yes.
BR: Actually, that’s
all they need to do.
KC: Then what we’re
talking about here is people actually staying in observer
mode and taking a step back. What I understand is: normal
flu kills 30,000 to 50,000 people a year in the United States.
BD: That statistic is actually one that they always
throw out and it is actually based on an estimate. It’s
not a real number and it is not based on actual facts. The
flu itself, basically, unless you’re in a debilitated
state, usually doesn’t cause a problem. The difference
with the 1918 flu is that it strikes the young and healthy
because it bypasses the body’s immune system until it
overwhelms the body. You can incubate it for 8 days and people
don’t even know. You’re not even sneezing or coughing,
but you’re touching your face or other body parts and
passing it to other people. [Then you can] spike a fever and
have a seizure and in 45 minutes be dead.
KC: Okay, I understand this. You’re
a doctor, Dr. Bill. If we could talk about how they can prevent
BD: Well the first thing they need to think of is, number
one, this is just a bug. Like any bug. In fact, it’s
probably no more transmissible than the regular flu. The First
Line Of Defense Kit I put together has the Nutridefense
which blocks the virus that attaches to the cells with a special
magnesium salt of ECGC catagens, and it has monolauren that
blocks viruses so that they cannot replicate.
The Nutrimmune
boosts the natural killer cells to fight all pathogens. It
has the Defense Wipes. It has monolauren and lauric acid
and nisin to shift all viruses and all bacterial cell walls,
but it is totally biodegradable so it won’t
destroy the environment. And we have the NanoMasks; and we
have a good supply of those at the moment although it is going
The reason
I mention this is that people can try to get other things.
If they can’t get this, they want to get at least
a NIOSH N100 mask. If they use things that are antibacterial
off the shelf of, say Wal-Mart, they’re not going to
work because they are not anti-viral. They’re antibacterials
and they are fairly mild, like Purell Soap.
You want
to prevent a primary infection so something as simple as
our silver salt, called Super Silver, is the only one with
a U.S. patent. The government and homeland security, for the
past four years, have been buying literally container loads
of this. And the reason is they know this works because we
have tested it in labs in Brazil and overseas, and in the United
States. It will kill a high pathogen like Avian flu. We’ve
done actual tests in lab animals.
We know it will prevent primary infection, so as simple as
a teaspoon three times a day of the Super Silver will do that.
It is the same with our medical grade allicin and our very
unique NutriDine. Other things people take, like they say: Well
I’m going to take Oregano, or I’m going to... Those
will help a little but there is no evidence that they are anywhere
near in the class of the things that we’re talking about.
You do
not want to get a primary infection. If you get a primary
infection with these organisms it’s very, very dangerous
because it is one of the higher pathogenic strains. There is
no warning before you are going to hit a crisis, say a week
or ten days after you get infected.
KC: Okay,
my understanding is that colloidal silver is not the same
thing as the type of silver you are supposed to be using.
BC: Well,
colloidal... Yeah, this is a hundred times stronger. Colloidal
silver is a large particle and different sized particles.
The Super Silver is a silver salt so
it doesn’t bio-accumulate in the body. It is a uniform
particle size which is tuned to a scalar frequency like Tesla
to 910 terahertz, so it shatters the bonds of all pathogens.
It has a tetra silver oxygen wrap on the molecule so that it
actually creates a scalar signal. It has a capacity to penetrate
through biofilms so it can kill at a distance. It doesn’t
even need to get in direct contact with the pathogens.
So it’s very unique. It has three patents on the technology
that no other silver, including OxySilver, Mild Silver Protein,
any other silver in the world. Now I had Dr. Gordon Peterson
on, he’s work with the Homeland Security on a program
called AeroClave, and they haven’t... I haven’t
talked to him in about a month and a half.
I don’t
know if they signed a contract but he has actually worked
with Homeland Security. AeroClave will clear any international
aircraft, like a Boeing 767, in 45 seconds of all pathogens,
resistant TB, viruses, bacteria, by putting an aerosol into
the aircraft and quickly vacuuming it out of the aircraft.
It will kill all pathogens in 45 seconds.
KC: Okay,
do they use it?
BD: They can’t. I don’t
know if they have. He has already done presentations with
them. An independent company that he worked with developed
it for the airline industry and the government. This is the
only silver that has been tested to do this. No other one.
The government has the information; they have the research
and we have the tests.
Now if
people were to get one thing that’s compact and
easy to carry, the one I would recommend is our NutriDine which
is diatomic. It’s very unique. It is a formula that was
conceived and prophesied by Edgar Cayce.
So we have
the NutriDine. It will quell all known pathogens. We have
a clinic in India that is using this for the Untouchables
that can’t get any healthcare there, and we’re
using it to put AIDS into remission and to treat topical and
internal cancers. It’ll kill all known pathogens and
parasites. The NutriDine is so powerful that as little as ten
drops, three times a day, will kill all known pathogens; taken
KC: Are
you familiar with MMS? [ed. note: Miracle
Mineral Supplement]
BD: MMS is a chlorine dioxide and it has been used for
many years to kill pathogens. The problem is: any chlorinated
molecule will attach to amide groups of amino acids so as well
as an antipathogenic it also displaces iodine from the mitochondria
so can cause problems with toxicity, so I wouldn’t recommend
It will
clear pathogens, just like antibiotics will. I think it's
a very good antipathogenic but it has toxicity because it’s going to attach to... it’s
going to release chlorine. Chlorine will attach to amide
groups of amino acids and other molecules. It will form chloramines and
therefore I believe it has toxicity. There is no need for that.
The only safe halide is iodine in the body. Any other halide,
which includes fluoride, bromide or chloride, or chlorine molecules,
have toxicity.
had the pleasure of meeting personally with Jim
Humble a few months ago, and he’s the first
to admit that he’s not a microbiologist or a medical
doctor. If one was pretty seriously sick, MMS might not
be a bad option.
BD: If you can only mix this together and that is the
only thing you have, absolutely, use it. For example, I am
shipping at my own expense to some of these other companies,
to our missionaries overseas, case lots of NutriDine. I’m
doing that at my own expense so that they have it. They already
have cases. We’re able to cure intracerebral malaria,
parasites, worms; we kill everything.
It sterilizes
the water. So I would say, yeah, if you have no choice, by
all means use MMS, but if you do have a choice... because
if you do it for any length of time, you’re likely
to accumulate biotoxins. You know, obviously if you have a
choice between life and death use your MMS, but if you have
alternatives, you would be best to get the NutriDine first,
and then the Super Silver or Allimed Allicin.
Allicin is a medical drug administered by doctors in Europe
but I have access to sell it here in North America without
a prescription. This will kill all pathogens. It’ll
kill Lyme disease, viruses, bacteria. We have proof that we
can even give it to someone that’s on intravenous antibiotics
that’s in the ICU [Intensive Care Unit] and it will save
their life. We do that all the time, everyday. That’s
the way I would approach it is that yes, it will save lives
but it’s toxic.
very clear, Bill, thank you very much for that.
BD: You’re
BR: I think a lot of people wouldn’t disagree
with you, and I think that it’s one of these things that’s
good for the occasional emergency, but prolonged use probably
is not the ideal...
BD: Oh yeah. People who take it daily, as a preventive
or for a period of months or years, are going to get problems.
But it’s the same thing as people drinking water that’s
heavily chlorinated or with fluoride. You accumulate fluoride, and
it calcifies the choroid plexus and the ventricles and the
pineal gland, and it literally shuts down the third eye and
astral eye so you can’t see torsional vortex images,
and you can’t see transdimensionally.
So in terms of the spirit, it actually cuts off what is called
the Cord of Living Waters so all halides, other than iodine,
block and attack that part of the brain. It attacks the connection
of the pineal gland in the sense of the Cord of Living Waters
and the higher dimensional reality of what we are.
is toxic. It’s one of the reasons why they
push chlorination of water, and fluoridation... [it’s]
why they want to push Sulfuryl fluoride. Which, by the way,
isn’t only even more toxic but it’s 17,000 times
more of a heat reflective when it gets in the upper atmosphere
(and it doesn’t degrade) than even carbon dioxide or
BR: My
only question now really is: what do you expect to see this
summer in North America?
BD: Well,
to be honest with you, we could stop this pretty quickly
if we decided to take decisive action. If, for example, and
I put this list together and we had a number of conferences
with the military and other people in the last few weeks
through Plains Radio. Carmen Reynolds is a Colonel in the
The issue
is this: If we decided to close the borders immediately;
if we decided to screen everybody with a swab to determine
if they carry a virus, and track them if they show positive
for an Influenza A virus -- which you can do a simple screening
test -- you may not get a subtype but you’ll see if
they are a carrier of the virus. If we were then to make certain
that, in areas where there are outbreaks like in Mexico City,
we would fly in large heavy-lift aircraft with existing...
Not drugs.
We are not talking about TAMIFLU. TAMIFLU contains hallucinations,
which will hallucinate you, and in some cases some people
are so sensitive they actually... It’s like
taking PCP or Angel dust. It is a very, very serious bad trip.
You don’t want people walking around that are, say military
service people, with body flak jackets on and Scott Air Packs
under stress taking TAMIFLU and hallucinating.
When you
give these drugs like TAMIFLU; already H1N1 worldwide is
resistant to it. Amantadine, Ramitidine, and TAMIFLU. These
current strains they are saying are sensitive to it, but in
within four days of exposing a population to a continuous virus,
you’ll start seeing resistance show up. So in other words,
if you use it now, you don’t have something to use on
someone who’s dying from a very serious infection. They
have got a resistant strain in their body because two weeks
or two months ago you gave that population TAMIFLU.
What they should be giving are NutriDine, Super Silver or
Allicin. If they simply gave, for example, the average person...
if they took one of our products that is called Better
Than Greens with Allicin. If they simply took 180 mg of
allicin, three times a day, they would probably not get a primary
We have
already done a study with ferrets and other animals in Brazil
with high pathogenic Avian flu, and we transferred the weight
on this -- and this is actual studies done last
year -- that one teaspoon of our Super Silver silver salt
for an average 70 kg adult will prevent a primary infection.
We know the same thing with our troops with our NutriDefense.
I put in the NutriDefense something so that if they are exposed
to anthrax or spores that you cut out 98 percent chance of
the possibility of infection by just taking one NutriDefense
per day. 98 percent.
So there’s extremely simple things like personal hygiene,
travel... If every aircraft had a hepa viral filter; if they
cleared every aircraft with the AeroClave system which already
exists. There is a company where it’s available right
now. The airlines could gear up literally today to put it in
place. This would die out in a matter of a week or two and
the panic would be over.
If we would fly into countries where there are outbreaks,
like Mexico City, and give these antipathogenics and start
making sure all airliners in different countries use these
technologies, the problem would die out in a month or so. And
we would have some deaths, but we would have it under control.
What I’m concerned about is I think their agenda is
they want to have enough crisis as a cover for the new financial
system which they’re setting up. Because already there’s
a contraction of the world economy and 40 percent of the world’s
wealth has disappeared. That disappearance is also [inaudible]
by the collapsing...
And this
is stated -- and I had Joan Veon on my show just
a few days ago -- that the world financial
experts at the Bank for International Settlements that just
met in Europe is that the current world economy can only support
5 billion people but there are 6.5 billion plus people on the
Earth, which means 1.5 billion are “excess population” based
on the finances of our current world economy. They’ve
created this crisis so that people cannot, with a day’s
work, get a day’s food. So third world countries now,
with the financial famine; they’re compounding it because
there’s climate shift and that climate shift is going
to get considerably worse.
And this
is something I want to say prophetically: Starting this next
month, May and going through to July–August,
there’s going to be a shift in under-oceanic currents
in the Southern hemisphere. The first warning was the explosion
of Tonga that came through the ocean surface with a 7.9 earthquake
several weeks ago.
What’s going to happen is under-oceanic
volcanism is going to change the climate, increase rainfall
dramatically in some areas, in other areas there will be
major floods and in other areas there will be increased and
more serious drought. This, by just climate shift, will cause
more food shortages. Crops will be flooded out because of
the change in world air currents. A normal climate will be
out the window.
So when
you combine that with a pandemic... And the Baltic Dry Index
now for shipment of manufactured goods as well as food is
at its lowest since the second world war. We have a situation
where they’re purposely compounding it and
there could be a very simple solution. So we need to get these
solutions through to The Powers That Be to say: this could
be stopped tomorrow.
We could
solve the world’s financial problems by correcting
and making the Glass-Steagall Act. Like, for example, the country
of Canada was much more responsible. They didn’t allow
the banking industry to turn it into a casino. We could make
sure that we bring food into the third world countries because
when you have starvation it increases the weakened immune system
to make viruses more aggressive. So if this virus gets into
a population that is starving, it’s going to be transformed
into a more aggressive deadly virus for us as well.
And we
need to stabilize the world banking system without taking
away the sovereignty of nations or transferring power to
a bunch of international bankers that are not elected. So
everything we’re doing right now is actually leading
us toward more chaos rather than order and it could be stopped
tomorrow, including stopping this from turning into a true
worldwide pandemic where millions or even billions could die,
stabilizing our financial situation, and then dealing with
the food supply by starting to gear-up food production and
supporting it so that there is no farmers or businesses going
out of business.
And we
have the proper stabilization of our economy so the bubble
economy, the illegal debt instruments that they have been
circulating, we don’t poor trillions more into the
banks that are doing this. We put them into the debt restructuring
as Lyndon LaRouche has said, and we get rid of these debt instruments.
We put a moratorium on foreclosures of businesses and homes,
we stabilize the food supplies of the third world so that they
are not priced out of the staples that keep them alive, and
we maintain control of international travel so that we don’t
allow this pandemic to shut down the world economy. The chances
that it could shut it down, if we have a major high pathogenic
death rate, is incredibly likely by this fall if we don’t
do these measures now.
KC: Dr. Bill, thank you for that; that’s
quite an overview. I have a couple of questions I want to
ask you and we can discuss whether or not you want to go
off the record with the answers or not.
BD: Sure.
KC: First of all, I’ve
had some conversations with Cliff High, you know who he is?
BD: Yes, Cliff High. I think he is with the Web-Bot
[project] or with Half Past Human. That’s Half Past Human,
isn’t it?
KC: Yes,
Half Past Human.
BD: Yes.
KC: And,
he has said... You know, he actually has quite a bit of animosity
toward you, and he has said that he thinks that you get a
lot of your information from him.
BD: No, I don’t.
KC: And
I find that hard to believe myself, but I wanted to give
you a chance to respond to that here if you want.
only had one conversation with Cliff and I talked to him
once; called him and just: Hey, I’ve heard
you on Jeff Rense’s program. You said some pretty remarkable
things that match up with what I say. And I want to share
with him not only my first hand information, like this information
I had from the World Health Organization and other sources
that are, if you want to call it “classified” or
the fact that I work with the government, and also the intuitive
side. And he was a little upset about that. He said: I
don’t want to talk to you about it. And I said: Okay,
that’s fine.
And that’s my only conversation; he seemed very upset
about that. And, I don’t subscribe to Half Past Human.
The only information I’ve had is the occasional time
I’ve been able to listen to him on Coast-to-Coast radio
or Jeff Rense. That’s it. So, if there’s something...
KC: Okay,
well he has told us that actually you had a doctor or somebody
giving you that information.
BD: No, I don’t.
KC: Okay.
BD: No I don’t.
KC: It’s
very strange that when he...
BD: Now,
why would he say that?
KC: I don’t know. I actually don’t
BD: Why would he say that? That’s kind of strange.
Here’s the fact, okay? What he’s doing basically
is mining information from the global subconscious. In a sense
what he’s doing is; it’s in a sense, almost like
a... the best way to describe it would be a syntactical and
emotive language global subconscious Ouija board. I guess that
would be the best way. And he can pull up some information.
There’s a bow shockwave of reality that bounces back
toward the consciousness so that, in a subconscious way, people
know. For example, people have precognition that there may
be an accident or a relative that is sick or dying. So he’s
just pulling that information out. There’s many intuitives,
whether it’s people like my friend John Boncore, who
is a Mohawk prophet.
There’s people in all kinds of intuitives and psychics,
and people that use remote viewing that can see events coming.
But as I tell people, they’re not solids; they’re
liquids. They’re not yet frozen. There’s a degree
of choice and timeline which is why I’m doing this presentation
right now.
We, as a global consciousness, get to choose which of those
timelines. And my job is to act like the guy at the side of
the road where there is a branch in the road and there are
no road signs. So you ask the guide at the side of the road: Which
road should I go down with my little cart?
And I’ll
say: Well, you don’t want to go down
this road here because it leads into the bottom of a valley
where there’s a jungle and there’s alligators
and wild animals. But over here, ten miles down the road,
there’s a community of nice people. They’ll feed
you, they’ll will give you good shelter, etcetera.
That’s what my job is to do. Now, so when I contacted
him I’m not sure why he got so upset about this. It completely
boggled me because I thought: Well, this is really good. We’re
having people from various different... how can I say, mining
the information whether they are psychics or intuitives, or
they are doing something like this, which is looking for a
language that’s embedded into the internet and using
these web-bots to be able to go search for it. So, I thought
it was a good thing. I was really surprised at his response.
KC: He
believes you are an agent.
BD: An
agent of what?
KC: That
you work for the government?
BD: Oh, come on! That’s
so ridiculous.
KC: Okay. Now, you’ve
worked for the government in the past though?
BD: No,
I was a civilian doctor. I was an occupational doctor.
KC: But
in black projects?
BD: No-no. Let me explain here. Yeah, right. Those kind
of accusations you hear all the time. It’s ridiculous.
Do they realize the danger -- the physical danger, the career
danger -- that I’ve gone through in order to tell
people the truth? They have no idea. I’m like a William
Wallace, okay?
When I
worked in occupational medicine back in the early ’80s,
they made a decision in the government that they no longer
wanted to have a lot of jobs done by people inside the military.
Because they either didn’t have the expertise, they wanted
to hire a company and if they weren’t satisfied with
the work that was done by that company (i.e., medical or contract
for specific things), so they started contracting out; especially
during the era of Bill Clinton.
So what they did, is they contracted for me. And my first
major job for C-Com: to contract C-Com to handle Fort Carson,
NORAD, Falcon Air Force Base, U.S. Space Strategic Command,
the GPS Military-Grade system, and Directed Energy Weapons.
The reason why I was their doctor was simply because I was
their doctor. I took care of people that worked in these things;
worked around these toxic things, worked around rocket labs,
and I was their physician. They were not permitted, most of
these people, to even talk to their colleagues who were in
the next room, let alone the next building. But they would
talk to their doctor.
And the
only difference was with me, is that because I have a technical
background in nuclear physics, advanced computing, electronics,
biotechnology; they would share with me. And after a while,
because I’m a talker, they were more interested
in what I would have to say about the bigger picture about
what was going on at their facility, and they were more interested
in telling me their little piece -- that’s very, very
compartmentalized -- than what I would tell them.
KC: Yes,
I've heard you say that.
BD: So that’s
the reason why I have...
KC: I understand that, but I’m just trying to
run these things by you so that you understand what you’re
up against out there. There seems to be...
BD: I have people who have written books as long as
ten years ago when I spoke at the Prophecy Club, that literally -- I
can’t believe this -- but literally have written a
book that I’m the antichrist. I mean, how foolish! [Kerry
laughs] I mean, every day I put my personal life, my career,
everything on the line to be the whistleblower for...
In fact, I just did an audio for tenth anniversary of Columbine.
I was the examiner for the Englewood Fire Department and the
first young man shot in Columbine outside the restaurant there,
Mark Taylor. I was the exit examiner for the 5
Special Op Team of the Oklahoma City Memorial Building.
I have been trying to do radial toxicology testing on the World
Trade Center debris, and I’m writing the position paper
which I’m going to present at We Are Change, New York
City, on the eighth anniversary of 9/11.
been told by my radial toxicology colleagues, because I have
advanced training in radial chemistry, that if I order the
tests the Department of Defense and the FBI will arrest me
immediately for requesting the tests of debris which I have
from the World Trade Center. Further proving that they not
only used Thermate and other high explosives, but they used
nuclear bombs in the buildings, okay?
KC: Okay,
you know...
BD: People
need to realize that I am a whistleblower
central. That’s why my Genesis [Communication
Network radio show]... The number one reason, number
one, that I did this is: twelve years ago, when I spoke
at Human Life International in Zurich on the super-soldier
program, which they tried to recruit me to in 1978 at UCLA
VA/Wadsworth Hospital and I turned them down, is because
I have the documents and the proof that they were trying
to create a pandemic flu to bring the world, and literally
we are going to enter the new world order with a mask. This
is their plan. I had the documents 12 years ago.
So four
years ago when I started my show it was to warn the people
and tell them to get ready because this could be stopped
very easily. We can decide for a future where millions do
not need to die, and the economy does not need to shut down,
and we don’t need to have chaos in our cities.
KC: Okay. You know I appreciate everything that you’ve
said and I was just trying to give you a chance to respond
publicly to all of that, and if you’re willing, we’ll
go ahead and release this part of this.
BD: Yes. Now here’s
the thing that is important, okay?
KC: Yes.
BD: People
need two things: They need to use their intellect... to study.
And me, I tell them: Don’t believe, just
read. Okay? Read the stuff that is in the open media before
they hear me or anything that’s here on Project
Camelot. And then they need to be very quiet and very
humble, and need to pray and say: Now was what Deagle saying
true? Or what Half Past Human is saying true, or
any other person that’s an intuitive or psychic or a
remote viewer or whatever.
Then they
need to follow through with action. Because in my heart I
don’t want our society to shut down. I don’t
want people to die. I don’t want our culture to become
a matrix. I don’t want horror to happen.
We have
a timeline where we are getting closer and closer to where
some of these issues become more inevitable if we don’t change our trajectory, if we don’t change
the way we make choices, not just personally. And we have to
stop this backbiting, this foolishness; and there’s a
degree of jealousy, too. I mean, to be honest with you, I’m
a messianic believer, okay? I’m for all religions that
firstly have spirituality and a connection with the Creator
God and the Universe. All, okay?
But I want
people to understand there is no room in our modern world,
whether it’s Half Past Human or any of the “Christian,
Jewish, or other churches” for a real prophet, and that’s
what I’m called to speak as. There’s no room. And
I can tell you that. They do not want someone to come in and
tell them that I was supernaturally given a command to go to
Zurich, Switzerland and receive these documents which I didn’t
expect to receive. And then to have a number of events happen
so I would be the number one whistleblower that the flu pandemic
was coming.
Even inside
the truth movement, I’ve received so much
persecution from even other truthers who believe 9/11 was an
inside job. You would not believe it, okay? But I’m willing
to do the right thing because I have the truth and I have a
concern and care for people.
KC: Okay.
BD: They need to see my heart. And if they are jealous
of that, get over it. I’m not here to play games or egos;
I’m here to serve my Creator God and save my fellow mankind
and all living things on this earth from a horrible end. And
that’s where we are going.
We have to wake up and stop this pandemic, stop the economic
meltdown, stop the State of Israel which is planning with our
help to make a northern attack of nuclear sites and 1250 targets
inside Iran. We already have a dialogue going on. We need to
pray, for example, for President Obama that he will not serve
his globalist masters but he will do the right thing so we
can stop Israel.
If any
of these one things happen, it’s a perfect storm
from hell. We are going to face a future that is going to be
so noxious, so dangerous -- people can’t imagine what
we are facing -- but we can turn away from it. We do not
need to go there.
KC: Thank
you, Bill. That’s
very, very, very succinct. I would like to ask you, regarding
the Israel situation, you say they have targets within Iran.
When are you saying that they are planning to attack Iran?
BD: I don’t have a prophetic word but I can tell
you from my military, and also classified sources as well,
the Israelis are going to do a full nationwide war game in
June. They’re also, this year (without a month designated),
doing a U.S. Space Command Anti-Missile Star Wars Weapon Simulation
with the United States and Israel. They do now have TAD, which
is Theater Air Defense. It‘s an advanced Anti-Weapons
System, along with the scalar plasma weapon and the chemical
laser systems, able to knock out missiles that are coming into
Israel. The problem is...
KC: You’re
saying they are going to do an exercise. When, exactly?
BD: They’re doing an exercise in June. That’s
next month.
KC: And that’s
within Israel or with the U.S. and Israel?
BD: Within Israel. Now, there is another game going
on with space command that is supposed to be sometime this
year and I don’t know what month yet, because my sources
can’t tell me. But, the one in Israel is June.
KC: Okay.
Within these games sometimes, as what happened with 9/11,
the game becomes a cover for some actual operation that takes
BD: Exactly. So it could occur in June during this game.
The reason we look for it is that in order to do a modern advanced
war you need what’s called air based intelligence,
etcetera, which is why they do supercomputers. They’ve
got Space Based GPS. They have to have all their material in
place, so it’s very, very likely that the attack will
occur in June during this war game. If it doesn’t it’s
going to happen from that point to probably the early fall.
If we permit
them to do it, the Strait of Hormuzand I was told this supernaturally
20 years ago -- the Strait of Hormuz
will be cut off. All the oil which goes to... about 80 percent
of it goes to Asian countries. Indonesia, China, South Korea
will loose their major supply of oil and the world economy
will collapse. The disarray will cause the starvation of a
billion people.
This we
can avoid if we prevent Israel from making an attack. There
is no need; as the dialogue is already started between Obama
and Ahmadinejad, who is now going to the elections in the
next few weeks. Ahmadinejad is now talking, which is a miracle.
If we do not move toward peace, the war that we are going
to see is not just going to take out people downwind of the
Bushehr reactor, which is 62 tons of Uranium 35, but there
is 1250 targets they are going to hit with nuclear weapons
including neutron bombs, bunker busters, and these new advanced,
what’s called plasma warheads, okay?
If they do this, I cannot say that we will not have an exchange
of other weapons. And almost certainly, and this is from actual
sources, there are sleeper agents inside the United States,
Canada and Western world in Britain, that have third generation
bioweapons developed by Russian scientists for the past 18
years since Glasnost and Perestroika. When these scientists
were starving, the Syrians and Iranians hired them, and they
have the most advanced biological weapons in history. They
will make even the so-called hybrid flu look like
it is nothing.
So the point is that we can turn back, but we need to hear.
The reason I speak now as a prophet is to tell them: Turn
back now because there is the way of light and safety and peace
and the Coat of Many Colors of Joseph, who is my Father, okay?
Because I’m of the tribe of Ephraim, or Joseph.
KC: Okay,
yes. I appreciate that. You have to understand that we get
people... I mean, to call yourself a prophet, this is not
unusual. There are many, many, many people out there right
now considering themselves the same way you consider yourself.
BD: I know. I hear about it all the time. It’s
really... it’s disturbing. Anybody who wants to be a
prophet is... how can I say, it’s a job no one wants
to apply for. If you do, it’s because you are imbalanced.
I do not want to do this job. I tried to escape it many times.
Believe me, I have been swallowed in the belly of the whale.
KC: Okay,
BD: I’ve been put in the place of these things.
If you want to do it, it’s like cleaning a latrine while
it’s still being used and you are under it, okay?
KC: Well, Bill, you know Project Camelot could be put
in that same category. We’re actually... All of the people
that are trying to warn the masses, if you will, as to what’s
really going on could be classified as prophets. It’s
better if we stay out of the sort of evangelical perspective
of ourselves and kind of, you know...
BD: There’s something I need to clarify. There’s
many people that receive a prophetic word, have an intuitive
knowledge, have a technology that they use...
KC: Absolutely.
BD: ...just like there’s “prophets” that
are coming out of the Hopi Indian tribe and others. But there’s
those who “don’t just operate and receive the prophetic
word” now and then, but operate in the office of the
prophet. I have to say this repeatedly so people understand
it: the reason why I’ve been in all these places is because
they needed trust.
There’s lots of things I don’t know, okay? There
are lots of areas I’m not an expert in. But when I speak
in an area like this flu or these wars or other things, I’m
speaking in the office of a prophet. Someone who has the authority
and right to say it. And you need to understand we have a choice
appreciate that. We are going to try to wrap this up right
here now. Bill Deagle has to go as well. So I wanted to thank
you, Dr. Bill Deagle for your willingness to confront and
to be open and talk about issues that are sometimes antagonistic
to yourself. That’s a wonderful trait that you have and
I just want to honor you for that.
BD: Yes,
in fact, we actually had a reconciliation; with Donna and
Mark Taylor. I actually spoke with them through a live audio
connection at the tenth anniversary of Columbine. That negativity,
by the way, arose because they had an offer from a movie
company to take the script, which we had been working on
for over a year, into a big movie.
We didn’t agree on the modus by which it was going to
happen. They had been offered a lot of money and we didn’t
want it to be degraded. We wanted the truth to be brought out
rather than to have it spawn into something else. And that’s
all reconciled. So, out of my discussion with you on that...
KC: Okay,
well, thank you for that.
BD: ...so
I can thank Project
Camelot. Now I want to say one thing. There’s
a chorus -- it’s not just myself -- there’s
a chorus of people who truly are called to speak prophetically
that need to rise up and say the truth, after being very
humble and making sure they don’t have a personal
agenda, that we need to turn back from this. We have people
like I’m going to have on the program shortly, John
Boncore, who’s a Mohawk prophet. He was prophesized
hundreds of years ago by his own people.
There’s Hopi prophets, there’s Jewish prophets,
there’s Christian, there‘s a list. There’s
people all over the world that are, literally I call The
Coat of Many Colors. Every skin color, every nation, every
religion who are starting to know it’s a time of decision
for mankind. We need to turn back now or we’re going
to face a whole confluence of super storms of economic, climate
shift, biological warfare, and evil.
For example,
there’s very good evidence from Len Horowitz,
and I believe he is correct, that the World Health Organization,
the CDC and Novavax are behind this latest release of this
weaponized plague that’s been released in Mexico City.
The globalists have published in their documents that they
want to reduce the world population. We do not need to go there.
We can have an alternative future where mankind is safe. Where
people have true human rights. Where people have the
right to grow and to believe and to have safety and healthcare
and food and not be exposed to toxic poisons or electromagnetic
radiation and have some degree of autonomy. But we are heading
toward a world where autonomy is going to be a thing of the
past, where mass starvation and violence are going to rule,
and I don’t want to see us go there. But we need to turn
back now because we have a matter of months, not years left,
to make that turn.
KC: Okay,
thank you, Bill. Bill Ryan, is there anything you want to
say before we end this here?
BR: I just want to say thank you very much Bill. There’s
total consistency with everything you’re saying now and
everything that a lot of people have heard or watched you say
in your 2006 Granada Forum lecture. We have a team of transcribers
who are transcribing that, and that’s nearly finished
now, and we are going to make that available to you as soon
as we can for publication on your site and everywhere, so the
whole thing’s Google searchable; translatable. We want
to get this information out there and support you fully in
everything you’re doing.
BD: Well, I want to pray for people and for you, too -- both
you, Kerry, and Bill -- for the wonderful work you’re
doing to try to get people to realize that we are co-creators
of our own future. We’re not a victim of the future;
we are the co-creator, but we also have to take our scepter.
We have to also realize that if someone dies in a third world
country that’s an untouchable in India, or someone in
Mexico City that’s living on a garbage heap dies, we
die. Some portion of us dies too.
If we allow
the use of depleted uranium weapons to kill little girls
in the Gaza City by Israeli troops, or we allow nuclear weapons
to drop on the Bushehr reactor and downwind millions die
from radiation poisoning, we die too. If we can feel that
connectedness in spirit, as a cell in the body of mankind,
we would repent and we’d turn back from that.
KC: Okay thank you. Very well put. All right, I’m
going to close this down then. Thank you very much, Dr. Bill
BD: Thank you Kerry, I really appreciate it. Thank you
Bill Ryan and God bless everyone. Now’s the time to have
a backbone to stand up for the truth and to pray and to be
humble and call on our creator to stand us up on our feet so
that we can tell the truth to others that we have to turn back
from war, from pestilence, and from economic greed and the
idea that we need to reduce the world population with lies
like a carbon tax...
KC: Absolutely.
BD: ...and
all these other evils.
KC: All
right thank you very much.
BD: Take
KC: Bye.
BD: Bye-bye.
BR: Thank
you, Dr. Bill.
BD: You’re
welcome. Bye.
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